evil system

Chapter 004

“-Ah, I’m so sorry! I was so happy to see that you were okay just now! You’ve forgotten for so long, you haven’t eaten anything yet、、、、、 Vic’s reminder immediately remembered the food she had gone out to find before.

Celia hurriedly picked up the cloth bag she was holding in her arms, took out a long blackened loaf of bread from it, and handed it all to Vic.

“Uh、、、、、、” Vic reached out and took it, holding this hard and black bread comparable to a ‘brick’ in his hand, the corner of Vic couldn’t help twitching, and said a little dumbfounded, “What the hell is this thing、、、、、、 are you sure this kind of thing can really be eaten?!” ”

“——This 、、、 this is the black bread we usually eat, if we can eat black bread every day, we will definitely be very happy、、、、、、” Celia looked at Vic a little strangely, and said as a matter of course, while speaking, a yearning look appeared on her little face.

They had never eaten this kind of thing less, and even brown bread had not been able to eat enough a few times.



“-Huh?! Vic, how did you throw bread 、、、、 ?! Celia watched in amazement as Vic threw the food to the ground, and said anxiously, while she couldn’t help but run over and pick up the black and hard bread.

“-Don’t pick it up, Celia!!”

Vic stretched out his hand to stop Celia, and in the other party’s puzzled gaze, he said confidently, “We will never eat this kind of ghost thing again!” Now I am not the cowardly and incompetent guy I used to be, I am very strong! Those bastards who bullied us before, I will never let them go. ”

“Hahahaha、、、、 is coming, my time, the era named after Captain Stile-Vic-” Vic laughed, as if he saw the day when he came to the sea.

“That 、、、、、、” Looking at Vic who was laughing almost maniacally, Celia couldn’t help but be a little worried, did Vic recover after being beaten, but there was a problem with his head, his eyes were slightly red, and he whispered very worriedly, “That 、、、、、 Vic, are you okay?” After being injured by those gangsters, is it that your head has not fully recovered、、、、、 your current appearance is really scary、、、、、、”

“Haha—uh!!” Watched by Celia’s worried gaze, especially the other party looking at him as if he was looking at a person with a brain disease, Vic’s smug laughter suddenly stopped abruptly as if someone had choked his neck.

“——Cough cough、、、、、 sorry, too excited for a while, some can’t control themselves, hahahahaha、、、、、”

Vic waved his hand again and again, indicating that he was fine, but he was just a little too excited.

“、、、、、” Celia blinked her large, jewel-like eyes, her clear gaze tinged with bewilderment.

In this way, Celia stared at Vic for two minutes, until Vic was uncomfortable, her head swaying left and right in embarrassment, Celia then withdrew her gaze, and a flower-like smile suddenly bloomed on her face, “Hehe, Vic – you really changed、、、、、、”

“Ahem、、、、、 this 、、、 that 、、、、、、” Hearing Celia say this sentence again, Vic suddenly raised his heart, for fear that the other party would see that he was a ‘fake’, so, Vic smiled very unnaturally dryly, did not dare to look at Celia, and casually prevaricated, “I’m already an adult、、、、、、 do you understand this 、、、 adult?” Adults 、、、 、、、、、 is a completely different 、、、、、 from a little girl like you.”


Celia clasped her hands in front of her and smiled sweetly at Vic and said, “It’s really good, Vic has become more concerned about Celia!” Celia loved it! I love Vic who will be so gentle with Celia !! ”

Celia’s sweet smile, coupled with the innocent and beautiful big eyes, was looked at by the other party’s smile, and Vic, who had never dealt with girls much in his two lives, his newly recovered face turned red again, and the whole person felt uncomfortable, shy and nervous.

“–What are you talking about 、、、、 you 、、、、、 you guy? It’s 、、、 really、、、、、 who wants you to like it、、、、、 a girl 、、、 、、、、、、 say such a fleshy thing-” In order to hide his embarrassment, Vic reached out and rubbed Celia’s long green hair, and said loudly, “I don’t care if you like it or not, 、、、 don’t care about 、、、、、、 at all.”

“Hehehe, Vic, you’re still so easy to shy! If you are always not good at communicating with girls, you will not find a girlfriend in the future! Saying that, Celia also winked mischievously at Vic, and at this time, the haze that had been pressed on the girl’s heart dissipated, and the girl also had a happy smile on her face.

“Less verbose-” A little uncomfortable talking to Celia like this, Vic quickly turned around and strode towards the door of the cottage, his mouth kept shouting, “How can a handsome man like me not find a girlfriend?” No kidding! Captain Still-Vic, who is about to conquer the Great Voyage and dominate the world, will not find a girlfriend?! Hmph – you wait for me to see, many beautiful women on the sea will be captivated by the charm of the great Captain Vic! ”

“Hehe、、、、、” fantasizing about his happy life surrounded by group beauty in the future, Vic held his head high and couldn’t help but laugh proudly.

‘Bang ———’

“Eh——!! Suddenly, Vic, who was striding forward with his head held high, because his head was just fantasizing, did not notice the low door, and hit the door frame of the hut. Vic suddenly felt a pain in his forehead, a black in front of his eyes, and couldn’t help but exhale in pain.

“Ah-” Celia covered her small mouth with one hand, looked at Vic with surprise on her face, and finally couldn’t help but confirm again, “Vic、、、、、 are you really okay 、、、?” If your head still hurts, keep lying down and rest、、、、、.”

“Hey, didn’t I say that my head is always fine, how can something happen?!” Suspected by Celia that he had a problem with his head, Vic couldn’t bear it at all, “Don’t worry, it’s not a problem at all!” A little problem, compared to the great Captain Vic

, it’s nothing 、、、、、、.”

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