Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 35: ordinary life syndrome

  Chapter 35 Ordinary Life Syndrome

  Accompanied by the booming editing machine, the editing of "Rock High School" gradually came to an end.

   Two weeks later, on February 20, the editing of the entire film was announced. The next step is the mixing work. The songs lip-synched in the movie are dubbed with the soundtracks on the album.

  The mix didn't need any assistants, and Ronald's job on the "High School of Rock" crew was completed and he became an unemployed man.

  Ronald did not try to find a way to join the new crew, but was ready to wait for the university admissions results to come out. In addition to running and exercising every day, supplementing sleep, watching TV shows. After two days, I felt very uncomfortable. I couldn't adapt to this step-by-step rest life. It seemed that I still had to find something to do.

   Go to Cameron to talk to him? Cameron is in the stage of high enthusiasm for a new job. He works until late at night every day, and sometimes even lives in a stunt factory. Not surprisingly, he and his wife Sharon fell out again.

   Ronald had to think of something to do himself.

   First hung up Demi Moore and asked about the situation. She has been signed by an elite modeling agency and has some graphic modeling jobs waiting for her. However, the acting work has still not improved, and I don't know when I will be able to enter the industry. Now I'm learning to write lyrics for rock music with my boyfriend.

  Demi also told Ronald that Natasha Kinski had already returned to the hair country to continue filming "Tess". I don't know when I will see her image on the screen in the United States.

  Ronald felt a little empty, and his daily life was much more bland than the stories in the movies. On the set, in the editing room, he was dealing with drama all the time.

  After a movie, Ronald is a little unaccustomed to the blandness of everyday life. It was as if he had left this ordinary world.

   Film shooting and post-editing, so colorful. Along the way, Ronald, a newcomer, has been climbing a mountain every step of the way since he broke into the film industry. He worked hard to climb and finally reached the top. But after the peak is flat.

   Now this ordinary life is flat ground. I am used to climbing mountains and then walking on flat ground, and it seems that I suddenly lose weight. Most people's lives are not as dramatic as the world on the screen. Ronald is still readjusting to a normal rhythm of life.

   Ronald drove aimlessly around Venice.

  When the city was planned, Venice Beach was planned by Los Angeles as a cultural center. The lower working class also had little to do with high art, and Venice became a center for surfing and roller skating.

  The municipal company has built roller skating venues along many roads. It is said to be a venue, but it is actually a circular ground paved with cement, which is quite rudimentary. The intention was probably to let people play roller skating in it, like the ice skating rink in Ronald's hometown of New York.

   But now, the venue has been occupied by skateboarders who challenged the tricky difficulty. Instead of using roller skates, they switched to skateboards and tried tricky tricks in pools, railings, stairs, and more.

   Ronald asked someone to borrow a skateboard and try it out. He soon discovered that he was tall and big, and couldn't make any fancy moves at all. After watching other people's wonderful performances for a while, I was very envious, but also jealous that I couldn't do it, so I left and went to see other fun things.

  There is also a surf club on Venice Beach, where tanned masters in swimming shorts are challenging the waves. They seem to have a fragile balance on the crest of a wave, wiggling around just not falling.

   There are some more daring ones who try to challenge the rolling waves more than 5 meters high and walk through the waves. The audience can only see a small person on the beach, and they appear and disappear in the huge waves. Although most of them ended in failure, occasionally a successful one emerged from the huge waves, and there was cheers on the beach.

   Ronald was also very enjoyable to watch, and couldn't help but want to play it.

   Find the surf club business office on the shore, pay the deposit, rush into the locker room, and change into swimming shorts. Picking up the newly rented surfboard, a fierce man plunged into the sea.

   "Pfft, bah bah bah." Ronald was overturned by the waves and returned to the shore in embarrassment.

   It seems that I am still not very suitable for these extreme sports.

   Then let’s play wrestling. Ronald tried again to find a wrestling gym to recover. But after driving around in Venice for a long time, I couldn't find it.

   is still the guidance of enthusiastic citizens, and there is a martial arts hall around the corner.

   "The martial arts hall will do, too," Ronald thought.

