Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 260: Awe-inspiring righteousness! Both lost! The king is running away!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Suddenly, hundreds of hailstones of various sizes fell from the sky.

Falling into the camp of the kingdom's dwarf army, it immediately caused huge casualties to the kingdom's dwarves.

This is exactly the skill from the black-blooded dragon pythons - the ice world.

In this war, the ones who killed the largest number of dwarf legions in the Kingdom were these black-blooded dragon pythons.

They took the little black dragon with them and shuttled among the dwarf army in the kingdom. A single skill could kill a whole group of dwarves.

This also allowed the little black dragon to gain a lot of experience, and his strength was directly promoted to the peak of the ninth level.

The black-blooded dragon pythons have also been promoted one after another, and several of the black-blooded dragon pythons at the peak of the king level can already enter the spiritual realm at any time.

Different from the powerful army of immortal and demon tribes, the army of dwarves in the kingdom continued to be defeated.

The dwarf king, who possessed the strength of a spiritual peak bee, had a pale face, his whole body was shaking violently, and cold sweat was dripping from his temples.

Then, a guard next to him said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, how about we escape quickly?"


Hearing this, the dwarf king slapped the dwarf guard with his backhand.

"If you say something like this again, I will kill you for disturbing the morale of the army!"

"Escape is impossible! Even if I die, I will die with my subjects and my warriors! This is my minimum dignity as a dwarf king!"

The dwarf king was furious, and his tone was righteous and full of righteousness.

This made the two palace guards around him look ashamed.

However, at this moment, two magical lights, one black and one yellow, suddenly shattered in the sky.

The dwarf old master vomited blood and fell from the sky. It could be vaguely seen that his chest had collapsed, but he still had a breath.

The Black Dragon King Aojin did not have such good luck. Mo Wuxin stabbed his sword directly into the reverse scale, and then his throat was cut directly.

The next moment, a huge dragon corpse hundreds of meters long fell straight from the sky and crashed to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the dwarf king felt like chaff and couldn't even stand still.

Immediately, he grabbed the guard next to him and shouted in horror: "Quick! Help me, let's run!"

The two lovers and guards were stunned for a moment.

Weren't you acting upright just now? Why are you urging us to run away now?

However, it was His Majesty the King's order after all, and the two had no choice but to obey.

Immediately, they each supported one side and carried the dwarf king away.

In the royal city, many dwarf residents were stunned when they saw this situation.

It took him a long time to realize that this shameless King was planning to run away on his own!

This is not possible!

If this guy runs away, what will they do? Who will protect them?

We absolutely cannot let this coward king run away like this!

"Everyone, come here! His Majesty the King is running away! Stop him quickly!"

"Your Majesty, you can't run away! Our heroes are still fighting with the enemy outside, and every one of them is looking forward to death. Are you going to abandon them like this?"

"Quick! Let's catch this coward king together!"

In an instant, thousands of dwarf residents of the Kingdom of Er gathered around, with more and more dwarves coming from behind.

Every dwarf is thinking that he must stop His Majesty the King.

Anyone can run away, but the king cannot run away. Otherwise, once the royal city is captured, he will still need to negotiate with the enemy!

In the past, the old Imperial Master had the final say, but now I'm afraid there's no chance. The old Imperial Master is already in trouble.

Now only this coward can speak. If he doesn't stay, who will?

"Get out of here, everyone!!"

Seeing the dwarves surrounding them, the dwarf king roared angrily.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and a terrifying spiritual power swept out, sweeping the surrounding dwarves a hundred meters away.

However, just as he was about to continue running, he saw the dwarves trying to surround him again.

This made the dwarf king's entire face look ferocious.

He yelled at the two guards: "Stop them for me! Don't let these lowly guys get close to me!"

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

The two dwarf guards responded loudly and respectfully.

Their duty is to be loyal to the King and protect His Majesty the King.

They raised their weapons and slashed at the rushing dwarves, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

In the blink of an eye, more than forty dwarves were killed and fell unwillingly in a pool of blood.

The other kingdom dwarves were frightened, their eyes were horrified, and their faces were even more confused.

They couldn't believe that their king would treat them like this and order the guards to massacre them, the unarmed people of the kingdom.

"Everyone get out!"

The dwarf king roared at the dwarves again.

At this time, he was frightened to the point of confusion. His mind was like a puddle of mush. How could he think so much?

Besides, to him, it was just killing a few damn lowly people, it was no big deal.

The only thought in his mind now is to escape quickly!

Besides, it’s just killing a few untouchables, what’s so big about it?

His only thought now is to escape!

Escape from the royal city, escape from the underground world, or even escape from the endless abyss.

In short, no matter what, the farther away the better!

The lord of that other world is really terrifying.

There are so many powerful warriors under his command, and each one is more powerful than the last.

One of the guardians of the kingdom, Black Dragon King Ojin, had his throat cut directly, and now he has truly turned into a soft loach.

And he also saw that the woman in a pure white dress, exuding a holy aura, actually captured the soul of the Black Dragon King.

This scene is so brutal!

Even if he wanted to break his head, he would never have thought that there are still people in the fairy and demon tribe who have such evil means of controlling souls.

The Black Dragon King Ojin died, and the old master was breathing his last breath, and he might not die soon.

As for the kingdom's army outside the city, there is no need to place hope on them.

The kingdom's more than 20,000 troops have been defeated by the enemy long ago, and are now being defeated bit by bit.

The dwarf kingdom is doomed!

Unless the Overlord Dragon Clan of the Endless Abyss can send the Divine Dragon Legion to support them.

Otherwise, the fate of the dwarf kingdom is already destined to be captured by the evil fairy and demon tribe.

Under such circumstances, the dwarf king dared not hesitate at all. He did not want to die here.

"Go away, you filthy bastards!"

The dwarf king roared and roared at the surrounding dwarves, and at the same time, he summoned all the nearby dwarf guards to his side.

"What's wrong with me? You useless trash, don't you see these lowly scum trying to hurt me? Why don't you protect me and get out of here!"

When the dwarf guards heard the king's scolding, they all looked at each other.

However, in the end, he raised his weapons and forcibly dispersed the gathered Kingdom dwarves.

Just as the dwarf guards were preparing to evacuate with the dwarf king, a large wave of fully armed kingdom dwarves came over.

The leader of the middle-aged dwarf has a strong aura, and his strength level is close to the peak of the spiritual level.

The dwarf king looked at the dwarves who came with the team, and a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face.

This was none other than Cha Qinghan, the commander of his first army.

"Cha Qinghan, you are the most loyal to me! Come here to protect me and drive away all these lowly guys. We can't stay in the royal city any longer. We need to evacuate immediately!"

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