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Brother Qingyi Tao's intentions are not sinister, you know, friendship is still live!

Many people saw that there was a duel to watch, and they were all intrigued.

"Is that the vice president of Kuang Lang? He looks really good."

"Is it the anchor?"

"Where did she have the courage to accept the duel? Brother Tao was a formidable PK game."

"That woman is also a Sword Spirit cultivator? Okay, there is no suspense anymore. The same profession, level, equipment, and operation are not comparable, and it's a shame."

In the main city of Xianshan, you cannot kill casually, but player duels are allowed.

In front of the twin towers, everyone gave way to a large area, leaving enough space for the two heads.

The countdown to the duel!

3, 2, 1...


After going online, Lu Chen just wanted to go to leveling. When he thought of Shimen World, he almost threw up...

I have been brushing the spirits for the past few days, and the level is up, but people are also going crazy.

Run around the map and pull the monsters together. After several giant faults have been swept and resolved, the cycle continues. I have been brainless for a few days. Surprises without equipment. Every time I drop the same things, the pleasure of upgrading is also numb. It's strange to vomit.

In the process of spawning monsters, Lu Chen was really boring. He bought the skins of several monsters before and changed to play.

The Youyue Silver Wolf, the steel-backed jackal, the three-petal flower demon, but there is no ghost.

It was Xiaomin who told him that Hauling was not a specific creature, so he couldn't get blood and talent.

One less fun!

"Nima, the essence and pure aura are enough, don't brush it, never brush it again... Go home!"

Lu Chen's home is Renai Peak.

Returning to his territory, Lu Chen first upgraded his spiritual source to level two, and then discovered that a spiritual source fragment could only increase by 5%.

His previous records have been broken in the past few days. Originally, Lu Chen didn't care. The blood of the tiger in the Tiger King Cave is now very cheap, and it doesn't matter if it is given or not.

The Spirit Gathering Pill given by Zhu Xian Pagoda only added 1,000 pure auras, and Lu Chen brushed more than 20,000 a day, and he was a little bit down on this pure aura.

But only the Spirit Source Fragment, Lu Chen still couldn't find another drop location.

"I still have to go to Xianshan." Lu Chen changed back to human skin and left Renai Peak.

When he went down the mountain, Lu Chen saw Batou Sanshou was still carrying materials. The copy materials were almost ready, and he needed to get a copy when he came back.

"There are so many ways to play, but let's do things one by one, first get the spiritual source fragments."


The key to a duel is the grasp of distance, the control of skills, and most importantly, dodge skills!

In nine days, in addition to melee general attack, almost all skills need to be predicted.

Senabis's huge fault swept, and the sword of the rain were all predictive skills.

And Leng Nuo and Tao Ge's "Sword Guide" are also predictive skills, stab the opponent with a very fast sword energy.

Skills to fight monsters are very simple, but hitting people is not so easy. You need to force the opponent to move, and finally attack it unavoidable!

Of course, although the fairy sword is a single attack, its attack range is wider than the ordinary sword body, about two meters, and it is not so easy to avoid the fairy sword.

Leng Nuo's operation, awareness, and anticipation are actually very good.

She is inferior in level and equipment, and she dared not fight in close combat, and both sides used more skills to suppress opponents.

The two sides played several rounds, and they also played back and forth.

Ten steps to kneel, one person excitedly pulled the interpretive handsome arm, "Brother Handsome, Sister Nuo is playing very well!"

Hua Luo Zhixiang pursed her mouth and snorted, "Sister Nuo has been practicing her technique, okay? In the future, when rehearsing the rehearsal, we can make moves that other people can't make. This is an advantage!"

However, the performance was chic and shook his head, "The friendship didn't try its best!"

"What?" Ten steps looked strangely, "No way, I think Sister Nuo is very sexy. It's not easy to hit Sister Nuo."

She couldn't help shook her head, "Nuo Nuo's position is indeed good, but her weakness lies in her lack of experience! In the eyes of professional players, these positions are expected."

Handsome also said, "Yes, what you often say about pre-judgment is actually just a routine operation. What a real professional player has to do is to "pre-judge your prediction"!"

"The fellow of Friendship is really good, you can see it in Zhu Xian Pagoda, and he shouldn't be able to deceive him at this level of position."

Shibu's brows furrowed, "So, the meaning of the acting brother... is he playing with Sister Nuo?"

Deduction did not answer, it was already a default.

Although Leng Nuo worked very hard and her talent was also very good, as the interpretation said, she lacked experience.

Not the experience of fighting monsters, but the experience of PK!

