"You win the world?" Ayu felt that the words were very familiar, "Isn't this a common saying in the official history?"

Ayu listened to many historical stories in the portable space. When she was young, Tuanzi read to her. Later, she became more interested in books, and Tuanzi also collected a lot for her.

Reading in the portable space, the breath is good and safe, and she is interested in it, so naturally she will not find it boring.

It can be said that Ayu's belly is full of knowledge now, it just depends on whether she is willing to use it.

[It can be said that, but those recorded in the barnyard official and unofficial history, most of them want to hide their own ambitions in objects, and if this Jiulong Baoding is used properly, it will naturally achieve such an effect. 】

[Look, in the historical stories we usually read, everyone is robbing some beauties of the world, and it doesn't look like they are interested in the world. 】

"Yes, yes, the most pitiful person in those stories is the young lady. If others win the world, no one will say that it is the young lady's credit, but only those men who are brave and resourceful. But If they fail, they will say that it is Miss Sister who is a beauty, and blame all the bad things on Young Sister." When she mentioned this, Ayu felt very angry, why?

[This Nine-Dragon Baoding can predict the nine directions. You can see that it corresponds to the nine directions. It can predict drought and earthquake. Wherever there is drought, there will be a crack under the dragon head, and the eyes will be closed when there is an earthquake. If there has been a flood somewhere, water will come out of the dragon's mouth. 】

[Think about it, if a superior person can predict what kind of disaster may happen in a certain place in advance, he can deal with it in advance. Or if there is no disaster in a certain place, the people below can exaggerate and deal with it. 】

[Jiulong Baoding predicts disasters for the entire continent. If other countries want to get news, they must rely on the owner's breath. 】

[Isn't this the one who wins the world? 】

Tuanzi didn't say what kind of disaster this treasure tripod would cause first, especially if it fell into the hands of those incompetent, there would inevitably be a bloodbath.

Hearing Tuanzi's explanation, Ayu really looked around the Nine Dragons Ding for several times. Apart from feeling that the Ding was very big, he really didn't see anything special about it. Why was he able to make such an accurate prediction?

[Your world does not have a mythology system, but there are also many phenomena that you cannot explain now, such as extraterrestrial meteorites, which can affect the magnetic field of your world, and can also capture some special energy. 】

Tuanzi walked around the top of the treasure, and slowly explained to Ayu: [This Jiulong Baoding should be made by the ancestors in ancient times, using meteorites from outside the sky. Do you still remember what I told you before in Huangsha City? the rock in it? 】

Ayu nodded: "I know, isn't it still buried in our space? Is that thing harmful to our world?"

Tuanzi doesn't like polite speech very much. When communicating with love and love, he usually uses his most convenient tone. He also selectively tells Ayu some scientific knowledge of other worlds, but in order to avoid confusion, Tuanzi doesn't talk much. , so that Ayu can roughly understand the concept.

Ultimately, the realm that may not be touched in a lifetime, the more you know, the more you will be confused, it is better to know what it is but not why.

Maybe when the cub has accumulated enough points and this life is over, it will find a way to get the cub to cultivate immortality, and the knowledge of the world will be useful.

In the world of cultivating immortals, it is possible to break the barriers of space and live in other universes.

[Meteorites are not necessarily a bad thing for a world, but once we find them, we usually recover them to avoid some unpredictable disasters. 】

Tuanzi simply took this thing, and then went to discuss with Ayu how to use this Nine Dragons Baoding.

Both of them have discovered that every time Ayu gets something that will be useful in the end, and the things involved in this Jiulong Baoding are too huge, if you are not careful, you may kill Ayu, and even the entire royal family will suffer a catastrophe , must be carefully considered.

【Do you want to tell your grandma? 】

Tuanzi has been completely sure that Mrs. Wang is the Princess Yongchang who disappeared back then. Not only that, Tuanzi also saw who Mrs. Wang had contacted during this time.

It can be said that in the entire Wanning City, there are already a small number of dignitaries who have been trained by Mrs. Wang and Old Wangtou.

But the dumpling didn't tell Ayu these words, the main reason is that Ayu can't hide any secrets from his mouth. If he leaked his words, with Mrs. Wang's cautious personality, he might be afraid of himself again and try to think of a way.

This kind of fear is not good, it may plant the seeds of suspicion, especially bad for the cub.

"I want to tell grandma that grandma is the wisest person in our family. If you are in doubt, you can go to grandma, but I'm afraid that this thing is too important. If grandma doesn't know how to deal with it, don't let Is she worrying for nothing?"

This is where Ayu struggles the most. When she grows up, Ayu realizes that adults have too many worries, and they always have to consider a lot of gains and losses.

Now that I start to think about these things, I realize that life is really troublesome.

Oh, how nice it is to be that little Ayu who didn't know anything back then!

[If you can't figure it out, just let it go, you can always find the best way. 】

"But this thing can predict disasters. If disasters really happen somewhere, how can I notify everyone?"

Once notified, isn't it exposed?

[Actually, Dachang also has a department that predicts disasters, why don't you find a way to get in? 】

It is called the Department of Astrology, and it is even less popular than Qin Tianjian. It belongs to the subordinate department of the Ministry of Rites. Fortunately, there is no other leader except the Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

The Minister of Rites didn't like them very much, and usually only used it for the big sacrifice once a year, and asked them to help see which day had the best weather among the days selected by Qin Tianjian.

The most interesting thing is that this astrology division is not limited to men and women, as long as they can pass the astrology assessment, they can be selected.

It's just that the salary there is very low, and there are basically no benefits, and they belong to officials outside the imperial court. They don't give official land, they are not exempted from personal taxes, taxes and military service, and they are not allowed to resign by the way.

Therefore, it is not enough to recruit people all the year round.

"Then if I enter there, won't I not be able to open an academy?"

[On the contrary, that place is next to the Imperial College and the Overwatch Council, and officials on duty are allowed to develop cultural related industries. If they get along well with those students, they can even send their family members to women's colleges! 】

The students of Guozijian are a group of high-quality resources from the entire Dachang, either with high-quality knowledge or high-quality family background. The women in their family are naturally much better than ordinary people, and their influence is also greater.

[By the way, if your elder brother Ayou wins the first prize, he will usually go to the Imperial Academy for three years on duty. The Imperial Academy is only a quarter of an hour away from the Imperial College, so you can also be on duty together. 】The more the group talked, the more they felt that it was very appropriate. Isn't this a department tailored for Ayu?

Hearing what it said, Ayu's eyes lit up immediately: "Okay, then I'll go to the Department of Astrology!"

The next day, Ayu shared his thoughts at breakfast.

Everyone coughed violently, and Wang Wulang almost spit porridge out of his nose.

"Huh? Are you going to the Department of Astrology?!"

Wouldn't it be to let her patron saint help her fortune-telling?

That's cheating!

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