evil system

Chapter 070

“Deceptive、、、、、 but 、、、 Keya, you actually volunteered to join the Free Pirates as a pirate?!” Usopp felt that his three views were shattered, and he had the urge to vomit blood, and was stunned, “Didn’t they pull you away at that time?!” Didn’t you 、、、 say you didn’t want to be a pirate? How, how could it be 、、、、、”

“I’m sorry, Usopp、、、、、,” Koya looked at Usopp apologetically, “I am very happy on the boat these days, not only can I teach myself medical skills, but I can also see all kinds of people and beautiful scenery on the sea, compared to staying in a cold room, being able to go out to sea and see so many interesting things, it is really great!” So, I’m really happy to be able to follow Vic and them out to sea、、、、I’m sorry, Usopp, for you coming to me specifically、、、、”

“Hahaha, what, it’s like this!” Luffy finally understood, it turned out to be Usopp’s wishful thinking, and the eldest lady herself was willing to join the Free Pirates as a pirate, and she didn’t need Usopp to save it.

Hearing Luffy’s laughter, everyone present turned their eyes to the kid in the straw hat.

“-Finally saw it!” Vic thought he would be especially excited to see an idol from his past life. However, the fact is that apart from a slight excitement after the first sight, it is now completely indifferent.

After all, this is a real world, unlike the flat comics, he himself is also a member of this world, and now looking at Luffy and Solon, he doesn’t feel much.

– Straw Hat Luffy, Pirate Hunter Solon, Nami、、、、 Huh? Why didn’t I see Nami?! Vic held the wine glass and quietly looked at the protagonist who could only be seen in the manga in his previous life, the wine glass in his hand swayed slightly, but when he saw that Nami was not there, he couldn’t help but frown.

Outside Bharati’s restaurant –

Taking advantage of Johnny and Josa’s lack of attention, Nami knocked them all unconscious and threw them on the deck of Bharati, and quietly slipped away alone on the Golden Melly.

“Hey, why did that ship go?!” The pirates on the Liberty saw the Golden Melly drive away, and immediately asked strangely.

“Who knows, leave it alone, let’s keep drinking-” the other pirates shouted and began to enjoy the wine and food brought by the Bharati chefs.

In terms of eating and drinking, Vic did not owe these cannon fodder, after all, they also let them work for themselves!

“Goodbye, Luffy, Solon, Usopp、、、、” Nami looked at the Barati restaurant far behind her with teary eyes, and couldn’t help but cry.

Before, when she learned that the big ship on the opposite side was the ship of the Free Pirates, Nami moved the idea of leaving here immediately on the Golden Melly, after all, such a powerful pirate force as the Free Pirates, if there is a conflict, it is definitely not Luffy they can deal with, and she can’t die in this place.

The villagers of Orange Island are still waiting for her to take the money to redeem from Aaron, she must not die here, Nami secretly cheers herself up, although she is very distressed to deceive Luffy and them, but compared to it, Orange Island is more important to herself.

Inside the Bharati restaurant –

“Usopp, are they your partners?!” Koya looked at Luffy and Solon and asked curiously.

“That’s right, I’m Monchi-D-Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, the man who wants to become One Piece!” Luffy grinned, revealing a mouthful of big white teeth.

“Well, how dare I say it-” Celia looked at Luffy in surprise, but she didn’t expect that this boy, who looked a few years older than herself, would actually open her mouth to become One Piece.

Hawkins calmly drank the red wine, glanced at Luffy, and a trace of disdain flashed on his face.

“This is Roronoa Solon, a three-bladed swordsman!” Usopp immediately pointed to Solon and introduced, and finally complained, “Although he is still a road idiot、、、、

“You bastard want to be hacked to death by me、、、、 Solon, who was exposed, turned dark and yelled at Usopp’s fangs.

“Hehe, sorry, sorry、、、、、,” Usopp quickly begged for mercy, and then continued, “We also have a crew member, a female navigator, her name is Nami, she is still changing clothes on the ship, she will come over soon, I will introduce you to you later!” ”

“It’s wonderful, Usopp, that you finally went to sea as a pirate and found a partner!” Keya said happily.

“Hahaha, although they look quite weak, they are actually very strong-” Usopp said proudly.

‘Bang bang-‘

“You’re weak-” Luffy and Solon punched Usopp in the face at the same time, roaring angrily.


“Hehe、、、、 I can see that your relationship is really good!” Keya covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

“Monchi-D-Luffy、、、、、 hehe, this last name is really thunderous!” Vic laughed softly, slowly stood up, and looked at Luffy, “The grandson of naval hero Karp, what a long-time daimyo!” ”

“Ah, do you even know my grandfather?!” Luffy was surprised that Vic could tell his relationship with Karp, after all, he had never seen his parents in such a remote village as Donghai Windmill Village since he was a child, and basically grew up with his grandfather, and few people knew about his relationship with his grandfather Karp.

“-What?!” Hawkins held the cup in his hand, his face suddenly showed surprise, his eyes were glued to Luffy, and he said in disbelief, “This kid?!” He is actually the grandson of the naval hero Vice Admiral Karp ?! This is amazing news、、、、、”

“- he is the grandson of naval hero Karp ?!”

Celia and Koya are also shocked, after all, the name of the naval hero Karp is too big, the most famous of which is that he once chased the One Piece King Gore D. Roger to escape, with his outstanding battle merits, was awarded the title of ‘Naval Hero’ by the world government, widely known around the world, it can be said that Celia and Koya grew up listening to the story of the naval hero Vice Admiral Karp.

“Hey, it’s really fake-” Usopp held his head in his hands and looked at Luffy with a shocked face, “Your grandfather is actually a naval hero Vice Admiral Karp、、、、 it’s really amazing, grandpa is a big man like a naval hero, but his grandson has become a pirate、、、、 it’s over, it’s over, if this matter is exposed, it will definitely become big news!” ”

Solon was also full of surprise, “- It’s amazing, Luffy, we’ve never heard you talk about your grandfather being a naval hero Vice Admiral Karp!” ”

Luffy didn’t think anything about it, scratching his hair with one hand and laughing, “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to hide it from you, and I was my own dream to be a pirate, and it had nothing to do with my grandfather, so I didn’t mention him!” ”

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