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"Sister Shuang Wu?" The woman looked at Lu Chen in surprise, her blue eyes filled with questions, "Do you know my cousin?"

"She is your cousin?"

"Yes, my second uncle passed away early. We grew up together since childhood. Are you my brother-in-law?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, unexpectedly meeting Shuang Wu's younger sister.

In other words, there seems to be a little alike between their eyebrows.

Since she was Shuang Wu's younger sister, Lu Chen would take care of it even if she was looking at Shuang Wu's face.

"Brother-in-law, your elder brother, I was teammates with Shuang Wu in the third day of heaven, then follow me."

"Haha, great! Brother-in-law, I promise you won't be a burden to you!"

"If you call brother-in-law again, you can leave by yourself."

"Oh... Then how do I call you? I can't always call you to feed me."

"Only I am crazy," Lu Chen said calmly.

"You are the only one crazy? A fugitive wanted by the human race!"

Lu Chen thought she knew herself, but that was not the case. She only knew about Lu Chen's escape from prison in the Fourth Heaven.

Fortunately, it saves a lot of trouble of explanation.

"what's your name?"

"My name is Shuang Ling."

"Well, let's go, find a place to stay first."

Along the way, Lu Chen learned that the so-called secret realm of the tomb of the gods was probably related to the map that Shuang Wu gave him. It seems that Shuang Ling was also looking for treasures from the rise of the family for the Shuang clan.

"Do you all the Frost people like to act alone? I think that many big forces have their own families and organizations, and only you fall apart." Lu Chen said.

"Brother Kuang, there are not many remaining members of our Frost Clan, and the strength is also weaker than before. I don’t know how many times. There are not many who can enter the fourth heaven. And the situation in the fourth heaven is so complicated. You must find it separately."

Lu Chen nodded, and Shuang Wu had also told him that the Shuang Clan was declining, and it was not as good as before.

"You said you are an auxiliary wizard, why haven't I heard of it?"

"You also know that the skills provided by professional trainers are now becoming more and more useless. The truly powerful skills are obtained through special means. Our Frost clan used to be good at ice spells and was known as the strongest ice clan, but unfortunately... …The main combat method has now been lost, but there are also several auxiliary spells that are quite powerful, so I am better at auxiliary."

Lu Chen nodded, "So that's it, okay, first find a place to live and take care of your wounds, and then we will go to the tomb of the gods."

There are no major cities in the wild land, but there are many small towns.

Lu Chen and Shuangling settled in an unknown town, and finally found an inn.

"Two rooms of the same size. Stay for three days." Lu Chen was negotiating with the owner, and she felt that Shuang Ling was pulling his sleeve.

"What are you doing?"

"Brother Kuang, I, I don't have any spiritual stones..."

"You don't need to go out, and there is not much use for a room of ground size..."

The shopkeeper calculated the amount, "A total of 18 spirit stones, pay first."

Lu Chen choked abruptly in the second half of his sentence.

"I want 18 spirit stones in three days? What I want is the name of the earth, not the name of the sky!" You must know that the value of the spirit stone is very high, and the 18 spirit stone can already buy a lot of ordinary pill.

"Is it the first time for you two human races to come to the wild land!" the owner said impatiently, "I have an inn nearby. Go and ask who is the backer behind me. The backer is not strong enough. You dare to open an inn here. ?! This is all costly!"

"I tell you, you can also live outside, do you know if someone is poisoned in the water outside? Do you dare to close your eyes at night? Squint for ten minutes, maybe you don't know how to die!"

Lu Chen thought about this. There is no law in the barren land, and it is normal to be squatted outside.

"We are operating in good faith. You can look at our residents. The rooms are full. If you don't believe what I said, at least you must believe their choice."

The boss is quite good at saying that, although it is a bit expensive, it seems to be very safe here. There are more than a dozen people patrolling around.

"Brother Kuang, the barren land, for outsiders, the listed inn is probably a safe place." Shuang Ling also said.

Lu Chen nodded and quietly opened the backpack. There were a total of two spirit stones inside, which were left over from the last time the physical body was treated.

"Ahem, um, how many spirit stones do you have?" Lu Chen looked at Shuangling.

"Brother Kuang, I have no chance to make money along the way, I, I only have three left."

Although Shuang Ling was poor, she still won Lu Chen.

"Brother Kuang, how many do you have?"

Lu Chen didn't seem to hear this question, and said to the boss, "What about the herring?"

"12 spirit stones."

Lu Chen suddenly regretted it, why didn't he have the spirit stone given to him by Aisha!

Seeing Lu Chen's difficulty in getting out, Shuang Ling said, "Or, let's live in a herringbone size. Let's squeeze a room."

Lu Chen felt saved, and immediately said to the boss, "Herringbone has 2 spirit stones a day, right? We want one for two days. Well, Shuang Ling, give me your spirit stones first."

The boss put away the four spirit stones and glanced at Lu Chen contemptuously, "The poor ghost also brought his girlfriend out to open the house! The second room upstairs from 2nd floor!"

Lu Chen sighed, he was actually despised for being poor!

It's all right now, there is only one spirit stone left, and they still have to eat and get some medicine for Shuangling.

The house is quite big, after all, the wild land is sparsely populated, and you can see that there are patrols patrolling at this time by opening the greased paper window.

"Little Green, help Shuangling look at the injury."

The first time I saw Xiaolu, Shuang Ling said in surprise, "Brother Mad, is this... a ghost pet?"

Ghost pets are indeed rare, but most people are not so surprised.

"It seems that you have just been here for nine days." Lu Chen said.

"No, I have been here for nine days for two years, but I have been in the Four Heavens for the past year and a half. I didn't join the martial arts and went straight to collect information on the barren land. Therefore, the time I really experienced was a little short. I have only seen ghost pets in family books."

Lu Chen nodded, "It's not easy to be alone in the Fourth Heaven for so long. It's okay, Xiaolu is my friend. She is a very good pharmacist. Let her take a look."

After inspection, Xiao Lu frowned, "Girl, your injuries, in addition to 17% of the physical injuries, there are other special injuries."

"Ah, you can even see this?" Shuang Ling was a little regretful, she underestimated Xiaolu's medical skills.

Now that it has been discovered, she no longer hides it.

"Our Frost Race has run out of time. Before entering the nine days, I planted the Black Ice Insect. Although it can strengthen the ice attack, it will cause damage to itself after a long time."

Lu Chen was a little moved. What happened to the Shuang Clan? Why did he use this method of drinking poison to quench his thirst to improve Shuang Ling's strength?

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