After hearing Rocky's words, the strength in his hands suddenly increased.

The extreme anger caused Kidu to explode with even greater strength.

Can! It's all in vain.

His fist penetrated Rocky's body instantly.

His whole body crashed into Rocky's body.

The moment it passed through Rocky's body! Gidu had no idea what was going on.

He looked back.

Rocky still stood where he was.

It's like I've never left.

"He just dodged" glanced at Rocky.

Kido shook his head, 'No! No, he didn't move at all, there was no way he could avoid it.

’ He raised his fist again and prepared to hit Rocky.

"Where are you looking?"

Suddenly Rocky disappeared in front of him.

The voice came from behind him.

Gidu turned around sharply.

Behind you! Nothing.

"Can't you even confirm the enemy's direction?"

Rocky's voice seemed to come from all directions at the same time.

Kido raised his head suddenly.

Standing on a frozen lake.

Rocky stood straight there.

Her long burgundy hair flowed in the breeze.

A stream of cold sweat slid down Kidu's face! ! Drops fell on the ice.

He slowly looked at the mirror-like lake in front of him.

A pair of scarlet eyes were staring directly at him under the lake.

Those red eyes.

It makes Gidu feel extremely terrible! Such eyes.

A look more terrifying than any he had ever seen before.

Even! Even the Ant King, whom he always considered the most terrifying.

None of the eyes he had ever brought him as much fear as the red eyes he now had.

‘What’s going on’ ‘What’s going on with this human being’ ‘Why is it faster than me?

’ ‘Where did this lingering chill that enveloped my whole body come from.

’ The eyes under the lake seemed to be able to see through his whole body.

Let there be no secrets in all his actions.

He suddenly thought of Rocky on the lake.

Looking in Rocky's direction again.

'No' 'gone' He turned his body and looked around.

The sky darkened instantly.

Ice spreads from the lake below.

The whole world froze in an instant.

Cold, damp and cold.

Endless cold hits.

The base feels colder than ever.

He curled up.

At this time, Jidu was completely unable to think about why the surrounding environment instantly turned into an apocalyptic scene.

All he wanted now was to stay warm.

Just want a warm fire.

Because now his limbs seemed to be frozen into ice.

suddenly! A red light lit up.

'fire! 'Kiddu stood up suddenly.

His eyes were filled with red fire.

Now this red light seems to have become his hope.

He took a step forward.

He rushed toward the red flames very quickly.

‘It’s so good there’s fire’ boom! ! ! Boom boom boom suddenly the surrounding ice blocks disappeared.

The weather returned to normal.

And Kido's eyes suddenly widened.

He no longer knew when he was surrounded by flames.

Outside the flickering firelight.

Rocky stood on the shore, looking at him indifferently.

Those eyes were full of contempt.

Flames exploded in the middle of the frozen lake.

Jidu was also completely swallowed up by the flames.

It was burned to ashes.

The people who fell on the ground witnessed Kidu's death with their own eyes.

He felt as if everything he had just seen was a dream.

Gidu stood there.

He was alive and had Rocky tear out his throat.

Then he ran towards the lake as if he was crazy.

Then run in place.

Then Rocky slowly used his breath to turn into a ball of flame and threw it at him.

The extremely slow attack was originally unable to hit Jidu.

But Kidu bumped into it at a very fast speed.

Everything seemed extremely weird.

Until Gido was burned to ashes.

Luo Qi was about to turn around and leave.

And the man lying on the ground looked at Rocky.


He just spoke.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at him.

Let his whole life be fixed.

He seemed to see the looming red shadow behind Rocky.

It is eating Kidu's soul with its big mouth.

When he came to his senses.

Rocky has disappeared.

He lay on the ground gasping for air.

Everything that just happened seemed like a dream.

The monster is dead! That... strange kid seemed to have never appeared.

But the fire next to the lake proved that there were indeed people here.

But now he couldn't tell whether what he saw was real or fake.

"Is that kid a human or a ghost?" He lay on the ground and gasped, thinking about this question over and over again.

Chapter 390 I’m going to find Rocky

Chapter 391 The news spreads

Wow! ! ! ! Killua stopped suddenly.

It slid on the ground for seven or eight meters.

Only then did he stabilize his body.

Xiaojie also stopped.

"What are you going to do with Rocky?"

Killua looked up at Gon.

Xiaojie: "If I want to become stronger in a short time, I can only find Rocky."

Killua's face looked a little ugly when he heard this and he opened his mouth.

what you want to say.

But when the words came to his lips, Killua didn't know what to say.

Rocky is now a felon.

Too much contact with him may cause trouble.

However, Killua also had to admit that Rocky was indeed very powerful. Maybe he would have a way to let the two of them gain powerful power in a short period of time.

Can! Killua always felt that too much contact with Rocky was not good.

It's not because he's afraid of Rocky.


Killua couldn't tell.

Perhaps part of the reason is that Killua has always regarded Rocky as his enemy.

After all, Rocky came to beat the enemy and defeated his father and grandfather.

Of course, Siba and Xie Nuo didn't actually compete with Rocky.

But it was indeed a loss.

It may be due to carelessness or other reasons.

Two people whose combined age is several times that of Rocky should not lose even if they are cheated.

Killua was in awe of his father from the moment Rocky defeated his father.

He started to feel unhappy with Rocky.

Maybe it's jealousy, maybe it's fear.

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