EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 226: War in the North (5)

Aura, who was far away in the Alpha galaxy base, came to the northern fortress through the data as soon as his eyes opened and closed.

The violently vibrating space battle under the attack did not affect Aura. Looking at the four Titans through the holographic projection, Aola's originally gentle face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

"Hehehe, it's really you!"

The four Titans in front of him are the four that were evacuated out of the five Titans that participated in the assassination of Shiman!

At the beginning, because there was no interceptor ship, Aura could only hit all the jumps and interfere with one Titan, which made the other Titans run away. Now that he met the murderer, how could Aura bear it!

Then, a shell hit the location where Aura was, and Aura's projection disappeared in the explosion.

And in the deep space of the northern fortress, ten steel behemoths slowly jumped out of the subspace, and after a few rays of light flashed behind the ships, all of them suddenly jumped towards the fleet left by Darthas.

"All dreadnoughts abandon the space station and shoot the new Yindian battleship freely!"

Seeing the rushing Sasha fleet, Gray Dasas Zuo immediately ordered the Dreadnought fleet to shift its target.

He has only nine regular fleets, while the opponent has a full sixteen full fleets. If the regular battles are left alone, then when the space station is destroyed, there will not be a few battleships left in his regular fleet. up.

For this order, the fearless drivers naturally readily accepted it.

This attacking space station that won't resist is not as good as shooting at the enemy, not to mention that they have been provoked by these guys during this time, and they have long suppressed their anger.

At the same time, the conventional fleet left by Dasas rushed towards the Sasha fleet under the cover of the Dreadnought Fleet's firepower.

Before the fleets of the two sides fought, the Sasha fleet suffered heavy losses under the fierce attack of the dreadnought, and half of the fleet's warships had been turned into scrap iron.

"I can't go on like this!"

Chelm Solan looked at the dreadnought fleet attacking his own fleet wantonly. If this continues, his own fleet may be gone before the conventional fleet left in Daxas can be wiped out.

After a quick thought in his heart, he gave orders to the other three officials.

"Rush into the dreadnought fleet, relying on its dreadnoughts to fight with them!"

There are relatively wide gaps between the dreadnought ships, which are completely enough for them to fight in them.

And this can effectively limit the attack of the dreadnought, after all, if their attack accidentally injures friendly troops, it will be very painful!

After receiving the order from Chelm Solan, sixteen fleets rushed into the dreadnought fleet immediately, and the conventional fleet on the left of Dasas also saw this.

The densely packed warships blocked the firing range of the entire dreadnought fleet, and they didn't dare to attack at will. Who knows whether the flagship gun will destroy the enemy or the friendly army, and it is more likely that they will all die!

Under the precise control of several officials in Chelm Solan, thousands of warships from the sixteen fleets shuttled through the gaps of the dreadnought to attack the conventional fleet on the left of Dasas, and it was often here after a battle. The guns dodged, and then another shot was fired from the other direction, causing many warships to die without knowing that they were killed.

Finally, after thirteen dreadnoughts had died unexplained in the chaos of the battlefield, Gray Dassas left could take it no longer.

"All the regular fleets gather around Titan by themselves, and the dreadnought anti-aircraft guns will freely attack the surrounding conventional battleships in one minute!"

After hearing the order from Gray Dasas left, the many red-eyed pilots reacted, and then hurriedly left the dreadnought fleet.

And after seeing Dasas left's regular fleet withdraw, Chelm Solan also knew that he couldn't stay any longer, and immediately brought the fleet out of the range of the dreadnought fleet.

This chaotic battle resulted in the loss of more than three of Dasas's left conventional fleets, while the Sasha fleet lost more than four fleets. After all, the Sasha fleet has the most battleships, and the probability of being destroyed by Dreadnought is also very high. big.

It's just that this kind of result obviously makes Gray Dasas feel even more distressed.

Because a fleet among Chelm Soran and others carried large bombs and kept opening them during the melee. Almost all the left pilots of Daxas who wanted to escape with space capsules after the warships were destroyed were killed by the bombs. However, there were less than twenty people who could escape.

Now the Dreadnought Fleet is not only filled with a large number of wrecked warships, but also thousands of cold corpses, some from New Yindian, and some from Dasas Zuo.

"Damn it, how can these guys be so cruel to their own people!"

Looking at the messy battlefield from the left, Gray Dasas was shocked by Xin Yindian's ruthless style towards the enemy and himself.

This is really for the sake of killing the enemy, even if you die!

As outsiders, the four Titan pilots didn't have the time to feel the shock of Gray Daxas left. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com watched ten giant ships approaching on the shipboard scan, and immediately asked Gray Daxas. Daxas left alert.

"Hurry up and order all the fleets to get ready, ten super flagships are approaching the battlefield!"

Because the Titan's scanning and detection range is much larger than their conventional warships, Gray Dasas left no doubt about the warning it sent out, and quickly gathered the fleet to prepare to evacuate at any time.

And the four Titans also stopped attacking, each of the 3200 capacitor batteries turned into energy and poured into the capacitor, and they were also prepared to use the flagship hyperspace jump to evacuate if the situation was not good.

But with the arrival of ten behemoths, the four Titan pilots suddenly felt relieved.

"Ten super aircraft carriers, the model is unknown, preparing for the flagship battle, and the dreadnought fleet is preparing to attack its carrier-based aircraft!"

Although this super aircraft carrier is powerful, it can't stand up to the large number of them now!

Especially now that there are still two dreadnought fleets guarding it, as long as this super aircraft carrier destroys all its carrier aircraft, it will be a plucked chicken without any threat!

Ten super aircraft carriers with Sasha's obvious standards and style leaped from the deep space, and stopped firmly at a position less than 20 kilometers away from the four Titans, while the dreadnought fleet was hundreds of kilometers behind. Into the wolf's den!

Looking at the ten super flagships that failed in the tactical leap, Gray Dasas left couldn't help laughing.

Because of the different attack methods of this super aircraft carrier, the locking system is farther than the Titan's, and the attack range is also wider.

It would be fine if the attack was outside the range of the Titan. This was the first time he saw and heard of a super aircraft carrier taking the initiative to engage in close combat with the Titan!

But after releasing the iron cavalry carrier aircraft from the iron cavalry carrier aircraft bays of the ten super aircraft carriers, his smile froze.

To suffer!

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