EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 243: decisive battle (on)

Dasas Left First Star, Dasas Left Star City.

Looking at the New Yindian Fleet gathering more and more like a pack of prairie wolves in less than half an hour, Gray Dassas had a very bad feeling in his left heart.

"Send scouts to the surrounding galaxies for reconnaissance, and contact the heads of each colony planet."

The people below took orders to leave.

Gray Daxas looked at the holographic projection outside Star City from the left and frowned deeper.

Xin Yindian dispatched such a team of warships, which proves that they have let go of the blockade, otherwise they would not be able to gather so many fleets in a short period of time.

And there was only one reason why they let go of the blockade, and that was that it was unnecessary.

Either the spaceships and warships of those colonial planets have been wiped out, and they can't escape even if they want to, so there is no need to block it.

Or, they have all been wiped out, and there is no need to block them anymore.

The former is fine, if the latter...

Gray Dasas Zuo couldn't imagine.

After a while, more than ten frigates rushed out of Star City. Because of the deterrence of Star City's armed defense, Sasha's fleet did not make any moves.

After the warships on the left of Daxas leaped in other directions and left the protection range of Star City, several Imp-class interceptor ships in the Sasha fleet also quietly followed.

Time passed little by little amidst the anxiety of Gray Dasaszuo and others, and after about half an hour, several warships sent out finally returned.

I saw five dilapidated Daxas left battleships jumping towards Star City, and after getting up, they chased several imp-class interceptor ships.

Because of the super high transition speed of the imp-class interceptor ship, it immediately arrived around the star city one step ahead of schedule.

After waiting for the five warships left by Daxas to finish their transition, they swarmed up like a pack of wolves, and quickly tore one of them into pieces.

Looking at his own scouts who were in trouble, Gray Dasas Zuo's face was extremely ugly.

"Activate the Star City armed forces, assist the scouts, and crush the flies of these prisoners!"

However, due to its unique shape and electronic system, the Imp-class interceptor has a very small signal radius.

I saw that the defensive armed system of the Star City locked on for a full ten seconds before locking it. During this period, the Imp class and the scouts who ate up four Dasas left.

After Star City completed the lock, an ultra-high-intensity transition scrambler and barrier-level stagnation beam hung on an Imp-class body, reducing its ship's speed by a large amount.

After the speed of the imp-class ship slowed down, Xingcheng suddenly spewed out a curtain of thunder and rain, submerging it.

Facing this kind of covering and saturation attack, the Imp class whose speed was limited was directly destroyed without any accident, and even the space capsule in it couldn't escape.

Look at the loss of an Imp class. Chelm Solan had a serious look on his face, and immediately called back all the other little ghosts.

This kid is not cheap, so it hurts to lose it like this!

Afterwards, the scout team with only one space capsule left was drawn into Star City.

After a while, a young man with a pale face and listless spirit was carried into the conference room on a stretcher.

Seeing Gray Dasaszuo, the young man suddenly grabbed Gray Dasaszuo's hand very excitedly, and said with a grim expression: "It's over, it's over, it's over!"

Gray Dasas patted the young man's hand tightly holding his sleeve on the left, and said very kindly: "Speak slowly, speak slowly."

Everyone can see that the scout's mind is confused now, and he has obviously been greatly stimulated.

Under the comfort of Gray Dasaszuo, the scout gradually calmed down and lay powerlessly on the stretcher.

After a while, two clear tears flowed down, looked at Gray Dasas Zuo and choked up and said: "Your Majesty, except for the first star of Dasas Zuo, all the other galaxies in the constellation of Dasas Zuo are all finished.

I traveled all the way to the Leip system, and I saw with my own eyes that all the colonized planets along the way had become fragments, and the people of Darthas left in the system were almost wiped out by New Yindian.

Now there is still Xin Yindian's fleet chasing down people who escaped by chance. "

As soon as the words fell, Gray Dasas left suddenly felt a little weak, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The people around hurriedly supported him, looking at him with concern.

Gray Daxas waited for a while before breaking away from the support of the people around him, and looked at the scout with red eyes.

"These planets have the best near-ground defense systems, millions of ground troops and countless material reserves, how could they just fall like this!

Say, are you lying to me! ! "

As a Chongwu civilization that rose through conquests, Dasas left civilization not only has a star fleet, but also has a powerful ground force.

These ground troops are elite fighters who have been tested on the battlefield.

How did it fall like this!

Looking at Gray Dasas left who seemed to be devouring someone, the scout said in great pain: "According to the analysis of the battlefield, Xinyindian used a doomsday weapon to destroy the colonial planet and all the arrangements on the ground are useless. .

On the way back, we scanned a Titan-class battleship. According to analysis, this is the Titan that appeared in the northern fortress of Alpha. "

"The Heavenly Blade Titan of Killing Angel..."

Gray Daxas murmured in despair.

Originally, Ola and the others were not prepared to capture the left civilization of Dasas and colonize it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Besides, there is no need to colonize Xinyindian, and the tens of thousands of Dorut people even have the Alpha star field It's not filled yet.

So from the beginning, the revenge against Dasas left civilization was predatory and destructive.

During this period of time, the resources that Sasha plundered in Daxas were continuously transported to the Alpha star field through the wormhole. As for the rare strategic goal of colonial planets, they all adopted destructive operations instead of Cutting like a scalpel on the space station, try not to hurt the supplies.

"Your Majesty, we have sent people to bring out the news that Xinyindian dispatched the Titans, and I hope you can hold on. The left star of Dasas is the last hope of our civilization."

The scout passed out after finishing speaking.

At this moment, there was a rush of sirens in Star City.

This is the Sasha fleet began to act.

Gray Dasas stared closely at the holographic projection on the left, and saw that the Sasha fleet had assembled and arrayed.

Based on a phalanx and a full fleet, there are a total of ten fleets outside the left star city of Dasas, plus the fleets that are still cleaning up other galaxies.

This time, New Yindian dispatched at least twelve Sasha fleets.

"This is a dozen fleets, not a dozen warships!"

Gray Dasas left is absolutely certain that someone on the front line had liaised with Xin Yindian, and assisted Xin Yindian's fleet to go deep into the Beecher Meteor Field, otherwise such a huge fleet could not have observed the way!

This is someone who wants their Daxas left to die!

Also at this moment, an induction lighted up in Sasha's fleet, and a giant beast crushed the galaxy.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Gray Dasas Zuo said word by word:

"Killing Angel, Heavenly Blade Titan..."

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