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Shuang Ling did a thorough investigation, and then said, “About ten years ago, the Beast Arena was the main means of making money for outsiders, but with the changes in the rules, it seems that many people now prefer to form cliques. Rob other people."

Lu Chen nodded, the small group of bandits encountered in the Wildlands for the first time, their strength is not enough to form a fixed local power, they can only make a living by guarding the newcomers.

"Brother mad, although the income of the trapped beast arena is high, it is too dangerous after all. If you encounter a cruel hunter, it is possible to kill it. It is safer to join other forces. With your strength, find a powerful one. The organization should not be difficult."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Didn't I say that, I don't like teaming up with people who are unfamiliar."

"Let's go and take a look at the Sleepy Beast Arena."

The location of the trapped beast arena is in the wild, but there are recruitment information in various nearby towns. Lu Chen and the others quickly found the recruitment information on the public notice board at the entrance of the town.

[Quiet Beast Arena (No. 6742), sponsored by Fang Saintess Tribe, Kazan Tribe, Man Snake Army, Death Army, Tyrannosaurus Guild. 】

It was the first time that Lu Chen saw the Legion in the Fourth Heaven. An organization like the Guild. Starting from the Second Heaven, the guild, a freely joined organization, has been replaced by a family or even a racial tribe. It has close ties offline. Crowd.

Perhaps the wilderness is all desperadoes, so this kind of organization will appear again.

Continue to look down.

[Winning bonus: 20000 spirit stones! Outstanding Performance]

[Number of participants: 100 people]

[Number of hunters: 10 people]

[After many efforts, we finally contributed to this purgatory-level difficulty arena, sponsored by the four top forces, and the bonus is as high as 20,000 spirit stones, which is unique! 】

[Many strong players have already applied to join this competition, and there is a hunter team composed of mysterious strong players. It is definitely a strong match! 】

[This competition was held in the top-level division of the Aran Shrine. There are currently only 3,462 tickets left for 10,000 tickets. 】

[At the same time recruiting contestants, due to the powerful hunters, it is recommended to apply for those who have the power of the middle-day general (individual races such as humans, the demand for strength has increased), currently there are 22 remaining places. 】

Perhaps this time the trapped beast arena is indeed very large, and there are also many people watching the recruitment information. They keep a safe distance from each other, watching the information on the bulletin board from a distance.

The safe distance did not prevent them from chatting.

"The saint tribe is sponsored? 20000 spirit stones, if you win, you will really get rich. Generally, the small-scale trapped beast arena bonus is a few thousand less."

"It's been a long time since there has been a purgatory-level trapped animal farm. I heard that the ticket will cost 10 spirit stones."

"You can sell 100,000 spiritual stones just for the tickets, and you can make a profit."

"Don't be jealous. To set up an arena of this level requires a lot of preparations, the venue, the reputation of the sponsor, and the hunters' expenses. I heard that the hunters this time are all super strong. There seems to be that butcher."

"The butcher is here? That guy didn't want to make money to be a hunter at all. His pleasure is slaughter. He is definitely a murderous monster."

"Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. If you don't open such a high bonus, everyone wants to be the one percent, but forget that most people will only become the ninety. One of nine people."

"Although money is important, life is even more important. Don't go to death without two brushes."

The bulletin board looks old, but it still has a projection function. Lu Chen walked to the bulletin board and clicked on the bulletin board to project a fillable menu in front of him.

"sign up."

The people around looked at this human race in surprise.

"Human? Humph, he's a newcomer, I don't know how terrifying the wilderness is."

"The newcomers always have someone who can't see their strength."

"Follow him, let him die."

Shuang Ling ran to Lu Chen, hurriedly pulled Lu Chen's sleeve, and whispered, "Brother Kuang, what are you going to do, you are crazy!?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "You heard it too, so many bonuses are very rare. Thanks for not signing up."


At this time, new content has popped up on the window interface.

[Please enter your ID, race, and former military rank. 】

"Only I am crazy, human race, military rank... I have never participated in the fairy army." Lu Chen answered directly orally.

When he finished speaking, a burst of laughter burst out around him.

"This human being hasn't even participated in the fairy army! He won't be experienced by any school."

"Hahahaha, I'm so ridiculous, a human race that didn't even participate in the fairy army, actually came to play the sleepy beast arena! Boy, don't be scared to pee your pants at that time!"

"Human kid, after you die, I will take care of your woman. Don't worry, you can die." A dwarf looked at Shuang Ling wretchedly. Shuang Ling was only sick, but his appearance was still very high. When the dwarf looked at the human race, it would have added points. Seeing Shuang Ling's appearance, the dwarf swallowed hard.

Lu Chen turned his head to look at the dwarf coldly, "If you think about any crooked thoughts, I don't mind killing you now!"

"What are you talking about! Your human race has no specialties, and dare to be arrogant in front of Lao Tzu!"

Shuang Ling hurriedly pulled Lu Chen, "Brother Mad, don't do anything here, I don't know how many people are behind him."

Lu Chen just wanted to start, when a new message popped out of the window, he had to fill out the registration form first.

[Your personal information has been entered, click OK to register for the competition. 】


[Successful registration, there are currently 17 people remaining, your entry number is 83, the competition will be held at 7 o'clock tonight, please prepare in advance. 】

The window retracted into the bulletin board, and when Lu Chen looked back, the dwarf had been pulled away by his companion.

Not only him, but everyone around him also left.

"Huh? Why are you all gone?"

"It should be ready to place a bet." Shuang Ling shrugged, "The ticket revenue of the Sleepy Beast Arena is only a small head, and the gaming business is the big head."

Shuang Ling said with some embarrassment, "There are many kinds of betting. They can suppress the championship or the survival time of each player. I guess they are going to suppress you..."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Damn, we are just a spiritual stone, and the capital is too small!"

"Brother Mad, you, do you still want to bet?"

"Of course, where is the betting point? A spirit stone is a bit missing, so let's press it up."

Shuang Ling brought Lu Chen to the betting point in the town.

The person in charge looked up at Lu Chen, and said lazily, "How much pressure?"


"How much is that?"

"1 Spirit Stone!"

The man stopped the registration information and looked up at Lu Chen again.

Seeing the other party's seriousness, he shook his head, a spirit stone can also be suppressed.

"Suppress what?"

"Number 83."

"Human No. 83? Just pressed this person, and you can't hold it for 10 minutes?"

"I bet him for the championship." Lu Chen said lightly.

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