EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 418: PIBC, danger!

Looking at this post, Shi Man didn't take it seriously, because this thing is simply impossible.

"There is no big fight now, is it necessary to make this kind of political posts?"

And with such an old-fashioned shocked body, Shi Man was a little powerless to complain.

Besides, this pibc has become the well-deserved overlord of the national server since the 49th battle in 2014. It has ruled the entire national server for so many years, and now there are no major events in the early stage. How could such a large empire suddenly collapse?

Although he didn't believe it in his heart, after seeing the popularity of the post, Shi Man couldn't help but clicked in.

The whole post is not long, except for a few sentences, there are only a few screenshots of alliance emails.

But just this screenshot shocked Shi Man a little.

[Flowing water does not rot, Hu Shu is not stupid! gtmdpibc!

The hatred of a gentleman can be avenged for nine generations; the hatred of a country can be pursued for a hundred generations!

Starting today, vvv, Beimeng, Isu, and Xingyue have become allies and jointly declare war on pibc!

The prestige of each alliance is adjusted to +10, and the prestige of affiliated alliances is adjusted according to the actual situation.

Each alliance adjusts the reputation of pibc to -10, and the reputation of aom to -10.

We set the ultimate goal of completely extinguishing the lights of pibc, and re-planned the 00 power area after the war to inject new vitality into the national server.

—Northern Alliance · Whatever you want to be inspired】

[There is nothing to say, I know everyone has been waiting for this day for a long time.

The old era is coming to an end, and we will create a new era with our own hands.

—isu·Years Ruthless Peoplege]

The screenshots of other alliance emails are probably the same, all of which are joint declarations of war.

These are nothing, because Shiman himself is a member of the pibc, so he is also aware of the strength of the pibc. Although the joint declaration of war by these alliances can greatly weaken the pibc, it will not be to the point where the lights will be extinguished.

And the next screenshot of the alliance made Shi Man's heart sink, and his complexion changed visible to the naked eye.

[The wind rises from the end of Qingping, and the waves form between the waves.

When we came back to our senses, the wind was howling and the waves were raging, and we finally realized that it was time to bid farewell to an era.

I still remember back then, when the children on the side of the road sang the anti-Man song, I smiled wryly: What are you doing against him? I am Man, the spear that breaks the formation, the horn of the charge, the **** who crosses the river, and the chess piece that has no regrets.

The wind in the distance is calling, the waves crashing on the shore are whispering, it's time to say goodbye to that decadent dynasty, 3v generals, listen to my orders, please follow me to pierce the sky!

Starting today, vvv, Beimeng, Isu, and Xingyue have become allies and jointly declare war on pibc!

—Venivivivic·The Realm of Lies]

A call for thieves that I don’t know has never been copied to make changes, and the declaration of war that is so severe in the second grade makes people unable to complain, but Shiman is not in the mood to complain now, because this is really about to change!

The pibc alliance is very large and consists of several legions and affiliated alliances, so it is divided into the southern part and the northern part. For example, the domain of the source where the stone barbarians are located belongs to the southern part, while the venividivici alliance belongs to the northern part.

Xiang Xiangji is currently the commander of the Beifu Army, and he is actually leading the Northern Fleet!

Although they all belong to the same faction, after all, they are all divided into relatives, and the southern part where Shiman is located is directly under the pibc, so they must be closer.

Naturally, the two alliances have had bad blood since a long time ago, just because the top management of both sides were forced to suppress it.

It is said that their family knows their own affairs, and they have been used to being the overlord over the years, so it is inevitable that the pibc will lose its combat readiness, and the combat effectiveness of the combatants will drop rapidly.

So much so that the game has a detailed talk about pibc having no other means of combat other than using flagship crushing.

And venivivivici has a bad reputation for fire prevention, theft and 3v in the game, so it has enemies with almost all other forces, so it is inevitable that it will become the main target of harvesting, and it will always face harvesting and counter-harvesting.

