In-woo picked up the torch and walked to the nearby trap.

When I looked down, there was only black darkness.

She threw the torch down at it.

woo woo woo.

The torch went down, revealing a view of the underground trap.


Eventually, the torch reached the floor, and only then did the depth of the trap be assessed.

The depth was quite deep.

There were bloodstains on the floor, and all the golden orcs that could not fight the bleeding seemed to have died.

I saw the essence of dozens of gods.

I haven't counted, but at least 94.

Now you must fall down there and take every essence of the gods.

Of course, if Inwoo also fell down, like those golden orcs, he would be wounded and died without bleeding.

The effect of the item does not activate here.

There are shoes of God, but they are mana.

If there is no luck, you can die instantly.

Nevertheless, Inu did not hesitate.

“Come on, let’s go.”

In-woo looked at the last remaining golden orc.

“Chwiik. human."

“It’s a damn dungeon. A dungeon designed to be impossible to clear with a bad brain.”

Having said that, In-woo hugged the golden orc.

There was only one reason to keep this guy alive.

In-woo also has no choice but to enter the trap to collect the loot from the 94 fallen animals.

However, if it just falls, it will inevitably be hit by a kneading sound.

Even if he escapes instant death, he will not be able to collect all the essence of the gods and will bleed to death.

But what if there is only one golden orc left?

Currently, Inwoo had exactly 1,000 experience left.

In other words, if you catch one golden orc, you will level up.

When you level up, all HP is restored.


The only way to clear Stage 2 is right.


In-woo jumped down using the golden orc as a cushion.




At the same time as it fell, it spit out a terrible scream. Even so, the shock was less than the golden oak as a cushion.

But no matter how much he did, he was bound to suffer fatal injuries.

Because his leg was deformed and it was Inwoo who sat down as it was.

He barely endured the pain and looked around.

You can see the essence of God everywhere.

You will have to take all of those integers like this.

But in the present state, he couldn't even move.

But hasn't In-woo prepared for all these situations?

“Wow… !”

“The last remaining experience, you have to fill it.”

In-woo looked at the golden orc he had brought.

The guy was dying.

Without looking, he shoved his hatchet into the guy's neck.

Cushions are cushions too, but he was the one who brought them here in the first place.


[You have acquired 1,000 experience points.]

[Level has risen.]


As the level went up, all stamina was immediately restored.

At the same time, In-woo began to pick up the essence of the gods scattered here and there with a gentle step.

Just like picking chestnuts in an autumn mountain.

"ha. It's difficult from step 2 onwards. I need to be alert.”

You will definitely have to be nervous.

What would have happened if Inwoo had killed all the last six golden orcs?

He must have been forced to fall into a trap, and he would have been seriously injured and died slowly without being able to move.

It was an excellent choice to use one golden orc just before leveling up.Whoa whoa-

Eventually, In-woo bought God's suit and entered the transparent gate.

* * *

[You have entered the 3rd level area. Forced to leave in case of death... ]

“Ah, skip skip.”

[Step 3 God's Shop is open.]

Step 3 now. In-woo opened the store of God.

1. Your purchase has been completed.

2. Your purchase has been completed.

3. God's coat ? An item that can be purchased in level 3 dungeons. It can be purchased for 100 Essence of God.




7. ?

“Is this?”

The moment I checked the item name, I thought this was it.

The coat that Lucifer protected against Baal's attack.

That is clear.

In-woo checked the information on the court.

[God's Coat]

Kinds ? armor

function ? The ‘Growth of the Absolute’ skill is strengthened.

Additional Features ? Physical Defense +30%, Magic Defense +30%

special features ? If you spread your coat and cover your whole body, you will unconditionally defend against life-threatening attacks. (It can only be activated once per day.)


Inu smiled.

This was for sure.

At the time, it was clear that Lucifer had used the special function of the God's coat to block Baal's attack.

It can only be used once a day, but it was also equivalent to gaining another life.

In addition, the defense is also 30% the same as the suit.

In this case, if you wear both a suit and a coat, your defense will increase by 60%.

That's a huge number.

In addition, the most important thing is the strengthening of the ‘Growth of the Absolute’ skill.

Previously, there was reinforcement of walking and breathing in shoes and suits.

And the growth of the Absolute is a function that doubles all possible experience points.

But what if this is reinforced?

It's terrifying just thinking about it.

If the steps, breathing, and growth are all strengthened, the synergy of synergy will be preserved and the growth will be faster than you can imagine.

“Clear step 3 unconditionally.”

Inu clenched his fists tightly.

I couldn't help but be greedy.

With his eyes wide open, he glanced over the view of the third level dungeon.

“Hmm… … .”

It was in the form of a forest with trees and flowers visible.

“It’s not easy to guess.”

The first level is basic physical abilities.

Step 2 is a trap.

And what is the concept of the 3rd stage dungeon?

poison zone? swamp?

No, no.

survival? hide and seek?

Several families were embroidered in my head, and my brain ran quickly.

In this case, if there was even a hidden stat called ‘Intelligence’, it would have been easier to clear it.

However, the dungeon of the gods is a place where you cannot utilize the stats that took off from the human world and the demon world.

Because of that, my head hurts like it's about to explode, far from being intelligent.

“What the hell… !”

Was it because he felt the embarrassment of being a trap in the second stage dungeon?

