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Lu Chen's explanation did not stop the buyers. In the end, the dark frost cloak was sold at a unit price of 50,000 yuan!

The price of the Dark Frost Cloak is almost twice that of the Shadow Gale Jacket!

It was also from the dark frost cloak that the auction really entered its climax.

"Everyone has seen the special effect enhancement effect of the Dark Frost Cloak. Below, I will sell them according to the suit. Shadow Gale plus Dark Frost, plus night trousers, three pieces into a set." Lu Chen showed the three pieces of equipment on Public screen.

When the Tiger King three-piece suit was displayed together, people had a more intuitive understanding of the powerful attributes of the Tiger King three.

A total of 71 physical defenses, 24 smart defenses!

Three-dimensional 84 power, 112 min, 82 body, basic attributes provide 84 attack, 42 ​​physical defense, 1640 HP!

In addition, there are four special effects skills: "Wind Movement", "Night Demon", "Frozen Roar", and "Blue Flame Real Fire".

"I rely on, one piece and three pieces are not a concept at all." Some players sighed, "The three pieces of Tiger King add 113 physical defense, 24 spiritual defense, and 1600 HP. With these three pieces, the guild tanks are simply inevitable. Prepare it."

"The three pieces of Tiger King are really comprehensive. The offensive and defensive blood has been fully improved. It is definitely a qualitative change!"

"No wonder Brother Wuming is so cruel, think about it, the Tiger King three-piece suit plus Tiger Weeping, that attribute is so abnormal!"

There is no doubt that the three pieces of Tiger King are currently the top-level armors, and currently only the Shadow Gale jacket can be played out, the other two pieces are difficult to meet the requirements for activating hidden BOSS with the current team.

Unless... get the Tiger King three pieces and Tiger Cry in advance!

Therefore, when Lu Chen sold three pieces of Tiger King in a suit, the auction went crazy.

100,000, 110,000, 130,000... 170,000!

The first set of three Tiger Kings was sold for 170,000 yuan. If calculated according to the previous price, the price of the night trousers has been fired to nearly 100,000!

Lu Chen has 24 sets in hand, all of which are sold at a price of not less than 150,000!

Looking at a transaction record, Lu Chen became nervous.

"Nima, how much is it today..." Lu Chen didn't dare to think about it, there was still a big head behind.

"Below is Tiger Weeping."

After Tiger Cry appeared on the public screen, I don't know how many people clicked on this most powerful piece of equipment to view it.

Although Lu Chen once demonstrated the attributes of Tiger Weeping, it did not affect people's repeated viewing.

The 74-86 attack was far away from the black iron and golden sword of the same level, with 56 power in three dimensions, 68 agility, and 64 body. It was slightly less than the Tiger King three pieces, it was ruthless!

Of course, the strongest thing about Tiger Cry is its additional attributes!

Add 22 crit chance and 160% explosion damage. Once you crit, the damage will instantly explode!

Tiger down the mountain: Three attacks become a combo, and the combo attack power is 80% damage. Tiger Howl: Turn all the next three attacks into spiritual attacks.

"Nima, Tiger Cry deserves to be a purple outfit. The attributes and special effects are too abnormal."

"I really want it too much, but I can't afford it!"

"Don't underestimate the Tiger Howl skill. Even if the Tiger King's three-piece suit is equipped, there are only 24 spiritual defenses. If all the attack power is converted to spiritual attack, the opponent will almost take all the damage."

"Now the spiritual defense is low, even the BOSS doesn't have any spiritual defense. The Tiger Roar is indeed abnormal, and it is not inferior to the Tiger down the mountain."

"You didn't say the point, the point is, Tiger Cry is so handsome... the purple double swords are handsome at the moment they are out of the sword, they are just a forceful weapon."

Tiger Cry really became the focus of competition among the major guilds.

Lu Chen set a starting price of 50,000, but the first buyer directly raised it to 120,000!