   Walking into the martial arts hall at the intersection of the two streets, the smell of shoes came on. Ronald frowned. There were a dozen pairs of shoes neatly placed in the hallway. It turned out to be a karate hall, and you have to take off your shoes when you enter the door.

  America's people generally do not know the difference between Chinese and Dongying people.

   They call Bruce Lee's kung fu, also called Karate (Karate). Dongying's karate and judo are also called kung fu.

   Anyway, it is a mysterious martial art from the East. When "Ajiu" makes a move, the enemy will be killed.

There were only a few children in the    hall, dressed in white karate clothes and belted.

   "Hey, ho, hi, ho" is doing basic moves such as punches, up and down blocks, and so on.

   Ronald followed the rules, took off his shoes, and walked into the clubhouse. The venue of the guild hall is not large. The whole floor is covered with cream-yellow tatami. There is no decoration around it, and it is quite simple. On the opposite wall were some slogans written in Japanese, and there was a pennant that seemed to be the championship flag of a certain tournament.

  The coach of the clubhouse saw an adult approaching and came up to talk. The business of the karate club is not good. This looks like a trainer. Are you here to play?

  Ronald introduced himself and said he wanted to find a wrestling venue, and the guide pointed him here, saying that the coaches here have real skills.

   The coach looks like a Japanese-Japanese mixed race, in his 20s, and he learns authentic Ryukyu karate. After the death of Bruce Lee, the business of Oriental Martial Arts was not very good, and now it is still supported by recruiting some children.

   The coach didn't have any opinion. Seeing that Ronald could wrestle, he expressed that he wanted to fight him twice. The two asked the students to pause and live on the tatami.

  Karate pays attention to inch stops, that is, to the point. If the coach's fist hits Ronald's face an inch, he wins.

   Ronald was not used to this, he still stepped forward and grabbed the coach's wrist, and with a twist, he threw him to the ground.

   hurriedly stepped forward to apologize, but the coach did not intend to continue the fight, but chatted with Ronald about this wrestling method. Martial arts of various schools have some similar moves. Ronald also learned about throwing skills in karate.

   As they parted ways, the two exchanged business cards. The coach said that he had also practiced Wing Chun and Filipino short stick fighting techniques. Ronald is welcome to come and try his skills when he has time. He has some good friends and can actually fight.

  Ronald looked at the name on the business card, Daryl Vidal, it really was already an American name.


   Ordinary life lacks stimulation, maybe you lack a girlfriend? Ronald thought.

   Would you like to have a Chinese meal to celebrate? Ronald drove to Chinatown in Los Angeles to try the Chinese food there.

   After passing Sunset Boulevard, and a short distance north, Ronald saw the bronze statue of Mr. Zhongshan and the high archway with the words "Luo Zhiqinghua" written on it.

   The whole person is relaxed. Although there is no memory of the previous life, there is still a natural intimacy with the Chinese-style houses, various Chinese plaques, and bilingual street signs.

   I just found a restaurant and ordered Yangzhou fried rice, plus a char siew, stir-fried vegetables, and regular soup. Ronald's tongue and stomach are in place. It relieved a lot of the boredom of McDonald's every day.

  I should have come a few more times. Ronald patted his belly, put down the excessive tip, and got up to go home.

   After taking a hot shower to wash away his exhaustion, Ronald thought of the idea of ​​finding a girlfriend again. How about looking for the two "dance stars" from Van Nuys High School tomorrow?

   Sitting on the sofa in the living room in a daze, Ronald turned on the TV. It happens to be the local TV station CBS-2 in Los Angeles, which is broadcasting the 51st Academy Awards this year, and the nominations have just been released.

  The two biggest hits I saw in the Daily Variety News some time ago, "Return" and "Deer Hunter" won 8 and 9 nominations respectively. And they all include big awards such as best picture, best director, best actor and actress.

  Another strong contender for the award is the comedy film "HeavenCanWait" starring Warren Beatty, who is self-produced, directed, written and starred, and also received 9 nominations.

  Warren Beatty is a well-known **** in Hollywood. Since his starring "Bonnie and Clyde" became a box office myth a few years ago, his power in Hollywood is increasing day by day. There are constant rumors of scandals with female stars from all walks of life, and none of his rumored girlfriends speak ill of him.

