Lu Chen hurriedly fell from the air.

Lu Chen, Xiao Beast, Rhubarb, and Xiao Yuan squeeze in front of the girl, Xiao Mao Tuan lying on top of Lu Chen's head, ten pairs of eyes staring at the little girl.

"Really looks exactly the same as Min!"

"Nonsense, it's not a puppet, this is what Xiao Min was like before."

"She is a living person now? Does she still know us?"

The girl in front of her was born with a pink face, a puffy face, thick eyelashes, and her eyes were big and round.

Suddenly, Xiao Min frowned...

"Who are you? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Later, Xiao Min looked at Xiao Beast, "Are you my father?"

Everyone was a little disappointed. Lu Yiyi said that Xiao Min might lose a lot of memories. It seems that she might have lost most of her memories now.

"Are you my dad?" Xiao Min looked at Xiao Beast with big eyes ignorantly, "Do I have a dad? I don't know why, I feel sad when I think of my family, but when I see you, I feel very kind, just like My relatives."

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt a pain in his heart.

Xiao Min still remembered that her parents had passed away, so she mistakenly took her familiarity with them and mistaken it for her relatives...

It's okay to let Xiao Beast be Xiao Min's father, so that he won't be idle all day.

Little Beast smiled slightly and pointed to Lu Chen, "Silly girl, I am your brother, and he is your dad."

Lu Chen was a little caught off guard, this kid refused to be a father, he had to be an older brother!

"You are my... father? I feel that you are Min's father..."

Facing Xiao Min's expectant eyes, Lu Chen took a deep breath.

Although he is not reconciled in his heart, he is a guy who has been single for decades, why should he be a father again?

However, Lu Chen couldn't bear to refuse Xiao Min after all, and said with a smile, "Silly girl, I don't even know my father. Of course you are my father!"

"These are the clothes your brother wore when he was young. Put them on first."

After all, Lu Chen has a lot of experience as a father. He swiftly put on Xiaoju’s clothes before and touched Xiaomin, "Why don’t I remember anything after I slept? There is also an older brother at home, waiting for us to go home. I'll take you to see him again."


Xiao Mao Tuan waited for a long time, but Xiao Min didn't even mention him. He stood on top of Lu Chen's head anxiously, trying to attract Xiao Min's attention.

"You are... Little Mao Tuan? Huh? How do I know your name?"

Everyone was shocked, Xiao Min actually remembered the name of Xiao Mao Tuan! Lu Chen didn't have this treatment!

"Roar!" Xiao Yuan looked at Xiao Min, looking very well-behaved.

Xiao Min frowned, "Is this a white tiger? I'm not afraid of it at all."

Xiao Yuan lowered his head in disappointment, it seems that Xiao Min did not recognize himself.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Xiao Yuan, you don't have a fixed form. This white tiger form is what you started using in the fifth genius. It's normal for Xiao Min to have no impression."

When Xiao Yuan heard it, he felt that this was the case, and he immediately felt relieved.

"Xiao Min...No, I couldn't speak at that time..." Rhubarb said unwillingly, "Wow!"

After calling for a few times, Rhubarb looked at Xiao Min expectantly.

Xiao Min looked at the rhubarb and immediately hid in Lu Chen's arms, "Dad, what is this, it looks terrifying!"

Little Beast couldn't hold back for a while, and smiled.

"Hahaha, Rhubarb, weren't you very confident before? Min is afraid of you, hahahaha!"

Rhubarb's face was black and forced to explain, "What do you know, it's because my image has changed so much! If it was the original me, Xiao Min would definitely remember it!"

"Xiao Min." Lu Yiyi came over.

"Sister Green?" Xiao Min called out Xiao Lu's name directly.

Lu Yiyi smiled, "It would be great for you to come back, we all miss you."

"Miss me... but, I, I don't remember the past..."

"It's okay, I don't remember the past, but we still have a long way to go slowly, and we will have more memories in the future."

Xiao Min nodded heavily.

Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Min was finally resurrected, and completely resurrected in the form of a human!

The first ghost pet he conquered finally had a good result!

"Little Green, you and Yaotong?"

Lu Yiyi smiled slightly, spreading out his palm, and there were two transparent red pills floating in it.

She gave one to the medicine boy.

Lu Chen nodded in relief, "Hurry up and eat."

Lu Yiyi put the pill to his mouth, suddenly tears fell silently, and the pill from his mouth was never delivered to his mouth.

"Little Green? What's the matter?" Lu Chen asked strangely, "You are just reshaping your body, there is nothing to worry about, right."

"Boss, if we are resurrected, then... Then we are not your ghost..." Lu Yiyi has already cried into a tearful person, "I, I don't want to leave you."

Lu Yiyi cried and put her head on Lu Chen's shoulder, "Boss, I don't want to reshape my body!"

"I...I don't want to reshape my body!" Yaotong walked to Lu Chen with tears, hiding his face on Lu Chen's waist.

Lu Chen's throat tightened and his eyes were red, he put his arms around Xiaolu, Yaotong, choked and said, "Don't make trouble, who said you will leave me..."

"Boss, we are not in a spiritual state, you can't take us with you forever."

"You, you don't know how to grow medicinal materials, and you don't know how to make medicine. Every fight is so dangerous. How can I heal you if I'm not by your side!"

"That's right, you see that you don't know how to refine tools. Mulong is willing to help you refine them, but, but you haven't thrown him on the seventh heaven..."

"You have so many friends and relatives, you can see how many years you only return to Earth..."

Little Beast was on the side, his eyes were red, and he said with a cry, "That's right, my brother Lu Yao is more than 30 years old, and my dad went back and spent seven years with him."

"And those friends from the nine days, I guess my father is not below the realm, that is, I will never see it in this life!"

Soul Xi on the side looked at Lu Chen as if looking at a monster, "No way, dignified Emperor Lu Tian, ​​can't refining medicine, can't refining tools? No, what can he do?"

The little beast was full of tears and said, "Fishing and cooking! The level is already fairy level."

Kunxi almost didn't faint.

"Fishing and cooking... Lu Chen, you have time to learn fishing and cooking, don't you have time to learn refining medicine?"

Lu Chen is also a black line. The scene that was originally quite touching has suddenly become a meeting to reveal the short...

He helped Lu Yiyi and Yaotong to wipe away their tears.

"Little green, boy, you can stay in any heaven and you can also go to the earth. My home is your home."

"When I break through the Nine Heavens and rescue my father, I will put down my footsteps... At that time, you will teach me to plant medicinal herbs and teach me to refine alchemy."

"Now, take the Rank Nine Resurrection Rebirth Pill."

With Lu Chen's insistence, Xiaolu and Yaotong took the pill.

Two golden lights fell from the sky, covering Lu Yiyi and Yaotong.

In a short while, the golden light faded, and Lu Yiyi and Yaotong had become different from the original.

The figures of the two are no longer in the state of spirits, and both have physical bodies!

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