In-woo couldn't take his steps easily.

Because he coveted God's items, he became even more cautious.

So In-woo opened his eyes and looked around and rolled his head.

But it was then.

"Eh! You are human! human!"

"what. government ordinance?"

What appeared out of nowhere was definitely a spirit.

A spirit of light belonging to a very rare axis.

Spirits are fairies that help people in their lives.

Why are such spirits here?

Could it be that this guy is the monster that needs to be eliminated in Stage 3?

In-woo raised his axe and was ready to attack.

Then, the spirit waved his hand and gave off a glow.

“I am not an enemy! Don't hit me!"

“What then?”

“Your helper, Goldie.”

“Goldie? Helper?”

"Huh. The monster of this level 3 is the Golden Ogre. Not me!”

“Who do you think this is Hogu?”

Should I really believe that word?

Surely it should be killed, right?


In-woo raised his axe.

But I had to stop.

You still don't know exactly the concept of this dungeon.

What if that guy named Goldie plays a role in clearing it?

‘Hmm… … .'

Yeah, it's best not to touch it until you know exactly what he's doing.

“Did you say helper?”


“Prove it.”

Then Goldie quickly flew up and approached In-woo.

From the body of Goldie, the spirit of light, a bunch of light was spewing out like a firefly.

It is truly self-luminous.

“I’ll prove it!”

Goldie, the size of Inwoo's palm, uttered a rather loud voice and began to memorize a spell.

Then, the buff began to surround In-woo's body.

[Increases strength by 100.]

[Increases natural life recovery by 50%.]

[Physical attack power increases by 10%.]

[Physical defense increases by 10%.]

[All stats increase by 20.]

Various buffs such as blue and red embroidered Inwoo's body.

Goldie, who surrounded the buff, said.

“The golden ogre is strong! It's hard to fight without my buff! And, I'm not only good at buffs, but also battles! Did I ask you to prove it? I'll help clear it!"

At first, I thought it would be good to use it.

As Goldie said, the ogres were strong, and it was almost impossible to fight them at level 8.

Well, even if you manage to kill just one, it would be almost impossible to get rid of all 100.

“You get that help.”

let's get it for now

Of course, you should not miss the string of tension.

You can't even trust a guy named Goldie.

it will be used to any extent.

He should always be mindful.

That this is a dungeon created by God... … .

* * *

[You have acquired 5,000 experience.]

[Level has risen.]

A gigantic golden ogre, reaching three meters tall, twists like a rotten tree.


In-woo checked the next target without even looking at the falling golden ogre.

- Whoa, whoa!

Piercing as if the eardrum is about to burst comes out.

In-woo frowned and widened the distance from the golden ogre.

Then Goldie came out.


Goldie shot a huge beam of light at the ogre's eyes.

-Take it off!

The ogre then temporarily paralyzed his eyesight.

Goldie began to bite the ogre at random.

It was like a piranha.- Wow! big!

An ogre's flesh filled the little mouth of his Goldie.

In-woo, with such help, swung his ax down towards the ogre's head to slash it.


He jumped and slammed it down with both hands.

Card Ouch!

The ogre's eyes flew out of the ogre's eyes along with the sound of the ribs falling apart.


the guy fell

It was an instant death.

[You have acquired 5,000 experience.]

“Whoa. Whoa.”

In-woo let out a rough breath.

Goldie cast the light of recovery on In-woo.

He quickly recovered his stamina.

“Wonderful, wonderful!”

Goldie raised his thumb.

With this, 99 golden ogres were slain.

Now there will be one left.

If you catch that one, you would be able to purchase a coat of God with 100 Essences.

‘Is the level 18?’

Level: 18

Stats: [Strength 43] [Agility 38] [Magic 8] [Health 44]

Undistributed points: 5

[EXP 5,000 / 60,000]

It's an ability that can't even show a business card anywhere.

But even this was important to him.

“Now we are looking for the last remaining monster.”

I've been muttering like that for a while.

A transparent gate has been created.

"Well… … ?”

It was the gate to enter the 4th level.

But he hasn't bought God's coat yet.

But, if I catch only 99, is it acceptable for clearing?

A number of questions arose, but the conclusion was one.

It is not yet time to enter stage 4.

In-woo turned his gaze to the forest without looking at the gate.

He then turned his eyes on to find the last remaining ogre. However, this area made up of forests had many areas to hide, and it was very difficult because it was quite large.

“… … .”

Goldie followed In-woo without saying a word, and In-woo went looking for the ogre for the whole day.

However, he was never able to find it.

“What the hell happened… ?”

At this rate, I could have died of exhaustion.

“… … .”

Goldie has not spoken since when.

And around that time, his head flashed.

'Ah… no way?'

One assumption comes to mind.

He seemed to understand the concept of this dungeon.

At first, there were only 99 golden ogres.

so I can't find it.

However, you cannot purchase items with 99.

So, who is the last monster?

In-woo looked at Goldie who was following him.

‘He was the last one.’

The concept of this dungeon was 'deception'.

Yes, the last one was definitely Goldie.

A normal human wouldn't have even 1% of hostility or suspicion towards Goldie who helped him.

But Jeong Inwoo was different.

He was a worn-out guy.

In other words, he would not be deceived or hit in the back if he could.

After thinking about it, In-woo's eyes lit up.

Then… He fixed his hatchet and grabbed it.


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