It was raining all the time outside, Lin Shu stood under the eaves, and when he left under the umbrella, many experience points for killing monsters also appeared.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you used the magical skill of stabbing in the eyes, a needle piercing the eyes, causing a little damage to the Lv3 monster inwardly scrolling madness, gaining 1. experience + 290; 2. gold coins 27. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you used the magical skill of stabbing in the eyes, a needle piercing the eyes, causing a little bit of damage to the Lv4 monsters inwardly scrolling madness, gaining 1. experience +175; 2. gold coins 20. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you used the magical skill of stabbing in the eyes, a needle piercing the eyes, causing a little damage to the Lv1 monster involuntary monster, gaining 1. experience + 150; 2. gold coins 17. 】

【Ding! ……】

【Ding! ……】

   Looking at the experience points that appeared, Lin Shu couldn't help but smile. It seemed that he got off work on time and it really made many people feel hurt. It's no wonder that Zhao Xuan would say that to him.

   "Brother Lin, what you just said was really too strong, really awesome."

   Huang Wen hurriedly followed, and still said very excitedly: "You are really too strong, you actually said this in front of the leader."

   Lin Shu glanced at Huang Wen, smiled, and said nothing.

   He didn't feel that he was strong, but he went back without holding back. Fortunately, he harvested a large wave of experience points. Although he didn't upgrade, Lin Shu knew very well in his heart that this system is his confidence now.

   Of course, whether there is or not, it's just quitting and changing jobs.

   "Really, Brother Lin, you are really amazing!"

   "What a ghost, it's just impulsive."

   [Negative energy ghost] Qi Yuan floated over, heard Huang Wen's words, and asked directly: "Are you going to resign?"

   Lin Shu's gaze fell on Chen Ping [Salted Fish Dead Corpse], and it was obvious that Chen Ping must have said that he was going to resign.

   Chen Ping was stared at by Lin Shu, a little embarrassed, he twitched his mouth and smiled and said, "I saw you write your resignation application."

   "Have you found a good job and left home? You are too impulsive to resign like this. If you are not ready for anything, the pressure will be very heavy."

"What if I can't find a better company than the current company? What if the salary is not negotiated, and the salary is lower? It is very complicated to find a company for an interview. Have you thought about it? The naked resignation is good for a while, but it is very difficult afterwards. Horrible. I tell you that you can't find a job without leaving, and your whole mentality will collapse!"

   Listening to [Negative Energy Ghost] Qi Yuan's words, Chen Ping and Huang Wen on the side also felt a little worried for Lin Shu, frowning, and wondering what to do.

   "I told you, you will really be desperate then!"

【Danger! The negative energy ghost skills are released, and a large wave of negative energy aura strikes at you, to surround you! 】

   Lin Shu smiled, and said, "Then don't look for it. Anyway, I don't plan to find a new job for the time being."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you used the breeze indifferent palm to disperse the negative energy breath with one palm, causing a certain amount of damage to the negative energy ghost of the Lv9 monster, gaining 1. experience + 590; 2. 47 gold coins. 】

  [Negative Energy Ghost] Qi Yuan was speechless, frowned, and asked, "Are you not looking for a job?"

   "Look, anyway, I have no plans for the time being. Let's rest for a while."

  The rest period mentioned by Lin Shu actually meant preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, but he did not intend to put the matter of the postgraduate entrance examination directly on his lips.

   Now that there is a dungeon task for the postgraduate entrance examination, I just quit my job to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. Now there are only more than three months left, so I will first use this [normal] level dungeon task.

   Qi Yuan stared at Lin Shu, frowning, he didn't expect Lin Shu to say such things.

   "You, you--even if you take a break for a while, you still need to find a job again. The financial pressure behind this will also make you very painful."

   Lin Shu patted Qi Yuan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's just resignation, not as serious as you think."

   "However, you said that you have resigned and have not resigned for three years, but I resigned first and left, haha."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you then stabbed up with a backhand, pierced his heart, and caused a lot of damage to the Lv9 monster negative energy ghost, gaining 1. Experience + 990; 2. 107 gold coins. 】

   It's heartache, Qi Yuan's heartache.

  The smile on Lin Shu's face has deepened. It turns out that [Negative Energy Ghost] monsters are not too strong to kill. We still need to find out where the door is, and then kill the killer.

   Qi Yuan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, watching Lin Shu leave.

   Chen Ping followed up with an umbrella, and turned around to make up another knife. "He was wrong. You should have said it for four years."

   Qi Yuan: "……"


   Huang Wen and Lin Shu went to the company canteen to have a meal. Originally, Huang Wen wanted to invite Lin Shu to eat out, but Lin Shu refused directly.

   Lin Shu thought about going back to learn to learn experience after eating.

   "Are you not going to work overtime today?"

   Huang Wen said directly: "After listening to you, I don't want to work overtime there. It's really too much torment."

   "Be careful that the leader is looking for you."

   When Huang Wen heard Lin Shu’s words, he couldn’t help but smiled and said: “Because of your remarks, the leader will definitely look for you first, and never look for us.”

   "But, Brother Lin, did you really apply for your resignation?"

   Lin Shu nodded.

Huang Wen is a little bit lost. He thinks that Lin Shu is really a very good senior. Some regrets that he didn't have too many opportunities to learn from Lin Shu, but he also worried about Lin In fact, as Qi Yuan said just now Yes, naked remarks are momentary, and there are still many things to consider later.

   "Brother Lin, what are you going to do after a period of rest?"

   "Think about it later."

   In fact, Lin Shu knew in his heart that he had already thought about it, and the next step was to conquer the dungeon task of the postgraduate entrance examination.

   And now that he has upgraded to Lv20, he still can't use that [Satisfaction Talisman], so I still have to continue to upgrade and continue to gain experience.

  Especially the experience value of the next level has doubled.

   Now his level experience progress bar is [11250/90000], which requires 90,000 experience points is not so easy.

  According to the method given by the system to gain experience points, Lin Shu believes that completing the dungeon task will definitely get a good reward. After all, this is his first dungeon task, and dungeon tasks have always been very rare in the game.

  Maybe, after he completes the dungeon task of the postgraduate entrance examination, he is really a large wave of experience points, and he may be able to use the [Satisfaction Talisman] at that time.

   Thinking of this, Lin Shu began to look forward to it.

   Back to the dormitory, Lin Shu remembered that after he upgraded, there was still a mysterious gift that had not been opened.

   Lin Shu is looking forward to it, not knowing what equipment will be released this time.

   I hope he can use this mysterious gift right away.

   Lin Shu looked at the inventory in the personal panel, avoided the dazzling [Satisfaction Talisman], with a thought, opened another mysterious gift.

【Ding! 】


   Lin Shu looked at the gift that came out with some doubts——

  【Memory Potion】

   What kind of equipment is this again?

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