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One million poison attack has become a permanent special effect, it is exciting to think about it!

Of course, Lu Chen still doesn't know if this has anything to do with his being in the medicine cauldron.

After half an hour, Lu Chen's image completely changed, and the ugly creature that was once was gone.

At this moment, Lu Chen's overall image is reborn, his image is between humans and demons.

A sturdy face, with two demon horns curving backwards on his forehead, his eyes flashed with green light, and every time he turned his head slightly, his eyes followed with green color.

The human body has devil wings, and the body is covered with green runes, faintly glowing with fluorescence.

Lu Chen saw his brand new look in the personal panel and took a deep breath, "This look is pretty good, it feels like a demon hunter."

In addition, as he absorbed more medicinal effects, his three-dimensional attributes and spiritual power attributes have been improved to varying degrees.

"Lying down and adding attributes... This feels too cool."

Lu Chen never expected that he would become a blessing in disguise and become stronger in the process of smelting.

I don't know how long it took before the top cover of the medicine cauldron opened.

Lu Yiyi looked at the medicine cauldron with a look of excitement, "Come on, let's see what I have made!"

At the moment the top cover was opened, a huge amount of ink mist gushed out.

"Hahahaha, it must be the best pill. Sure enough, the stronger the drug, the stronger the pill!"

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the mist and came to Lu Yiyi!

Lu Chen was only half a meter away from Lu Yiyi. Upon close observation, Lu Chen discovered that this woman was too perfect, but it was a pity that under such a beautiful face, there was a vicious snake-like heart hidden.

"The tiger is coming down!" With a boom, Lu Chen came down with a stick, and Lu Yiyi was hit without even having time to dodge.

28 million damage!

Only then did Lu Yiyi react, turning into smoke and retreating, then watched Lu Chen in horror, "Impossible, impossible! How could you not die!"

"You can't stick to it in the medicine cauldron!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "In the battle between the two of us, I made a mistake. I tried to kill you without finding all the items to deal with you. You also made a mistake. You underestimated me too much!"

"Now, we are back to the same starting point, this time, I won't make any more mistakes!"

After that, Lu Chen moved quickly and rushed to Lu Yiyi, "You are dead!"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Now Lu Chen didn't have to fear Lu Yiyi at all, the medicine cauldron was no longer useful to him, and Lu Yiyi's blood volume could not sustain Lu Chen's super high poison attack.

After just a few minutes, Lu Yiyi had fallen to the ground.

"No...impossible...I, I still haven't made that pill..."

"A golden cauldron is against the destiny, and I finally failed to go against the sky..."

Lu Chen looked at the dying Lu Yiyi and shook his head, "You only remember the first half of Shennonggu, but you forgot the second half of Shennonggu."

"Saving the world with a benevolent heart..." Lu Yiyi muttered these words, then Lu Chen smiled helplessly and desolately.

"Do you think I forgot? Hahahaha, how many years have you lived and how many things have you experienced?"

"Life is death, and emptiness is reality. Since everything is mutual growth and mutual restraint, how can you jump to conclusions about good and evil? Didn't Guigu and his party make you wake up?"

"Do you know what the Second Heaven Realm has? Do you know how strong they are? Do you know how cruel they are?"

"If it weren't for them, I would still be the eldest lady of Shennong Valley, and I would still go up the mountain to gather medicine with Yao Lao, and play with the children in the valley."

"I am not strong enough, how can I save the world? I am the only one who is crazy, you are too young, remember my words, Xiaoren saves the dead and heals the wounded, and Daren has nine days in mind!"

Lu Chen frowned, and Lu Yiyi's words surprised him.

Could it be that Lu Yiyi did not hesitate to sacrifice his people because he wanted to become stronger...

How can I save the world if I am not strong enough? And in order to save the world, he did not hesitate to plunge himself into a dead end... In comparison, it seems that Lu Yiyi's overall outlook is more admirable.

"Crazy for me, I have already failed, still have a chance!" Lu Yiyi finished speaking, took out a pill from his sleeve and threw it to Lu Chen, "This is your reward!"

Lu Chen frowned and took the medicine.

[Obtained item "Nine-day Golden Spirit Pill"*1]

[Quality: elixir]

[Efficacy: temper the body, permanently increase spiritual power by 1000 points]

The attributes are very strong, and it is still an "Elixir" that Lu Chen has never seen before, but Lu Chen is a little absent-minded.

Now the health of the woman lying on the opposite side has bottomed out, and the system prompts that the other party is now "seriously injured" and can be killed by another hit.

But Lu Chen couldn't do anything.

This time, the side mission has touched Lu Chen too much. He never thought that in the nine-day game, he would experience such a journey that touched his soul.

If this is a virtual plot created by Tianxing Planning, then Lu Chen will definitely give Tianxing Planning a standing applause!

This kind of plot is beyond his knowledge of the game. It is too ingenious and too turbulent. It can even be said that it has subverted some of Lu Chen's ideas.

"I'm the only one who is crazy, kill me, you can pass the level smoothly, do it." Lu Yiyi said.

Lu Chen sighed and didn't do anything.

"Kill me, I'm too tired, even if I beg you." Lu Yiyi looked at Lu Chen pleadingly, "Didn't you promise Yao Lao to kill me? Forgot?"

"If you are still unwilling to do it, then I can already predict that you will fall like other geniuses after the opening of the second horizon."

Lu Chen walked towards Lu Yiyi step by step, holding the Ruyi stick tightly with one hand, looking down at Lu Yiyi, "Don't worry, I will not be merciful, I am not as kind as you think."

Lu Yiyi smiled slightly, "Well, very good, so you might be able to live longer in the second heaven."

Lu Chen raised the Ruyi stick, but others didn't know how much energy he used in his hand.

"Can you promise me one thing?" Lu Yiyi looked at Lu Chen.


"Kill the Spirit Martial Yaozun of the Second Heaven Realm! He leads a force and is highly respected. He is the most noble person in the Second Heaven Realm, but please help me... kill him!"

[Activate the hidden mission "Personally"]

[Task Description: Thousands of years ago, Lingwu Medicine was respected in Shennong Valley to learn the art. After learning, kill the Luyiyi clan, steal the Shennong Valley forbidden prescription, refine thousands of mortals, and set foot on the double heaven. 】

[Task content: kill the spirit martial arts god. 】

[Task Reward: All ghosts in Ghost Valley will get super power, realm pill*1 (up to level 70 directly increases to level 10). 】

The rewards were not very tempting. After the Second Heaven, Lu Chen was confident that he would still be able to level up.

However, Lu Chen did not hesitate and took over the task.

"I'll take your request." Lu Chen took a deep breath, "I will let you rest in peace."

After all, Lu Chen hit it with a stick.

In the faint green mist, Lu Chen heard the voices of many people.

"thank you……"

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