This chapter was initially blocked, but now it has been revised, and the changed brains are bigger! ╯﹏╰


   Shonan University, dormitory building.

   Lin Shu packed up his things and squeezed the shoulder bag straps on his shoulders. Inside were the documents he had printed out, and asked Zhang Yao, "Are Brother Lin's parents in the principal's office now?"

   Zhang Yao nodded. Although he didn't know what Lin Shu was planning to do, he still said: "Lin Shu, the school here asks us not to talk about this, especially you, don't say something that shouldn't be said."

Because Lin Shu was the witness who saw Lin Yiming jump off the building and the person who called the emergency call immediately. The police asked Lin Shu about the situation at the first time, and the school also gave Lin Shu a vague warning. Warning, don't talk nonsense.

   "What shouldn't you say?"

   Lin Shu sneered, and said directly: "Then what should be said, naturally I still have to say, the key is that Brother Lin wants to say."

   He really didn't expect this to be the reason.

   This matter is also being discussed on the Internet, and many netizens are paying attention to this matter. After all, it is not the first time such a matter has occurred.

   The school’s official Weibo also posted a notice stating that he fell to his death and ruled out homicide.

   But Lin Shu knew very well that it was not a suicide at all, but was oppressed to death by the spirit of the monster [Cannibal].

Just those chat records, I really can’t imagine how desperate Lin Yiming was when he was squeezed and tortured. Even if he pretended to be depressed and stupid, he couldn’t get rid of his control. The monster will hide behind after eating people, no one knows.

   "Are you going to the principal's office now? The police are also there now, and seem to be negotiating the aftermath."

   Hearing Zhang Yao's words, Lin Shu didn't say anything. He left with his bag on his back and hurried to the principal's office.


  Although the school prohibits discussion, students are very concerned about it privately. After all, it is their seniors, so why not let them care and care about the truth when something like this happened to the students in the same school.

   There are already many people in the principal's office, and there are security guards at the door.

   Lin Shu wanted to go in, but it was obvious that the security guards would not let Lin Shu in at all. After all, some leaders inside were discussing with their family members.

   Actually, Lin Yiming's compensation for the aftermath is being discussed in the principal's office.

The school naturally hopes to suppress this matter as soon as possible. After all, there are students in the school who committed suicide by jumping off the building. No matter what the reason is, it is a matter of extremely bad influence. Fortunately, there are no bad remarks. .

   "Depression? You just said that his suicide was his own cause."

   "You just give us an explanation. It is so good that one of our children died in your school. He is only twenty-five years old!"

   An angry cry faintly came from inside.

   Lin Shu directly said to the security guard: "Brother Lin's key, I want to give his parents."

   Because there were some disputes and disturbances outside the door, people would naturally come out to watch.

   Speak clearly, only then can Lin Shu get in.

   The two parents sitting in the principal’s office were haggard and plainly dressed. They looked like very honest farmers, with tears on their faces and swollen eyes.

   Lin's mother's hair is all white and her expression is in a daze.

   Lin Yiming is an only child.

   When a person loses his independence in his later years, how uncomfortable it is to feel the pain of despair.

   Thinking of this, Lin Shu felt very uncomfortable, especially the scene of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man in front of him, which made him feel heartbroken.

   To accompany Lin's father and Lin mother, there are Lin Yiming's cousin and a lawyer.

   There are many people standing in the office. In addition to the police, there are also the principal, the head of the department, and a monster.

   Lin Shu's gaze fell on the monster-Lin Yiming's mentor Xu Gui.

   Lin Shu clearly sees Xu Gui, who is wearing a pair of gold glasses and dressed in a suit and leather shoes, has a line of text on his head——

   [Lv24 Cannibalism: The skill is to eat people without spitting out bones, to be unintentional, to hide in human skin, and to eat people well. Note: Extremely dangerous. 】

   Lin Shu glanced at Xu Gui, walked to Mama Lin, and said, "This is Brother Lin's key."

   Lin's mother has messy hair, crying and receiving the key that Lin Shu handed over, crying like that.

   Lin Shu said to the police and Dad Lin again, "There is a small USB flash drive on the keychain. I read the contents, and there is the real cause of death of Brother Lin."

   The real cause of death?

  'S words shocked everyone in the audience.

  Especially the face of [Cannibal] who wore gold glasses and a suit and leather shoes changed suddenly.

   The principal and the department head seem to know what the information is and are ready to stop, but Lin Shu has already given Lin Yi and [Cannibal] Xu Gui's WeChat and SMS chat records to Dad Lin.

Papa Lin looked at the long records above and his whole body was trembling. The records above clearly cried that his child had been squeezed by the [Cannibal] monster. I have to deliver meals, buy tickets, move furniture, and go to Xu’s home in the middle of the night...Various kinds of private work, pretending to be depressed, and begging to be unable to get rid of.

That monster [cannibal] has always used thesis and graduation as the excuse to choke his neck, making him breathless and refusing to let go, while squeezing and exploiting, eating his flesh and gnawing His bones.

   The atmosphere in the office became very tense. Things became complicated and simple at this moment. The reason for suicide was so natural that many people at the scene seemed to have guessed such an answer.

   But no one said it, even if they knew it.

   They knew that it was not suicide, but homicide.

   Now that I know, Lin Shu wants to know whether the school will issue another announcement to make the truth public. If I really feel sad and sorry for Lin Yiming's unfortunate death, then he should tear off the human skin that the monsters wear.

Wait a moment!

Lin Shu suddenly remembered something he hadn't paid attention to. The notice issued by the school that he had read before-"At 3 o'clock in the afternoon on October 25th, ... Lin Moumou fell to his death from a building. The police preliminarily determined that he was high in the sky. Fall to death, rule out homicide...

   Shonan University

   October 26, 2020"

   He has never paid attention to the time in the secret realm. Now it is announced that the time below is October 26, 2020, which means that it is now October 26.


  He entered the secret realm on December 31, 2019, and he plans to go home.

   Could it be said that this space-time crack secret realm is the parallel space-time where he has already entered the postgraduate entrance examination and entered Shonan University?


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