EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 472: Tactical Deception (Part 2)

After Blake's order was issued, the regular fleet of the newly formed Kelsen Army immediately stepped up to clean up the interceptor ships around them. Looking at this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of Kermac Vaga's mouth.

Afterwards, a special fleet composed of heavy interceptors and logistics ships came out of the Titan ship maintenance warehouse, and quickly jumped towards the super-flagship group of the newly formed Kelsen Army.

The thick-skinned heavy interceptor, coupled with the remote maintenance of the logistics ship, is no problem if it is dragged for hours.

Immediately, the First Fleet of the Shadow Serpentis launched its full output to the aircraft carrier fleet of the new Kelsen Army in front of it.

After Cormac Varga's super-flag swarm entered the field, the enemy's carrier fleet was reduced to brittle cardboard and quickly shredded.

However, in less than 20 minutes, the eight small aircraft carrier fleets and five super aircraft carrier fleets of the new Kelsen Group Army have lost one-fifth. , and the iron cavalry group is also specially watched. Once it is dispatched, it will be destroyed by a dozen dreadnoughts using the group doomsday. These aircraft carrier fleets trapped in place and unable to move will become a piece of meat to be slaughtered.

Looking at the group of aircraft carriers that he was unable to fight back, Blake was ashamed.

Now he knows that his practice of placing the aircraft carrier group outside the shelter of the super-flag group has caused such a loss of the aircraft carrier group. After the war, his position as the commander of the newly formed Kelsen Army has come to an end.

Afterwards, Blake let out a sigh and gave orders to his subordinates.

"All the interceptors rush up to me, and cover the enemy's body with the jump interception force field!"

Now one's own super-flag group is stopped by the enemy's heavy interceptor ship like a fly, and cannot enter the arena.

In order to prevent the enemy's super-flagship team from leaving safely after eating the aircraft carrier group, he could only let the interceptor ships stop the battlefield without distinction.

And this way...

"Damn it, Blake, what are you doing!!"

The commander of the aircraft carrier group saw that the intercepting force field that he finally destroyed with the pulse bomb was replaced again, and it was repaired by his own people. This is going to completely cut off their way of life!

Originally, they only needed to hold on for a few more tens of seconds. After the intercepting force field was blown up and disappeared, the surviving people of their aircraft carrier group could use the super-flag superspace jump to evacuate. The whole army was wiped out.

But as their own interceptor ships entered the battlefield, the bubble-like interception force field became stronger again. If not, they were desperate!

Cormac Vaga looked at the two dreadnought fleets enveloped by the interception force field on the main battlefield, and the enemy interceptor ships charging towards his super-flag group, with a slightly wrinkled expression on his face.

Afterwards, with a wave of Cormac Wagga's hand, more than a dozen Hate-class super aircraft carriers' heavy cavalry aircraft suddenly lifted into the air, and arrived at the middle position between the main battlefield and the super-flag cluster at an extremely fast speed.

The driver of the enemy interceptor ship panicked when he saw the group of cavalry carrier-based aircraft rushing towards him, and hurriedly used various maneuvering tactics to avoid it.

But to their surprise, these iron cavalry carrier-based planes did not come directly towards them, but circled around them, and did not intend to get close to attack them.

This made them overjoyed, and hurriedly overloaded the thrusters of the battleship and drove towards the target!

But when they finally rushed to the middle position, the group of heavy cavalry carrier-based aircraft surrounded by nearly a hundred squadrons finally moved, and hundreds of bombs were launched by the cavalry carrier-based aircraft. Move straight towards their route, sealing their various maneuvering positions tightly!

Afterwards, the pulse waves generated by the explosion of hundreds of bombs enveloped these interceptor ships, and almost instantly, these dozens of interceptor ships became fragments.

"What the **** is this!!"

Blake, who was commanding from a distance, looked at the fleet of interceptor ships that were wiped out in an instant, his eyes almost protruding.

No wonder he was shocked. This heavy bomber cavalry carrier-based aircraft is similar to the stealth bomber. Even the demon civilization and angel civilization have no related technology. It can be said that they are the first objects to be used in actual combat by these two big killers , I don't know if they are lucky or unlucky.

Heavy bomber cavalry carrier-based aircraft, designed to compensate for the attack effect of super-carriers on conventional fleets.

Its operating principle is similar to that of a stealth bomber. The bombs fired use the principle of mechanical operation, and will automatically explode after moving to a certain distance.

Because of the number of cavalry carrier-based aircraft squadrons that can be controlled by this super aircraft carrier, all these heavy-duty bomber cavalry carrier-based aircraft have a considerable damage effect on the enemy's conventional fleet after they take off.

Even at a critical moment, you can throw a few bombs to your own super-flag group to blow up the intercepting force field around you, and then escape. It can be said that this heavy bomber cavalry carrier-based aircraft is very useful!

"Kormac Vaga, the enemy's reinforcement fleet has returned to the central location of the Ellis star field. At present, it takes two flagship hyperspace jumps to reach your battlefield. The estimated arrival time is ten minutes!"

Because he was in the command room of the first star of the Serpentis, Shi Man could get all the information, and after being reported by the reconnaissance ship in the Ellis Starfield, Shi Man immediately told Kermak Vaga about the situation.

The implication is to let Cormac Varga hurry up!

"Yes, my lord!"

Cormac Varga nodded in understanding.

Afterwards, Cormac Vaga directly controlled dozens of squadrons of heavy bomber cavalry carriers to the main battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ While making the dreadnought stop the battle module, he controlled the heavy bomber cavalry carrier aircraft to face The interception force field on the main battlefield bombed.

In just a few dozen seconds, the conventional warships, interceptor ships, and interceptor force fields affected by the bombs on the main battlefield were all destroyed, and the two fierce-class dreadnoughts used the flagship without hesitation after the battle module stopped. The hyperspace transition was evacuated, leaving only a single flagship space fluctuation generated during the hyperspace transition.

After the Violent-class dreadnought fleet withdrew, Cormac Vaga no longer had any scruples, and controlled all the heavy bomber cavalry carrier-based aircraft to bombard the enemy's aircraft carrier groups round after round, and then the Conqueror-class Titans used the Doomsday as the end of the battle.

Under Blake's sluggish eyes, with the continuous explosion of his own aircraft carrier fleet, Cormac Vaga led the super flagship group to quickly evacuate and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that his side lost more than half, and almost all aircraft carrier groups with different injuries, Blake no longer had the slightest look in his eyes.

"It's over..."


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