After the postgraduate entrance examination results were announced, Lin Shu was naturally busy preparing for the next retest. Although he is now ranked first in the initial test, if he retests Waterloo and is abnormal, it would be really embarrassing.

   After the Chinese New Year, Lin Shu did not stay at home anymore, but went straight back to Star City to prepare for the upcoming retest.

   The Shonan University re-examination is divided into two parts: an interview and a written examination. The results of the re-examination are also very important. There should not be too many mistakes, so you need to prepare well.

   In addition, Lin Shu needs to prepare to choose a tutor at the back. Lin Shu intends to wait for the end of the re-examination to start selecting a tutor, and then send an email to the tutor he likes.

   Lin Shu also told his mother Yang Qiuyun when he was leaving, that if he is doing farm work later, he must tell him that he will come back to help when the time comes.

   Regarding Lin Shu's coming back to help with work, Yang Qiuyun naturally did not agree, and only told Lin Shu to take care of herself outside, without too much pressure.

   You can go home even if you don’t feel good outside.

   Lin Shu, the great man returned to Star City, his friend Yao Chen naturally knew right away, and immediately clamored for Lin Shu to treat him. After all, the results of the postgraduate entrance examination were so good, why you need to celebrate in advance.

   Lin Shu did not refuse, so he made an appointment near Shonan University.

   Lin Shu hadn't planned to call Zhang Qiao, but Yao Chen's hand was quick, and he directly sent a message in the WeChat group of his high school friends in Star City, saying that Lin Shu had a treat, come quickly, and all of them responded happily.

   Zhang Qiao also came over.

  Different places, different times, the same group of people.

   Zhang Yuan slapped Lin Shu on the shoulder and sighed: "Uncle Lin, you are so amazing. I can say that I have convinced you. How did you score 92 in the English test? It's really amazing."

   "His English test is so high and it is still within acceptable limits, but the political test is so high it is really terrifying, unbelievable."

   "How high is your political consciousness!"

   Zhou Jun is also a graduate student, and he knows exactly what Lin Shu's postgraduate entrance examination results mean. It is really outrageous and terrible.

   Zhou Jun couldn't help but feel sorry for Lin Shu, saying: "Hey, Lin Shu, you have such a high score, it is really a pity, it is better to go directly to Huaqing University."

   Hearing Zhou Jun's words, Lin Shu smiled.

   Zhang Qiao, who had been silent on the side, heard Zhou Jun's words and couldn't help saying: "That's not necessarily true. Huaqing's professional courses may not be that simple."

   Lin Shu glanced at Zhang Qiao, raised his brows, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

   [Lv2 Lemon Essence]: Attack with acid words. Note: The body is a lemon.

   This really surprised Lin Shu. He didn't expect Zhang Qiao's head to hold a line of text, which was actually a [lemon essence].

Yao Chen heard what Zhang Qiao said, and was unhappy, and said, "Lin Shu's eye of scores can pass the professional score, and it is very likely that he will go to Huaqing, okay, such a high score is not only high in a professional course. "

Hearing what Yao Chen said, Zhang Qiao felt that the food in his mouth was a bit sour, but he answered, "No, I think Xiangnan University is quite good for Lin Shu, although it is not as good as Huaqing. But it’s great too."

   There is something wrong with this inexplicably.

   Lin Shu did not speak, but looked at Zhang Qiao deeply.

   Zhang Yuan asked directly: "Zhang Qiao, are you envy and jealous?"

   Zhang Qiao was awkwardly asked by Zhang Yuan, shook his head, and quickly denied: "What am I jealous of."

   "Listening to you, I thought you did so well in the Suanlinshu postgraduate entrance examination."

   This is a bit straightforward.

   ko Zhangqiao directly.

   Zhang Qiao tugged at the corner of his mouth, and smiled to indicate no.

   Lin Shu didn't even think about making a move to kill this [Lemon Essence] strange, but found the deep meaning and sourness behind the sour words very interesting.

  【Lemon Extract】It's sour and interesting.

   Zhang Qiao raised his glass to congratulate Lin Shu again, and said: "Lin Shu, congratulations, you must take good care of the retest later, don't make mistakes."

   "Thank you, in fact, I also hope to have the opportunity to study Huaqing's doctorate later."

   The words made Zhang Qiao a little more embarrassed.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for using basic speech and basic speech, causing a small amount of damage to Lv2 Lemon Essence, gaining 1. Experience +530; 2. Gold Coins +50. 】

   Lin Shu was a little surprised. He swears that he really just said this casually, but he did not expect that it would also cause damage to [Lemon Essence].

   After all, [Lemon Essence] sour speech sounds so funny and cute, why kill [Lemon Essence].

   really just mentioned it casually.

   Just now, Zhang Qiao said that Lin Shu did not necessarily pass the Huaqing postgraduate entrance examination, but now Lin Shu directly said that he would have the opportunity to take the Huaqing Ph.D., which made Zhang Qiao quite embarrassed.

   Zhang Qiao twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "Then you have to work hard."

   "That's natural."

   Because of Lin Shu's postgraduate entrance examination results, it can be said that the whole topic centered around Lin Shu's postgraduate entrance examination scores.

   After eating, I plan to leave.

   Now Lin Shu’s house has been renovated almost, but Lin Shu still has no plans to live in it. After all, it has just been renovated and it still needs ventilation for a while.

   Lin Shu still lives in a rented house near Shonan Yao Chen insists on returning to the rented house with Lin Shu. Lin Shu has no choice but to let Yao Chen get in the car.

   Just when Lin Shu was about to drive back to his residence, there was a tall and thin figure at the intersection that made Lin Shu stunned.

   That figure disappeared after turning at the intersection.

   Lin Shu was shocked, and drove to catch up, wanting to see the figure.

   However, Lin Shu drove after him and didn't see the person.

   Lin Shu stretched out his head and looked out the car window, but he did not see the figure that made him suspicious.

   That figure looks like a person.

"what's wrong?"

   Lin Shu didn't answer, he just stared at the front in a daze, he wanted to know if he had read it wrong just now.

   Yao Chen stretched out his hand and patted Lin Shu on the shoulder. He saw Lin Shu staring ahead in a daze, with a hint of suspicion in his surprised expression.

   Lin Shu came back to his senses.

   He should be wrong, right?

should be.

   The night is dim, and under the street light, it may be wrong.

   Lin Shu thought about it, it is absolutely impossible to be that person, what is he thinking about!

   Lin Shu shook his head and said, "No, I should have read it wrong."

   "Let's go."

   Lin Shu restarted the car and drove away.

   Just as Lin Shu drove away, the thin and tall figure Lin Shu saw just now walked out of a shop.

   The street lights were brightly lit, and the tall and thin figure stood at the intersection and glanced at the car that Lin Shu drove away.

   Lin Shu didn't pay attention to the rear-view mirror, the face of the thin tall figure was clearly reflected in the rear-view mirror.

   The man who looked like he died in front of Lin's book stood there.

   That face drifted away and blurred.

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