evil system

Chapter 020


Swift kept jumping from branch to branch, dodging the growing branches, “Damn, how many big trees are there-”

“You can’t escape, in this forest, I am the master, everything is under my control-” Vic smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then opened his hands and controlled the movement of the entire forest.


The branches and leaves of the sky surged wildly, like long green snakes, tightly enveloping Cerft in the middle.


The branches flicked wildly, and one branch after another beat Cerft’s body fiercely, so that Swift could not rush out at all, but his body was beaten by the branches.


“Soft ability – soften!” Cerft kept using his ability to soften all the whipped branches, but because there were crazy whipping trunk branches from top to bottom in all directions, Swift couldn’t do it at all.



Whipped by dense branches, Cerft’s body was covered in flesh, his body was stained red with blood, his arms, thighs, and ribs were broken, and the whole person was tightly entangled by the twisted branches, half suspended in the air.


Vic walked towards the bloody Swift step by step, looked up at the bloody man who was tightly bound by a circle of branches and hung upside down, “It seems that I won 、、、、”

“Cough、、、 cough、、、、、” Swift forced open his blood-blurred eyes, and wanted to say something, but a large amount of blood spat out from his mouth.

“Forget it、、、、、 it’s over!” Vic stepped back slightly, avoiding the spilled blood, looked at Swift, who could hardly speak, shook his head boringly, and pressed his left hand on the trunk of a large tree beside him, “Strangle-”


A branch swam to Safett’s neck, tightly wrapped around, ‘click’ softly, Swift’s body went limp, and there was no sound.

Solve Swift, Vic let out a long breath, just released the tree realm advent, almost used all the power in his body, at present, with his strength, he can release the tree realm advent within a range of up to 100 meters, in order to reach the thousand-meter range like between the thousand hand pillars, it is also necessary for Vic to continue to develop the ability of the wood dun fruit and improve the development level.

Shaking his head, Vic didn’t think about the future for a while, turned and walked in the direction of Hawkins.

“Hey, Hawkins, we’re going to move faster, the movement just made is a little big, I’m afraid the Navy has noticed here!” Vic looked at the dead Wesnek family members on the ground around him, and now only Count Wesnek was left, his legs were broken by Hawkins, and Bai Sensen’s broken bones were pierced from the flesh of his thighs, and he collapsed to the ground and wailed in pain.

“I see-” Hawkins nodded, looking at the former enemy’s mournful wail at his feet, Hawkins couldn’t help but feel an indescribable joy in his heart, and finally, he looked at the painful wailing Count Wesnek again, and the huge straw palm slapped down heavily.



Blood splattered, the palm of the scarecrow demon was stained red with blood, and Count Wesnek completely closed his mouth.

“Huh、、、 hoo-hoo、、、 hoo-hoo-hoo、、、、、” Hawkins lifted the straw ability, his figure gradually became smaller, and finally returned to his original form, his chest heaving violently, and he gasped for breath in his mouth, but his face showed a relieved expression.

Looking at Hawkins’ panting appearance, Vic turned and rushed into the forest, saying while saying, “Wait for me a little!” ”

Hawkins nodded, did not say anything, and was still immersed in the excitement of the great revenge.

On the other side, Vic rushed into the forest and, with the induction of trees, found the treasure trove of Wesnek’s house.

Vic scavenged the Wesnek family’s treasury, carried two large packages full of Bailey, gold, and precious stones, and quickly returned to Hawkins.

‘Bang bang-‘

Vic threw two large packages to the ground, revealing the glittering gold gems inside, and a stack of Baileys, “Just find so much for the time being, the others are too late to find.” Revenge is complete, and it’s time for us to withdraw! Gone-”

Saying that, Vic picked up a package, nodded at Hawkins, and took the lead towards the outside of the forest-covered manor.

Hawkins picked up another package, took one last look at the Wesnek family lying on the ground, and then turned to leave with Vic.

It didn’t take long for the Navy to finally arrive at the Wesnek family estate from the base.

“Gollum、、、 Grunt、、、、、” Colonel Moraka looked at the large forest that suddenly grew in the manor, and suddenly opened his mouth in shock, “What the hell is going on in this forest?!” What about the house? What about the manor?! ”

“Sen、、、、 forest?!” The bodyguards who were secretly sent by Wesnek Mavita to ask the navy for help at this time looked at the changed Wesnek family estate, and were stunned, “What the hell

is going on、、、、、 here”

“Colonel, what now? Do you want to 、、、 go in?! The captain beside him looked at the quiet and dark forest opposite, swallowed his saliva, and asked Colonel Moraka for instructions.

The naval soldiers looked at the tall and lush forest, feeling that it seemed to be particularly gloomy in this dark night, and a trace of fear could not help but appear on everyone’s face.

For his subordinates’ instructions, Colonel Moraka’s face changed several times, his brows furrowed, his ears moved slightly, and he listened with bated breath to the sounds in the forest, but found that there was a dead silence inside.

After a while, Colonel Moraka waved his hand at his soldiers and ordered, “Everyone, stay vigilant, go in—”

Hundreds of naval soldiers, armed with muskets in their hands, looked around warily and slowly walked towards the forest-shrouded manor.

‘Rustle 、、、、、’

Along the way, except for the sound of the navy’s footsteps, everything else was quiet, without a trace of abnormality.

Colonel Moraka led his men all the way through, from time to time saw the bodies of bodyguards and guards scattered in the forest, and finally, when they came to the hall of the manor, the first thing they saw was the Wesnek family who had long died on the ground, and looking at the miserable death of everyone in the Wesnek family, everyone present felt chills and trembled in their hearts.

“Ah, Lord Count—” The bodyguard suddenly cried out when he saw the tragic death of the owner’s family.

“Those two monsters actually killed Count Wesneek’s family、、、、、 ” The captain’s face was stunned, angry and afraid, “It’s over, I think that if the count of the kingdom is killed, we will definitely be held accountable by the navy headquarters!” ”

Hearing the words of his subordinates, Moraka’s face darkened, and he couldn’t help but think of the situation he would face, if he was held accountable by the Navy headquarters, even his cheap teacher, Vice Admiral Daubman, might not be able to maintain his current position!

What’s more, whether Dauberman will speak for himself or not, not necessarily!

Although he was very troubled in his heart, in order to reduce his responsibility as much as possible, Colonel Moraka still resolutely gave the order, “Soldier, take pictures immediately, and immediately report to the Navy headquarters, there has been an extremely vicious murder in the town of Kakillia in the North Sea, and I request the Navy headquarters to issue a reward list for Basil Hawkins and Stile-Vick!” ”

“- immediately block all ports in the town, and no ships will go out to sea!”

With Colonel Moraka’s order, the navy suddenly became busy.

“Colonel, do you want to search the whole city and arrest the criminals at once?!” The captain of the Navy looked at the base supreme commander and asked.

Colonel Moraka’s face changed, and he reprimanded in a low voice, “Idiot, have you forgotten that wooden giant today? Look at this forest, it was definitely made by that wooden bastard、、、、、 can have such strength, are we his opponents?! Do you want the soldiers of our entire base to fill it with their lives?! ”

“Yes, Colonel, you said 、、、、、” The captain of the Navy also reacted at this time, such a vicious and powerful prisoner is not something they can deal with at all!

With the action of the navy, the town of Kakillia, which was originally quiet in the night, gradually became noisy.

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