150,000, 170,000, 200,000...220,000!

The first tiger cry, 220,000 sold!

Lu Chen sold 24 Tiger Cry.

Lu Chen couldn't figure out how much money was in the bank card.

After the equipment was sold out, Lu Chen sold the tiger's blood and the tiger's head together.

These two materials are required to upgrade the professional level, and the price is not low.

The price of Tiger's Blood was about 3000 yuan, and Lu Chen sold 60 of them.

The price of Tiger Head was around 10,000 yuan, and Lu Chen sold 20 of them.


The auction did not end until 11pm.

Lu Chen didn't care about the joys and sorrows of this auction. Once the auction ended, he went offline.

The first thing after going offline, Lu Chen immediately checked all transaction records and checked accounts.

With so much money, Lu Chen calculated his income with his mobile phone.

"The Youjin Sword’s 770,000, plus 54,000, plus 100,000, 3.8 million plus Tiger King’s three pieces, 5.4 million plus Tiger Weeping, plus 390,000 materials, the total is... 9.75 million! No, during the day. He also sold 800,000 materials, plus this 800,000..." Lu Chen stared at him, slowly raising his head incredibly, "I made... 10 million!"

Check the bank card, now Lu Chen has 14 million on the two bank cards!

"This Nima! It's a profit!"

At the beginning, Lu Chen entered the nine days, that is, thinking that he could earn three or four thousand yuan a month, which is better than going to work.

In addition, the younger sister is more than 2,000 a month, and the siblings can still live without saving a little.

But who would have thought that in less than a month, Lu Chen had already earned 10 million!

The 10 million family property should be counted as a wealthy person in Jiangcheng, a small city.

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly felt relieved.

At the beginning, he and his sister were gnawing on a bun under the eaves, picking up the food in the trash can, the expired food in the supermarket...

He said he should take good care of Lu Yi, but he has never done it.

But today, he finally did it!

Even if he doesn't make money in the future, this money is enough for him and his sister to live, and they are living well!

The silly girl is still working overtime every day. She has been working very hard. She said that she would make a wife's money for her brother, so now only a small number of people don't know the nameless brother, including that silly girl.

She has no time to care about other things, she must quickly level up before she can enter the main guild in order to make more money.

Others repeatedly looked at the perverted attributes of Tiger Weeping, but now Lu Chen only wanted to repeatedly look at the balance in the bank card.

"Silly girl, we will not be poor in the future!"


The Jiangshi Sunshine Garden real estate is still more than half a month away from the official sale of the small high-rise real estate, but the villa area is already on sale.

However, the price of the villa area in Sunshine Garden is not cheap, and the hard-covered ones cost 4 to 5 million, and the sales are not very good.

On this day, some older people in the sales office are leisurely looking at the properties.

The experienced sales lady is too lazy to care about these customers, but is a very young girl who is trying very hard to sell, "Master, I will introduce you."

"Little girl, haven't the market opened yet? I'll take a look, you can go ahead."

"It's okay uncle, it's my job to introduce you to me."

Several sales ladies were sitting aside, and one of the women with heavy makeup snorted disdainfully, "I am a little bit pretty and fluttering. I offended the manager. I was sent to buy a villa."

"Sister Liu, I heard that it was the ideals to dive into her, is it true?"

"Who knows, anyway, I only know that if you can't sell the house, just wait for it to be fired."

At this moment, a young man came in through the gate. This man was wearing a baseball cap with the brim of his hat pressed very low, making it difficult to see what he looked like.

His clothes are simple, and there is no brand of clothes on his body.

"Here is another poor man, look at that woman, she must be introduced again, idiot."

As soon as the young man entered the sales office, Xiao Wei greeted him, "Hello, do you want to see the house?"

"Let's take a look first, can you recommend it for me?"

"Do you want to look at the small or high-level?"

"I look at the villa." The young man said calmly.

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