In the beginning when he parted ways with King Xiaoyao, Wang Wulang didn't feel that this was a test for him. Even when he met several post stations one after another, he thought that King Xiaoyao was taking care of him, and specially gave him the best way to go.

The materials are abundant, the folk customs are simple, and the roads are accessible.

It wasn't until he saw a desert and walked for a day and a night without seeing a single person that he realized that something was wrong.

After the period of innocence passed, Wang Wulang gradually realized that he was cheated, and he was cheated thoroughly.

He wasn't even sure he was on the right path, especially since the maps weren't credible at all.

After walking in the desert for an unknown number of days, Wang Wulang took out his last piece of dry biscuit, cut off a piece of cactus that he finally came across, skillfully removed the outer thorns, took out a dagger to simply peel the skin, and then gnawed on it.

In the desert, this is one of the most common plants. Others don't have much water, but this one has plenty of water and has different shapes.

Some are crisp and refreshing, some are slippery, some are sweet, and some have an unspeakable bitterness.

Of course, some are poisonous. Wang Wulang has been poisoned several times. If it weren't for the life-saving water that Ayu left him, he might have gone to see the king of Hades.

Wang Wulang didn't move the last water bag. It was the water that Ayu left for him, and it was also something he was asked to use after he went to Jiangsai.

Even though he had been without water for three days, his mouth was cracked due to thirst, and his stomach was on fire, Wang Wulang never thought of drinking it.

He promised that Ayu would be sent to Jiangsai and poured into the river, and he would never drink it in advance.

As an older brother, this promise is always to be fulfilled.

After eating the cactus, Wang Wulang didn't eat any more dry biscuits, but just stuck out his tongue and licked it, right to satisfy his gluttony.

If Ayu were here, seeing her fifth elder brother who loves to eat and play, now craving a tasteless dry biscuit, I'm afraid it would be very distressing.

Wang Wulang ate the cactus, and then fed a piece to the inexplicably arrogant horse, no matter how much the horse brother resisted, he directly stuffed it in forcefully.

"Brother Ma, brother Ma, even though you won't let me ride now, we have been a companion anyway. Don't worry, I won't kill you to eat meat because you accompany me. But if you collapsed because of starvation, I, Wang Wulang, am not a bodhisattva, and I will definitely cut you up and eat you, and then, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

While muttering, Wang Wulang patted the horse's obviously deflated belly.

The horse didn't know whether it understood it or not. Although it was a little disgusted, it still ate the cactus with Wang Wulang's hand.

It's only the size of a palm, and it doesn't really satisfy your hunger.

Fortunately, on the road, I occasionally encountered some grass that was so dry that it couldn't be dried anymore. The horse didn't dislike it and ate it all.

In this way, one person and one horse endured for another five days.

One day, Wang Wulang was taking a nap under the horse's belly, and the horse snorted boredly. Suddenly, the horse stomped anxiously.

Seeing that he was about to step on Wang Wulang, Wang Wulang turned over immediately and got out from under the horse's belly.

Seeing him coming out, the horse immediately lowered the horse's neck and motioned Wang Wulang to sit on it.

"Brother Ma, what do you mean?" Wang Wulang was flattered.

God, the horse let him ride it.

He was almost moved to tears on the spot!

At this moment, an arrow suddenly shot in the air, Wang Wulang let out a "grass", jumped on the horse's back in an instant, and shouted: "It's a horse bandit, brother Ma, run!"

Without waiting for his order, the horse raised its hooves and ran in one direction.

Wang Wulang's eyes darkened: "Brother Ma, you made a mistake, that's not the way we're going!"

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