Throughout the night, Qiao Xun learned about this new world in the "Tower Network".

He has learned a lot, learned a lot, and at the same time he feels that he has lost a lot.

The new world is not a beautiful world, but a cruel, ruthless and very rational world. There is no romance and lyricism here, no literati, only confrontation and struggle, death and new life.

In the early morning, Qiao Xun withdrew from the "tower net" and looked out the window, the morning sun was shining on the city street corner. There is no sense of vitality, and dilapidation and depression are revealed everywhere.

He left the dormitory to go get something to eat.

Thinking of "eat", for some reason, he always felt that his idea was too simple.

The cafeteria is not far from the dormitory, just a few steps away.

There are not many people inside, probably because most of them are busy in the city. Those who remain in the control center are basically civilians and service personnel.

The food is actually quite rich, taking into account the tastes of various places.

But Qiao Xun's appetite was not very good, so he just ate something casually. Then he went to command.

As soon as he walked into the command station, he saw Zhou Sibai standing in the middle of the command station, staring at the light spot on the display without saying a word.

Joe patrolled forward.

"Team Zhou."

Seeing Qiao Xun, a smile appeared on Zhou Sibai's face.

"How is it, can you adapt?"


"I thought you would stay in the dormitory for a long time. Almost all the people who just came here stayed in the dormitory for about a week, accepting the change in the world view before coming out."

Qiao Xun said:

"I've already gotten used to it."

"That's true."

"How's the situation?"

Zhou Sibai's expression was a little low, he shook his head and said:

"It's not ideal. After the outbreak of the pollution wave, the pollution has spread. Polluting organisms have appeared all over the city, and in two communities, all the people were infected."

Qiao Xun frowned and said:

"But it's so serious in one night?"

"For metal disease, one night is enough to change the nature of a city."

Zhou Sibai smiled, not wanting to put too much pressure on Qiao Xun,

"But don't worry, the contingent members are coming. Zhidong City will not fall. This is an important port city in the south, and the Republic will never allow it to fall."

"But even if it doesn't fall, the follow-up recovery work will be difficult to do."

"That's not our concern. Dr. Joe—"

"Just call me Qiao Xun, I have already resigned."

"...Okay, Qiao Xun. There will definitely be pains in world change, just like a global war, which will definitely rewrite the pattern. This is unavoidable and is a major historical trend."

Qiao Xun nodded, then asked:

"Team Zhou, do you have any tasks for me?"

Zhou Sibai smiled and said:

"Why, I can't wait to do something."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"The main reason is to contribute light and heat to the organization."

"Oh, I believe it."

Qiao Xun shrugged.

Zhou Sibai said:

"You just joined the 'Tower', and the 'Tower' does not give you a high evaluation. Because the combat parameters cannot be clearly defined, the control team cannot be assigned, and I have no authority to arrange tasks for you. Of course, I can use my personal identity to give you. A special title of 'intern', visiting and studying with the team."

"Interns. Quite reasonable."

Zhou Sibai shook his head and said:

"But I must tell you clearly. The control team is very particular about cooperation and complementarity of abilities. You don't have any special abilities now. Even if you don't participate in the confrontation, you will definitely become a burden to the control team. The confrontation tasks performed by the control team are very dangerous, yes It is related to life and death. Therefore, the control team generally does not accept outsiders to accompany the team. I can only ask you if there is any team willing to bring 'interns'."

"It's troublesome for Team Zhou."

"Qiao Xun, do you remember what I told you earlier?"

Seeing Zhou Sibai's serious expression, Qiao Xun thought for a while and felt that it should be this sentence:

"With a heart of reverence for the unknown."

Zhou Sibai looked at him and said:

"I don't think I should worry about you in this regard, but please keep this in mind."

Qiao Xun nodded.

He knew very well that Zhou Sibai really cared about him. What kind of purpose does this kind of care have, he can't explore for the time being.

Afterwards, Zhou Sibai inquired in the internal group chat of Zhidong City Emergency Response Center—

"I have a promising newcomer here. Is there any team willing to take him for an internship?"

Internal group chats are real names.