Years of high-intensity combat has allowed venivivivici to train a large number of excellent combat personnel, so these years are also the absolute main force of pibc's external operations, and the reputation of its Beifu army is also widely spread.

It can be said that after losing the Beifu army, pibc has already cut off its own arm.

And now venividivici has also announced an alliance with other alliances to carry out joint operations against pibc. As the main force, the Beifu army will point its guns at the original old club. The consequences can be imagined!

Looking at these screenshots and the various 'anti-man' slogans in the posts, Shi Man knew that this matter was true!

"It's going to change!"

Now Shi Man no longer has the desire to watch it any longer, but instead calls Ola and asks Ola to urgently project the game login interface. He has to go online to have a look.

He wanted to know, he had left the game for less than a month and a half, how could the overlord of the game look like the sunset?

After logging into the game, Shi Man saw a lot of alliance emails, and accumulated nearly a hundred emails in just one and a half months!

And Derk Ellis also happened to see Shiman online, and then boarded YY and teased Shiman: "Manzi, you are not busy with business, are you leaving for half a year, why do you have time to go online?

Could it be that he also fell in love with that guy Mengyue Mugetu? "

Hearing Derk Ellis' teasing, Shi Man replied angrily: "I'm male, I like women, and now I have a fiancée, so I'm not interested in big men dressed in women's clothing."

Before Derk Ellis could continue teasing, Shi Man asked him about the current situation.

"Old Germany, what happened recently? Why did 3V follow the North Alliance and other alliances to declare war on Pibc?"

"You don't know?" Derk Ellis asked in surprise.

"what do you know?"

"3v, led by Xiaocao, declared war on pibc a month ago, and now both sides have been fighting in the j5a galaxy for more than a month!" Derk Ellis said surprisingly.


Shi Man was stunned by this news.

Since he brought the Sky Snake Group to the Eastern Territory, he has not paid attention to the game, and even blocked all communication tools in order not to be distracted. He sent a message, but he didn't see it either.

According to Derk Ellis, Shiman also knew the whole story.

Generally speaking, venivivivici and pibc revealed all kinds of black materials to each other in a short period of time.

And it even broke out that Venivivivici secretly formed a dreadnought fleet to conduct a surprise attack on the super flagship fleet in the south, destroying several titans and super aircraft carriers in the south.

Immediately under various public opinions, the relationship between the two parties broke down.

Venivivivici was the first to attack. Xiang Xiangji, a super spy, personally led the fleet to dismantle the trading star city in Permit, cutting off a large source of income for Pibc.

Then it was very clever to unite with other large leagues and build a trade star city in the original place, so that everyone can make money and defend together, but only pibc is excluded.

This move not only allowed venivivivici to have the same interests as other alliances, but also allowed the notorious venivivivici to gain some trust from other alliances, laying the foundation for the current cooperation, but at the cost of intensifying the conflict with pibc.

And then they went south and launched an attack on Pibc's base camp, the Fountain. Now the two sides have been engaged in a high-intensity battle in the j5a galaxy, the portal of the Fountain, for more than a month~www.wuxiaspot.com~here During this period, the other alliances remained silent, and none of them wanted to get involved in this muddy water.

But now, with the announcement of the joint declaration of war by the major alliances, this stalemate will definitely be broken.

It can be said that in less than a month and a half, pibc has gone from being the overlord of the national server to the moment when the lights will be turned off at any time, what a miserable word.

And before this joint announcement, Venivivivici also carried out a huge titan transfer. Nearly 2,500 titans were overwhelming everyone, so much so that they all let the pibc's legion surrender as soon as possible.

Now with the joint declaration of war by other major alliances, the total number of Titans in these major alliances will be an astronomical figure. PIBC alone will definitely not be able to make up a Titan fleet that can match it!

After hearing what Derk Ellis said, Shi Man looked at the empty YY, and couldn't help shaking his head secretly: "People are in a panic!"



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