Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 87: go to jail

Karen Herman.

The third son of the Herman family, but he moved out of the Herman family's manor a few years ago and lived alone in a manor not far from King's Landing.

"This is his manor."

Eli glanced at the manor not far away, his figure turned into a shadow, and quickly sneaked in towards the manor.

It was just an ordinary manor, how could it be possible to stop Eli. Soon, Eli searched the manor and confirmed Karen's location.

"Beauty, you look so **** today!"

In the room, Karen smiled and showed a wretched smile to the woman on the bed.

He is about 1.7 meters tall, with a short and fat body, a round and fleshy face, and a lot of pimples. He looks very ordinary, even a little ugly.

The woman, on the other hand, is slender and has a feeling of weakness, but the woman has some regrets at this time. She had heard from her father that the direct descendants of the Herman family wanted to see her. She was very surprised, but seeing It even made her want to vomit.

Too ugly, but there is no chance to regret it.

"I'm here!" Karen pursed her lips, the woman in front of her was very beautiful, and he could easily get it with simple means, which made him feel very good.

Karen smiled and walked towards the woman, but suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Shaking his heavy head, he looked at the woman in front of him, who was already unconscious.

"Something's wrong!" Karen's eyes widened, and the next second, her eyes were blurred, and she fell heavily to the ground.

"Just kidding, even the Great Knight may not be able to stop the drug, can you?" After the two fell unconscious, Eli walked in from the window, looked at the two, and raised his brows.

This drug is enough for a normal person to be in a coma for a long time, so there is no need to worry about women. Let’s take a look at the target this time, Karen.

Looking at the stool beside him, Eli tied it directly to the stool, and then gagged his mouth.

Wake up Karen.

"Woooo!" Suddenly a whimpering voice came out of his mouth.

What happened, he was stunned.

Then he saw that the eyes of the man in front of him seemed to light up, and he fell into a coma again.

ten minutes later.

The man fell unconscious on the chair.

Eli nodded in satisfaction, he already knew everything.

Originally he wanted to get more information about the prison from Karen, but knowing that he had only been there once and knew almost nothing, Eli was shocked.

He knows that some nobles are more loose and free, but you are going too far.

However, Eli is more relaxed in this way. In this case, the prison also knows nothing about him, so it is more relaxed.

Enduring the nausea, Eli took off Karen's clothes, changed her appearance and body through the mask, and quickly changed into Karen's appearance, and then put the clothes on.

Looking at the mirror for a comparison, it is exactly the same as Karen not far away.

"Yes, that's enough." Eli smiled and turned to look at the two not far away.

Lifting them straight into the bed, making sure they wouldn't wake up for a day, then Eli strode out of the house.

"Master!" There was also a guard at the door at this time, who was seriously standing guard at this time.

"Not bad, very energetic and good at standing guard." Eli praised.

"Everything is for the sake of the adults. With me, I won't let a bug in." The guard looked excited.

"Not bad!" Eli nodded.

"Prepare the carriage now, I'm going to the second prison." In the ten minutes just now, Eli had already understood Karen's tone and some habits. It may be a little flawed, but it's not a big deal.

"Yes!" Although the guard was a little strange, after all, it was almost night, but he didn't say anything.

"Oh, by the way, you just stay here. Before tomorrow, don't open the door or let anyone in. I trust you very much, so I leave this task to you!" Eli patted the guard on the shoulder and encouraged him. road.

"Yes!" The guard was in high spirits, God, he was actually appreciated by the master today.

Soon, the carriage was arranged.

The carriage took Eli all the way towards the Second Prison of the Empire.

After ten minutes, they arrived at their destination.

Eli walked straight down, swaggering towards the inside.

Two low-level knights were guarding the door, and when they saw someone coming, they were about to stop them.

"Don't you have eyes, don't you see who this is? This is the warden, Lord Karen!" Eli shouted loudly before Eli could speak, even the man who was the driver and his bodyguard.

"Sorry, Lord Warden." The two guards were also taken aback for a while, and glanced at Eli, but they didn't expect it to be Lord Warden.

After all, he has only been here once, and now it is dark and windy again, so the two may not have seen it clearly.

"It's okay, I have something to do." Eli waved his hand generously and walked in directly, but the two guards didn't dare to stop him.

"I'm going to see Severo, do you know where he is?" As if remembering something, Eli turned his head and asked.

"Lord Warden, Severo should be at the bottom, so he is in solitary confinement, I'll take you there." The guard hesitated, but still said.

In fact, normally, Severo is no longer allowed to see him at this time, but who is the warden in front of him? No one dares to stop him if he wants to see

"Okay, then it's up to you to take me to see him." Eli smiled.

That's right!

Why bother to sneak in, isn't it bad to enter with justice?

Don't look at the transformation effect of the faceless mask, it seems useless, but you have to see it in the kingdom of knights, this is definitely a real god-level item, you can go anywhere, but you need to be careful.

If it is in a world without transcendence, it will be even more terrifying.

In this way, Eli was taken all the way to the bottom, all the way down.

"Hey, how did I hear that Severo was locked up in Room 3!" Eli asked as he looked at Room 3 as he passed by.

"That is the news that was released. Severo is a great knight. How could he be locked there? The place where he is locked is more hidden, and it is difficult for normal people to find it." The guard explained.

"You may not come often, so it's not very clear."

"Oh, so." Eli nodded.

It's a shame I didn't come in by myself.

Soon, through a secret passage, Eli came to a floor that was not recorded.

"Sir, Severo is locked in the innermost, but his condition may not be very good." The guard said.

"not too good?"

Eli frowned.

Just as Eli entered.

in another room.

"The Warden has gone to see Severo," the guard reported.

"Oh, if he wants to see him, he can see him. Anyway, he is the warden. As long as he doesn't pull him out, he can come wherever he wants." The guard was reporting the only great knight here.


The guards leave.

The big knight started exercising normally and didn't think there was any problem.

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