evil system

Chapter 014

“—You’re really surprising now, Vic 、、、、、” I saw the person slowly take off the black cloak hat, revealing a face hidden under the cloak.

He has long flowing blonde hair, a slender figure, six iconic black vertical stripes on his forehead, a black cross tattooed at his Adam’s apple, and an extreme melancholy in his eyebrows, nose and mouth as a whole.

“It’s you—Basil Hawkins!” Vic looked at the extremely familiar face below, very surprised, he recognized the identity of the person, whether it was in the previous life in the comics, or in the memory of the original owner of this world, Vic had memories of the other party.

Speaking of which, the original owner Vic met him, and he also accidentally rescued him who was unconscious on the beach, and when this guy recovered his injuries, he left.

I didn’t expect him to appear here and save Celia.

Hawkins held the unconscious Celia in his arms and looked up at the tall wooden man, “I heard that you were injured by those gangsters before, I went to your residence to look for it, but I didn’t see you, I didn’t expect to meet here today!” And—”

Saying that, Basil Hawkins’ eyes were full of surprise, and in his usual indifferent tone, he continued, “It made me see something amazing!” It’s really fateful, Vic—”

Hearing Basil Hawkins’ exclamation, Vic didn’t say anything, after all, the current Vic is no longer the one Hawkins knows, he just squatted down silently, staring at the sleepy Celia nervously, his voice was rough as muffled thunder, “Is Celia okay?!” ”

“Just frightened and fainted!” Hawkins looked down at the thin girl in his arms and said, “But it’s best to see a doctor, she doesn’t seem to be doing well.” ”

“Damn, damn Navy-” Vic couldn’t help but secretly sigh with relief when he learned that Celia was just unconscious, but the thought of the Navy Lieutenant Commander sneaking into the tavern just now to catch Celia made Vic angry.

Looking at the lieutenant commander who had long died on the ground, an angry Vic waved his huge palm, grabbed the body of the lieutenant, and then smashed a punch into a nearby house.



The entire house was smashed by a wooden man’s punch, and the ruins of the house buried the major’s shattered body deep underneath.

At this time, there was no one on the entire street for a long time, and the rest of the surviving navy and guards under the wooden formation cuttings had long fled without a trace.

Vic was worried about Celia’s condition and was not in the mood to pay attention to the fleeing guys.


The tall body of the wooden man slowly squatted, Vic lifted the wooden ability, and the figure gradually emerged from the wooden man’s body, and the wooden man who lost the support of Vic’s ability gradually dried up and shattered, turning into pieces of wood and falling off, ‘boom’, and only a large pile of wood remained on the ground.

Hawkins looked at the scattered wood, his eyebrows moved slightly, although he was curious about Vic’s ability, but Hawkins did not ask.

Vic took Celia from Hawkins’ arms, his face full of anxiety, “Doctor, doctor, hurry up and find a doctor to treat Celia 、、、、、”

“Come with me, I know a doctor!” Watching Vic spin anxiously but without direction, Hawkins spoke.

Inside a private clinic in the town of Kakillia ——

“Doctor, how is Celia doing, are you okay?!” Vic nervously looked at the girl lying on the hospital bed, her face was pale, Celia was 14 years old, thin and small, she looked about 10 years old, she had been hungry for a long time, which seriously affected the growth and development of the little girl, and her long green hair was also dry and messy.

The doctor wearing a white coat and a white beard on his chin put away the stethoscope, nodded and said, “Don’t worry, this little girl is fine, but she is overly frightened, coupled with her thin body and insufficient nutrition, so she will pass out!” In the future, as long as you supplement your nutrition well, you will get better soon! ”

“Whew, that’s fine, thank you, Doctor!” Vic showed a relieved smile on his face, nodded gratefully towards the doctor, subconsciously touched his pocket, wanted to pay, but, looking at the empty pocket without a Bailey, Vic was suddenly a little embarrassed, “This 、、、、 that 、、、、、 Dr. Morin, I don’t have money on me now, the treatment fee is owed for the time being, I will soon pay you a large amount of money, I promise!” ”

Dr. Morin waved his hand, and the thick white beard on his chin shook gently, “It’s okay, I didn’t do anything, moreover, since you are friends of Hawkins, you don’t need to pay for the treatment!” ”

Hawkins looked at Celia who was lying unconscious on the hospital bed, and turned to look at Vic, “Vic, what happened to you guys today?” Why did you fight with the navy and the town guards、、、、、 I heard that you killed dozens of gangsters, and in the tavern, more people died, and even soldiers from the naval branch of the town of Kakylia-”

Facing Hawkins’ doubtful gaze, Vic walked to Celia’s bed and sat down, slightly avoiding Hawkins’ gaze, “You know, I was severely injured by Jigaru’s bastard’s men a few days ago and almost died, fortunately I got a devil fruit, after eating it, the injuries on my body completely healed, and I also have incredible power, and from then on, I decided that I must become stronger, because only by myself can I change my damn fate、、、、、 those bastards, Navy or all, all those who dare to prevent me from taking control of my own destiny are my enemies! ”

“And the best way to deal with the enemy is to make him disappear completely, and there is nothing more complete than death that can make people disappear!” Vic said, a hearty smile suddenly appeared on his face, “This world belongs to the strong, before I was too weak, so I would be bullied by those gangsters, and now, the death of those gangsters is just that they are too weak!” Weakness is original sin, and this sentence is the supreme truth at any time! ”

Hawkins looked at Vic who was full of confidence and exuded a strong momentum, it was difficult to compare the other party with the cowering young man more than a month ago, can strong strength really completely change a person?

Hawkins didn’t know, he only knew that since he got the ability to be cursed by the sea, his whole life seemed to be cursed, incomprehensible by his family, feared by friends and people around him, and even finally his entire family was destroyed.

Thinking of the destruction of the family not long ago, Hawkins couldn’t help but feel a faint pain in his heart, and hatred was like a poisonous snake, eating him.

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