At this moment, there was a commotion from the crowd in front, and Alvin also got up and looked forward.

From the three-story building of the trade union, a man in formal clothes who looked decent, held a simple cylindrical horn in his hand, and said something loudly at the door.

The crowd was too noisy, and the people in the back basically couldn't hear what the people in front were saying. With his excellent ear, Alvin could probably hear it clearly.

The generous warehouse owner decided to speed up the project, put the warehouse into use as soon as possible, recruit a group of workers, and decided to complete the warehouse work within two days.

"Recruiting workers who can work 24 hours, recruiting 50 to 60 people, and those who are hired get a pound a day salary, the news exploded directly in the crowd.

"1 pound a day? This salary is a bit outrageous." Alvin watched the rioting crowd and couldn't help but back away. He could already predict what would happen next.

"There is definitely a problem, even in an emergency, there is no need to hire workers at such a high price"

For these people, 1 pound is a week or even two weeks' salary, which will definitely cause workers to scramble for places.

Gradually, the workers at the back also got the news and began to squeeze forward. As the noise of the crowd became louder and louder, the scolding sounded gradually. Now the crowd is like a dynamite about to be detonated. Now only a match is needed. There will be fights, stampedes.

"Beep, beep, beep"

The sharp police whistle sounded, and the patrolling police on the side also realized the seriousness of the problem. They took out their batons and pointed at the crowd, blowing the police whistle hanging around their necks.

However, these police officers with stable income completely underestimated the salary of 1 pound a day, which is a big temptation for these workers who can only barely eat enough.

As the noise gradually grew louder, Alvin's eyes flickered, looking at the three-story building of the workers' association in front of him. When everyone's attention was focused on the front, he turned and left.

Quickly walked out of the place where the crowd gathered, found an unoccupied corner, put down the canvas pocket he was carrying, and released Yuumi. The little guy came out and stretched his body, then turned his head and looked at Alvin faintly.


"There are too many people this time, and I can't help it, do you listen?"

Seeing that Alvin had been kept in the bag for too long, Yuumi, who was a little angry, quickly explained.

Yuumi shook her ears, jumped directly on his shoulder, Zun sat down and started licking the stray hairs while pointing at her head.

Seeing this, Alvin breathed a sigh of relief, packed the pockets on the ground, and untied a thumb-sized scroll from behind his waist. This was the illusion spell he made last night: "Mirror Flowers and Moon."

With a serious face, he recited in authentic Chinese:


Suddenly, Alvin felt that the paper scroll in his hand became more and more moist, like a flawless piece of jade.

The pure white flame instantly illuminated the shadow in the corner, and the slight sound of glass breaking sounded. He seemed to see a bright moon reflected on the water, rippling quickly again.

"Bang!" One person turned his head at the same time.

Just after applying the illusion to himself, Alvin, who was hiding his figure, heard a gunshot coming from the crowd.

"Won't it be appeased? Then your spell will be useless."

Alvin swaggered out of the corner, passing a man who seemed to have not seen him.

Going directly to the crowd, he saw Hassan Rahimi standing high, holding a revolver, with his gun pointed at the sky, shouting to the people below.

"It seems that the situation is out of control, and Hassan Rahimi fired a warning shot."

Suddenly, a stone flew out of the crowd and hit Hassan Rahimi's head, who was shouting to maintain order.

Blood left directly from Hassan's forehead, and the scene suddenly became quiet for a moment.

'Assaulting the police' is not a trivial matter, and these dockworkers certainly know the seriousness of the matter.


I don’t know who in the crowd shouted, and thousands of workers immediately started to riot. At this time, they no longer thought about high-paying jobs. They all tried their best to squeeze out of the crowd and leave this place of right and wrong, pushing and shouting in various ways. Cursing, police whistle, the scene was chaotic.

"Yumi, you see, help me to stare at that person first, and find you later."

With Alvin's excellent eyesight, he locked onto that person when he flew out of the crowd from the stone, and that person shouted "run", and then the scene went out of control.

Yuumi tilted her head and jumped off her shoulders, as if she was moving nimbly in the crowd, hanging behind the man from a distance.

Alvin bypassed the panicked crowd and quickly approached the three-story building of the workers' union. Occasionally, a few people passed by, but they all turned a blind eye to him.

Facing the edge of the street next to the road, walk to the side and follow the water pipe, and easily climb to the small balcony on the second floor.

Gently pushed the door to the balcony, stepped into the house, turned on his spiritual vision with a thought, glanced around a room on the second floor close to the stairs, and locked in the staff who were advertising and recruiting for the warehouse just now.

The well-dressed man, holding a teacup, stood by the window on the second floor, looking at the chaotic situation below, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, but the other party can't feel his gaze, even the Beyonder sequence won't surpass him."

Alvin gently opened the door of the room where he was, and according to the layout of the house he saw just now, Klein walked almost silently to the door of the room on the stairs.

He turned on his spiritual vision again and looked inside through the wooden door.

In his line of sight, the male gentleman, with his back to the door, focused his attention downstairs.

The innermost layer of the other party's aura, the color and feeling seem to be completely unified!

Taking a closer look, I could vaguely see that the depths of the other's "etheric body" was darkness, like black tentacles constantly twisting.

After the promotion, the spiritual vision has been strengthened a lot, and you can already see the darker color of the aura, not only can you see the aura through perspective and preliminary.

Although only the aura in the sight can have color, maybe with promotion, I can see color in the future, not black and white.


Alvin stood at the entrance of the stairs, calmly thinking about the results of his observations, and pondering the battle strategy.

At this moment, he suddenly retreated in the direction of the corridor, his footsteps still light.

The middle of the corridor is not far from the Untie the scroll behind the waist and unfold it, take out the pen and ink and write quickly, and the spirituality of the body is sent out with the tip of the pen.


I fell into a deep dream with poetry last night

The beauty of Taoyuan falls into the world



Then he saw the paper on the rotating shaft with verses written on it, turning into pieces of pink peach blossoms floating through the door into the room.

Just as the transparent peach blossom touched the door, the young gentleman suddenly turned his head to look at the door.

The pink spot of light passed through the wooden door and quickly approached him. The man threw out the water cup in his hand, and the porcelain cup filled with water went straight through, the spot of light.

The "pop" hit the door frame, and the porcelain cup fell to the ground.

Seeing that there was no effect, the man looked a little ugly, and pulled out a dagger from his waist.

"Official Beyonder?"

Glancing at the window behind him, he immediately thought that the other party might want to force him to escape from the window.

So he rolled forward quickly, trying to avoid these unknown things as much as possible, and there was no sound during the whole process.

Before he got up, he heard the door slammed open, and a figure in a dark blue work uniform appeared at the door.

An unheard language came from the figure's mouth.


A slight burning sound sounded, and a white flame rose up and hit him directly.

Alvin at the door was relieved when he saw that the spell was hit.

As soon as the man got up, he was stunned. He felt that he was not injured. He glanced at the light spot floating behind him, thinking that the other party's spell was invalid. There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he clenched his dagger like a leopard towards Alvin at the door. .


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