Xu Caijie (leader): Wow! Team Zhou speaks in person, so we must pay attention to it!

Li Youyou (guide): Team Zhou is my male god, upup!

Zhang Hangyuan (Warrior): Team Zhou actually used the "very potential" evaluation. The newcomer must be very impressive. Let me guess, the spirit value is at least 200!

Guo Meng (fighter): Only 200? Who do you look down on? If you want me to say, keep 300!

Zhang Hangyuan (soldier): My, my.

Xu Sheng (leader): Team Zhou, what is the talent of the newcomer? Bai Ke, the guide of my team, was injured, let's see if we can let the newcomer take the lead.

Zhou Sibai looked at the words in the group chat and felt a little embarrassed. He can already predict what the result of sending out Qiao Xun's indicators.

Although he is very optimistic about Qiao Xun, the control team has been lingering in life and death all the year round, and more emphasis is on strength, not just a word of "high potential" that can make them accept.

He bit the bullet and sent out Qiao Xun's indicators——

[Member: Qiao Xun

Occupation: Junior Officer of "Tower"

Talent: none

Ascension to God Long Rank: None

Pollution value: 0

Spirit: 60]

As soon as the panel came out, the entire group chat was silent.

after awhile.

Xu Sheng (leader): I'll ask Bai if he can't hold on for two more days.

All over the city, everyone looked at the newcomer panel displayed on the screen and was stunned for a while. After refreshing it repeatedly, they found that it was really just like this, and they all took a breath of air.

It's really a panel with "high potential".

No talent, the mental value is 60, it has been explained that this is a downright ordinary person.

The only bright spot is that the pollution value is 0, but that's not the point.

Even if a control team wants to bring new people, at least it has to be useful, it can't be a burden that doesn't work.

Xu Caijie (leader): Let me ask you weakly, is there really no problem with the panel?

Zhou Sibai bit the bullet and replied: No problem.

Xu Caijie (leader): Ah, sorry to bother you.

No one spoke.

Zhou Sibai knew that they had given him enough face, but he didn't say that it was just an ordinary person's face.

When he was about to add fuel to the news that Qiao Xun defeated the dolls of "Eight-legged Frogman" and "Red", a message popped up.

Xin Yu (leader): Captain Zhou, leave him to me.

Someone was willing to accept Qiao Xun, but before Zhou Sibai had time to be happy, he froze when he saw the name.

Xu Caijie (leader): The society is my fishing sister! Call Sister Fisherman!

Xu Sheng (leader): As expected of Xin After seeing Xin Yu's speech, everyone watching the group chat silently prayed for the newcomer. Hope the newbies won't be spoiled.

If it was someone else, Zhou Sibai would have agreed immediately.

But... Xin Yu...

He chose to respect Qiao Xun's own choice.

"Qiao Xun, only one team is willing to accept you."

Looking at Zhou Sibai's complicated expression, Qiao Xun asked with a smile:

"Is the team special?"

"Well... the leader of the team is Xin Yu. You met yesterday."

The image of the red-haired beauty appeared in Qiao Xun's mind.

Qiao Xun thought about it, and spread out his hands:

"One is better than none."

Zhou Sibai said silently in his heart: Having one is not necessarily better than nothing.

Of course, he still respects Qiao Xun's choice.

"Okay then, I'll contact her."

Later, Zhou Sibai opened a private chat with Xin Yu.

Zhou Sibai: Xin Yu, Qiao Xun is really a person with great potential, you... don't mess around.

Xin Yu: Don't worry, I will teach him well.

Zhou Sibai: (sweating/emoji) Then come pick him up.

Xin Yu: OK! At the command post, right? We'll be there in half an hour!

Zhou Sibai looked at Qiao Xun, feeling a little sorry for him. He looked away and asked:

"Xin Yu will arrive in half an hour, do you want to prepare?"

"There's nothing to prepare."

Zhou Sibai said seriously:

"Qiao Xun, if you want to quit midway, let me know as soon as possible."

Qiao Xun paused, then laughed dryly,

"Team Zhou, don't be so scary."

Zhou Sibai looked elsewhere.

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