In other words, Leng Nuo's operation is still at an amateur level, and has not been honed in a real game!

Sure enough, Brother Qingyitao avoided Leng Nuo's attack and smiled slightly, "That's great, but unfortunately, I don't want to play with you anymore!"

An immortal sword pointed the way and shot out of Brother Tao's long sword instantly, Leng Nuo stepped to avoid it.

Just waiting for her to land, another fairy sword slammed on Leng Nuo impartially!

-313 (physical attack), -54 (spirit attack)!

"That position was actually hit!" Shibu said in shock.

Is this the consciousness of professional players? You have calculated that you will dodge in that direction next, and the time for the second attack has been calculated, and the distance you have moved during this time!

Pre-judgment skills are the same as directional skills and are accurate!

The master moves, and will never give the opponent any chance to breathe, Brother Tao succeeded in one blow, turned around, and another sword aura!

Leng Nuo hurriedly stabilized his figure.

Don't panic, don't panic! I can get out of this blow! He must not be brought into his attack rhythm!

Leng Nuo took a quick step backwards for a little reaction time, and then quickly dodged.

Seeing that she was about to avoid the blow, Brother Tao squeezed the finger of the sword, and the sword aura suddenly turned a corner, heading straight for Leng Nuo!

"What! Yes, it is the second section of the fairy sword! He actually learned the second section of the fairy sword!"

"This guy is too insidious. He's been hiding before, but now he takes it out!"

Faced with the sudden second-stage attack, Leng Nuo had no chance of avoiding it anymore and hit the sword again.

This is not over yet, the third sword qi rushed over again, and now Leng Nuo didn't know how to avoid it, how to avoid it to dodge the opponent's second change of direction?

"Ten thousand swords are sent together!"

Thousand swords can be used as a group attack skill, but it can also be used as a single attack skill. Multiple flying swords will attack random enemies in front of you.

When there is only one enemy in front of you, this skill becomes a terrifying high-burst single attack skill.

"Sorry, you are too rubbish!" The corner of Brother Tao's mouth raised slightly.

The half-blooded Leng Nuo was attacked by seven flying swords in a row, and his blood volume disappeared instantly and fell to the ground!

Brother Tao turned to look at the camera of the member in charge of the live broadcast, and said loudly, "I'm sorry, this battle, the leader of the friendship against the leader of the wild wave, the friendship crushes and wins!"

"Sister Nuo!" Shibu and others rushed over to help Leng Nuo.

Leng Nuo's eyes were red, and he stood up suddenly, "Why is the duel between you and me in the name of the guild!"

"I'm withdrawing from the crazy wave now, so in this duel, it's just that you won me, it doesn't mean that friendship has won the crazy wave!"

"Oh? Such a personality?" Brother Tao raised his eyebrows and looked at the red high heels with interest.

The Guild of Nine Days does not quit after you quit. Once you quit, you will no longer be able to join this guild!

This woman has been taking care of the crazy waves. It is good to be able to force her to quit the crazy waves. I believe that in the near future, the crazy waves will exist in name only.

"Then you will retreat."

Leng Nuo took a deep breath and looked back at the members of Kuang Lang.

Maybe many people joined the wild waves for the sake of namelessness, but after a few days, they will know that the waves do not mean namelessness.

The reason why many people choose to stay in such a very amateur team is actually because of the vice president.

She is not the strongest, she always has a cold face towards others, but for the members, she has always been the most caring.

Without Sister Nuo, there would be no Crazy Waves Guild with more than 300 people today!

"Sister Nuo, don't go..."

Leng Nuo lowered her head, endured tears, and said, "I have learned a lot during this period of time, thank you everyone."

"I don't want to be insulted wantonly by the word mad waves, so I must go."

"Brother Handsome, you will be the deputy leader in the future...Also, I will give you the beast. The leader gave the beast to the Wild Wave Guild, not me."

"Nuo Nuo!" Handsome looked at Leng Nuo with a heartache, but at this time, perhaps Leng Nuo's approach was the most sensible.

The price of a beast, millions? Million? The market could not give the answer, because no one sold the beast, but the vice chairman did not take it for himself, which fully explained what kind of person she was.

And her efforts are obvious to everyone. At this time, handsome only hates that his equipment is too poor and his professional level is too low to protect the crazy waves and protect Nuonuo!

"Everyone must work hard...bye..." Leng Nuo finished speaking, turning around and about to leave.

At this moment, a familiar and unfamiliar voice suddenly remembered.

"Do I agree that you left?"

Hearing this sound, everyone looked in the direction of the sound source in shock.

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