Emma is seated, and the wheelchair is operated to the small side.

Ning Xiaofei originally had some concerns about his physical inconvenience. He was more familiar with manipulating the wheelchair than he was walking. He immediately let go of his heart and did not do much more.

Later, she also inquired about Mu Tianye, knowing that he was disabled in a car accident in his teens.

Knowing Mu Tianye for so long, this is the first time he has mentioned his friend to her, and from his tone, he seems to care about Lu.

I finally saw myself today, and Ning Xiaofei’s heart is also a good pity.

The other party is just sitting in a wheelchair, but the two long legs are enough to prove that the height is not low, not to the face, which is not inferior to Mu Tianye and Xicheng.

what a pity!

I noticed the gaze of Ning Xiaofei, which was slightly sideways.

"I just forgot to introduce, Emma is not only my girlfriend, but also executive executive of CBS Asia. This time I want to talk to you about business cooperation."

Ning Xiaofei’s eyes are bright, “It’s like this, CBS has produced a lot of programs I like.”

Emma smiled. "I appreciate your creativity, especially the launch of ITV, innovation and forward-looking. This is what I really appreciate. In my opinion, Miss Ning is already at the top level in your country."

"Thank you." Ning Xiaofei laughed modestly. "But you have won the prize, I am just getting started, definitely not the top."

Emma smiled and then turned to the topic. "I like your humility. This time, I want to talk to you about cooperation."

This time, CBS wants to expand the market in Huaxia. Of course, it is impossible to simply open a branch office.

Compared to this approach, finding the right company and then annexing it is the best option.

When she first recommended Ning Xiaofei to her, Emma still had some doubts.

She admits that Ning Xiaofei has already achieved great results, but a little girl who is just out of the way is too tender.

From the press conference of Ning Xiaofei to the broadcast of her program, Emma has been paying attention to the whole thing.

Although her Chinese is still limited to the name of Lu Lu and some simple everyday language, she still carefully takes Ning Xiaofei's program from the beginning and the end, and let the assistant translate it into English word by word.

The one that surprised her the most was Ning Xiaofei’s ITV.

Emma not only sees creativity, but also sees unlimited business opportunities. She does not want to miss such an opportunity.

The studio just went online, and there are such big companies looking for cooperation, which is definitely a big surprise for Ning Xiaofei.

There was a flash of light in her eyes, but her face remained calm.

After these big winds and waves, she still can't be as full of humiliation as Mu Tianye, but she has already had some fire.

“First of all, I am very grateful for your approval, but this matter is very important, and I have to discuss it carefully with my partners.”

Her attitude is not humble, but she is not too enthusiastic, otherwise she will let the other side look at herself and the company - although the other is a big company, they are early entrepreneurs, but they also have their own dignity.

"Of course." Emma nodded with a smile. "We are only a friend-like visit this time. Let's talk about it for a while."

"No problem." Ning Xiaofei smiled.

Emmalo paused. "So, at nine o'clock tomorrow, I will bring my team over. Miss Ning should be fine?"

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