   Ronald actually envied him very much in his heart. Much better than two other famous Hollywood playboys, Jack Nicholson and Marlon Brando.

   The host is still constantly analyzing the probability of winning each nomination, interspersed with various entertainment gossip and interviews with the parties.

  Warren Beatty is a handsome guy, and when he was interviewed, he didn't want to say good things about his movie.

"'Going to the Wrong Paradise' is not a simple remake of 1943's 'Tai Xu Dao Ren', it's not a simple farce. He incorporates reflections on modern America and what we want to be like Thinking of life, and he's essentially a romance."

   Ronald listened to what he said and thought for a while, but did not understand what the handsome guy meant.

  The picture cuts to "The Deer Hunter", and Robert De Niro, the film's biggest star, is defending the film, stating that "The Deer Hunter" is the best movie of the year.

   Then came director Michael Cimino. He's a fat, fat man with big words, exaggerated movements, and a bit of a megalomaniac. The host introduced that he was born in commercials, and "The Deer Hunter" is his second feature film.

   But this time, he was criticized by many film critics and progressives. In Michael Cimino's 3-hour film, there are some whimsical plots, such as the American prisoner of war who was forced to gamble his life by North Vietnamese officers.

   Several prisoners gambled with a revolver with only one bullet in the revolver, the North Vietnamese officer turned the revolver, and the prisoners took turns shooting themselves in the temple. This is called Russian Roulette. Many people criticized him for talking nonsense, saying it never happened in the Vietnam War.

  Michael Cimino was plausible in the interview:

"I served in the green berets of the US Army, and when I first joined the army in 1968, I was a medic in the green berets, and I saw the whole spring offensive. I can only say that a lot of things are not what you can imagine. People who understand will naturally understand what I mean, and I can’t reveal more if I don’t. I can only tell you that many of the contents of this film can be said to be autobiographical.”

   Ronald looked at the greasy fat man on the TV, "No, he enlisted in the army and was dispatched to Vietnam in 1968, isn't he only about 30 years old this year? This fat man looks 40, right?"

  The screen turns to the heroine of "Return", Jane Fonda being interviewed. Jane is the daughter of Henry Fonda, a veteran actor of the golden age. A superstar with both beauty and acting skills. She has always been on the left and advocated world peace. During the Vietnam War, she called on the leaders of America to stop bombing civilians in the north.

This time, Jane Fonda was attacked by conservatives. The role she played on the screen had an affair with the old high school male **** and now the disabled soldier. When she had an affair, her character was still wearing a wedding ring, and her real husband was still working **** the Vietnam battlefield.

   This caused dissatisfaction among many veterans and religious figures, who accused Jane Fonda of immorality, and brought out the nickname "Hanoi Jane" that caused public outrage when she visited North Vietnam.

   But Jane Fonda defends that her film reflects the real situation of Vietnam veterans.

"Did you know? We actually shot the scenes at the Veterans Hospital at the beginning of the film. Those lines are the daily conversations of the Vietnam War veterans. Anyone with a conscience should watch this 'Return with Honor'. Instead of sitting in a room and imagining the brutality of the Vietnamese.”

   Ronald's uncle died in Vietnam. In Staten Island and New York, there are also many crippled Vietnam War veterans. He knows what Jane Fonda said, which is actually true.

   Gossip reporters seize the opportunity:

   "Jane, are you implying that 'The Deer Hunter' is not a real reaction to the Vietnam War? Those Russian roulette plots are imaginary?"

"No, I'm not criticizing a certain movie, but criticizing a bad ethos in Hollywood, I dare not face the truth. As for the 'deer hunter' you said, I think our movie 'Return' is better The one from , can better reflect the true face of that war."

   "Jane Fonda has re-expressed her position on the Vietnam War. Will her new film win the favor of the judges? The 1972 photo of her sitting on the anti-aircraft gun of the North Vietnamese People's Army has not been forgotten by the American public." The host began to summarize.

   The famous photo appeared on the TV screen.

  Ronald was getting sleepy, turned off the TV, and got ready for bed. It seems that this year's Oscar hits are all about the Vietnam War. No, and the Warren Beatty one, what's that called...

   (end of this chapter)

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