evil system

Chapter 024

The general Qing Pheasant leaned on the back of the chair, his arms rested on the armrests, his palms supported his head, and his face was full of lazy expressions, “But from the other party’s ability to control trees and transform the landscape to create a forest, this is like the ability of natural wood fruit 、、、、、.”

“So, which one is it?!” While speaking, the green pheasant reached out and scratched his curly hair, his face was full of lazy looks, and suddenly deflated, “Forget it, I have a headache when I think of this, sure enough, don’t think about it, it’s too brain-strenuous!” ”

“Give me a little bit of a little bit of spirit, pheasant!” Lieutenant General Crane looked at the lazy expression of the green pheasant, and couldn’t help but sigh, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to be deeper, “Whether it’s the phantom beast species or the natural line, either way, it’s an extremely powerful ability!” Such a kid with such potential, if he just let it go, maybe he will go further and further down the wrong road, and even become a headache for the Navy! ”

Tsuruchu rested his arms on the table, crossed his hands under his chin, his old face, and his eyes were shining, “If possible, find him immediately, send someone to contact, if you can guide the other party to join our navy, it will not only reduce a powerful enemy for the future, but also greatly enhance the strength of the navy!” Well, the one named Basil Hawkins can also be disposed of like this, anyway, the other party is also a Devil Fruit ability! ”

“-Nope! A villain who can kill nearly a hundred people at will without caring is simply not necessary to save! As a hardliner in the navy, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider’s gloomy face was full of fierceness, “To commit such a felony, only by taking off his head or spending the rest of his life in Imper’s Great Prison can he atone for the crime he committed!” ”

“You can’t give the prisoners any chances, and the justice of the navy must not be tarnished!” Vice Admiral Ghost Spider leaned on the back of the chair with his chest hugged, slowly raised his head, and his eyes were clear, “Since you are worried that he will become a trouble for the Navy in the future, you should wipe him out immediately while he has not fully grown up!” This is the truly foolproof solution! ”

“- That’s right! A tough fight back must be given! Lieutenant General Daobman, who was implicated by his incompetent disciple and was extremely angry in his heart, was also unwilling to accept Lieutenant General Tsuru’s proposal, so he strongly supported the ghost spider’s tough countermeasures, “Only by removing that kid’s head can the anger of the nobles be calmed, the justice I uphold is to protect the people, punish the evil and eliminate evil, and these thugs must be severely punished, and must not compromise with them!” ”

The other vice admirals of the navy headquarters were silent one by one, but most people still supported the tough attitude towards the ghost spider in their hearts, after all, the majesty of the navy does not allow provocation.

Seeing this situation, Lieutenant General Crane and Senior General Qing Pheasant were also silent.

If Sakaski was there, I am afraid that he would also strongly support the ghost spider, and this thought flashed in the mind of the Marshal of the Warring States.

With the execution of One Piece King Gore D. Roger more than twenty years ago, because of Roger’s words, everyone flocked to the sea, and the era of sea pirates began.

More and more people go to sea as pirates, the four seas are becoming more and more chaotic, the hawks in the navy are rising strongly, as a marshal of the navy, the Warring States known as the ‘wise general’, gradually sensing that the growing power of the hawks is faintly overpowering the doves, which is not a good thing for the entire navy, and reckless actions may ruin the entire navy!

Shaking his head to throw away the bad thoughts in his mind, the Marshal of the Warring States looked serious, and his sharp gaze swept over the high-ranking naval officials present, “The naval intelligence department gave me to find their traces as soon as possible, I can send someone to contact and assess whether it is possible to be incorporated into the navy or spy department, if you can’t pull him into the naval camp, then destroy this strong enemy budding as soon as possible!” ”

“But before that, after all, they are vicious criminals who have killed dozens of people, and our navy must give a clear response to the criminals!” The Marshal of the Warring States clenched his fist slightly, and his voice revealed a natural power brought by status, “Issue a reward to the prisoners Stile-Vick and Basil Hawkins, at least let those pirate hunters test their strength, you can’t just let them have too good a time、、、、、 this is also a test, if they die in the hands of pirate hunters, it means that it is not worth the Navy’s efforts to recruit!” Go do it now—”

“Yes-” Standing behind the Marshal of the Sengoku, the colonel in charge of conveying the order saluted, and then quickly walked out of the conference room.

“Since Mr. Sengoku decided to deal with it like this, then this matter is over!” The yellow ape’s smiling face looked full of kindness, “Then about the scientific research force in charge of the old man, because of the escape of the traitor former Rear Admiral Drake, it has caused huge losses to the navy, and even the location of the scientific research base may be exposed, and it must be transferred immediately for safety!” ”

“Then change the base, this time we must strictly screen the naval soldiers defending the scientific research base, and there must be no more defections!” The Marshal of the Warring States looked angry on the surface, in fact, only he knew in his heart what was going on with the so-called Drake defection, of course, this extremely confidential matter, only he, the marshal of the navy, knew it, just like Corazon who used to go undercover to the Don Quixote family, no, it should be Rosinandi.

Thinking of the man who regarded himself as a son, the Marshal of the Warring States couldn’t help but feel a pain in his heart, his face was a little bleak, in order not to let everyone present see his gaffe, the Marshal of the Warring States immediately stood up after giving the order, “Then, this is the end of today, disperse!” ”


All the generals present got up one after another, watching the Marshal of the Warring States leave, and then left one after another.

So, with the order of the Marshal of the Warring States, Vic and Hawkins’ bounty slips were immediately made expedited, and quickly sent to the four seas –

Steele Vick, suspected of being able to plant wood fruits in nature, the murderer of the massacre in the town of Kakillia in the North Sea, extremely dangerous, extremely heinous, dead or alive, with a bounty of 40 million Baileys.

Basil Hawkins, suspected superhuman straw fruit ability, murderer of the massacre in the North Sea town of Kaqilia, extremely dangerous, heinous, dead or alive, bounty of 20 million Bailey.

As the newsowls flew around the world, Vic and Hawkins’ bounty slips spread around the world.

Somewhere Pirate Hunter Tavern ——

“Hahaha, everyone look at it, there is a new bounty wanted!” The tavern owner had a big red nose, grabbed two new bounty slips, and said loudly, “This is the first reward, and the bounty is very high!” ”

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