evil system

Chapter 068

“Paddy, you come and arrange for the guests-” Tetsuo ordered to Paddy beside him.

“Yes, head chef-” Paddy immediately agreed, then turned to look at Vic and them, quickly took out the service smile that he had practiced hundreds of times, and politely led the way in front, “Dear guests, please come with me, this is the best window position of the restaurant, where you can dine while enjoying the scenery of the sea, the food scenery is definitely the best enjoyment、、、、、”

Vic, Hawkins, Celia, and Koya sat together, and as a maid, Selinda could only stand behind Vic and do some work of serving tea and pouring water.

Fursman and a few of his pirates sat at a table next to them, ready to listen to the captain’s orders.

Tetsuo returned to the kitchen with the chefs, and the chefs behind him immediately began to talk.

“It’s worthy of our head chef, Mr. Chef, even the sea thief from the North Sea has heard the name of ‘Redfoot’ Tetsuo, it’s really powerful——”

“–What is said is that such a sea thief actually plans to invite the head chef to the ship as a partner, gee, how nice it would be if I did!”

“Hahaha, what stupid thing are you talking about! Even if you want to join, people don’t want it! ”

“However, that captain is really not very old!”

“Hahaha, that’s right, that’s right, I’m afraid it should be about the same age as Sanji! I didn’t expect that he was already a sea thief with a famous bounty of more than 100 million、、、、

“Less verbose, if I could go out to sea as a pirate, the bounty would definitely be higher than his-” Listening to the chefs comparing themselves to that arrogant guy, and even faintly demeaning themselves, Sanji suddenly exclaimed in dissatisfaction, “I’m no worse than him at all!” ”

“Hey, Sanji, you guy is really talking big!”

“Do you know what a bounty of over 100 million means, Sanji?! That means being able to completely gain a foothold in the place known as the ‘Pirate Graveyard’ of the Great Voyage, if it is the Free Pirate Group, maybe it can be better to mix, after all, he is Mu no Shura, a man with the ability of the Devil Fruit——”

“That’s right, it’s the phantom beast species Devil Fruit ability, although it is not clear what the phantom beast species is, but as long as it is an ability, all of them are as strong as monsters!”

“See, the man with long blond hair and no smile next to him is Deputy Captain Basil Hawkins, a sea thief with a bounty of 50 million Baileys, and also a Devil Fruit ability!”

“In this way, the Free Pirates Group has two abilities, so it will be even more mixed up in the Great Route!”

“Give me quiet, you guys! Hurry up and work, the guests are still waiting to eat-” Tetsuo gulped, and suddenly frightened all the chefs to return to their stoves and start preparing the dishes.

After Tetsuo had driven all the chefs to cook, he left Yamaji to take care of himself, and while skillfully stir-frying the dishes in the pot, Tetsuo suddenly asked, “Yamaji, how do you feel about those people just now?!” ”

Yamaji was handling salmon with a knife, and when he heard Tetsuo’s words, he said without thinking, “That guy named Vic looks high, really an arrogant guy, but the deputy captain Basil Hawkins, looks very calm and calm, and the three beautiful girls are really cute、、、、

Suddenly remembering the three girls who followed Vic, two girls and a royal sister, it looked pleasing to the eye, thinking about it, Sanji couldn’t help but be full of idiots, “It’s so beautiful、、、、、


“Clean it up for me, don’t think about it, you idiot!” Tetsuo knocked a spoonful on Yamaji’s head, instantly shattering Yamaji’s beautiful illusion.

“- Ahhh, damn smelly old man, didn’t I say not to hit me in the head? If I break it, I’ll be a fool! Yamaji yelled at Tetsuo with fangs in his mouth.

“It’s better to be silly, save you from causing me trouble, otherwise you will simply join them to go to sea as pirates、、、、 Tetsuo flipped the dishes in the pot, and the red fire reflected on Tetsuo’s square face, making people unable to see the expression on his face, “Didn’t you quarrel before what would happen if you went to sea and became a pirate?!” I see you can join them directly to the sea! ”

“I don’t want it, don’t try to get rid of me, smelly old man, I will stay in Bharati until I become the head chef, I can definitely do better than it!” Yamaji immediately refused, unable to give up his feelings for Bharati and Tetsuo.

“Don’t!” Tetsuo snorted coldly, and couldn’t help sighing in his heart, secretly planning to talk to the Captain Vic in private later, but his face was silent, and he scolded Yamaji, “If Bharati really reaches your hands, it will be ruined!” ”

“Hmph, old stubborn, your ideas are outdated!” Yamaji and Tetsuo fought each other.

Soon, dishes with bright colors and fragrant aromas were served.

“Please use slowly-” Yamaji dressed in a suit, looking like a polite gentleman, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand, bent down to Celia and Koya and said, “This is the red wine from Kamara Missa in the East Sea that our chef specially gave to the guests, please let me pour a glass for the two beautiful ladies!” ”

“Thank you—” Koya thanked Yamaji politely.

“Red wine?!” Celia stared curiously at the red liquor that Sanji poured into her glass, “I really haven’t drunk it yet!” ”

On the other side, Selinda holds another bottle of red wine and fills it for Vic and Hawkins.

Fourman and the others preferred large glasses of rum to soft red wine.

Watching the Yamaji guy offering his hospitality in front of Koya and Celia, Vic was suddenly a little unhappy, “Hey, you kid stay away from my girlfriend Koya and sister Celia, watching you twitter here, eating affects appetite!” ”

“、、、、、” Keya was called his girlfriend by Vic in public, and his face turned red with shame.

And Celia looked at Sanji with a grin, “Hey, this brother Shanji, you hurry up, otherwise my brother will be angry, but it will beat people!” ”

“You bastard、、、、” Looking at the blushing Koya, Sanji immediately looked at Vic with envy and jealousy, his cheeks twitched, put down the wine bottle, turned and walked towards the kitchen, his face was no different, but in fact, tears flowed in his heart, “Woo-woo、、、、 such an arrogant guy actually has a girlfriend, and my chef little prince is still single, it’s really unfair!” ”

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