Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 725: Take control of the Sky Tower

"Hate!" Many people cursed.

Even Guo Ziwen and Zhao Zheng sacrificed artifacts to the disciple of Wu Zong.


At this moment, the light of the eye collided with Hun Yuan Ren, the loud noise trembled, and Youlian was trembling.

The terror wave burst out, and you can clearly see that the power collided with the soul blade, and finally it was defeated. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Unfortunately, the power of God's Eyes finally collapsed.

A vast wave of drowning towards Ren Kexin.

The attacks of Zhao Zheng and others were launched, and they were quickly defeated by the aftermath.

The aftermath rolled up, and many people were directly shocked by Zhenfei.

Even aftermaths are not something that ordinary people can resist.

"Taking that step, it really is extraordinary!" Zhao Zheng landed, and his brows frowned.

Guo Ziwen frowned and clenched his fists, full of desire for strength.


On the lotus, Ren Kexin's pace retreated, and the blood in his body was rolling.

The soul of the soul sect is powerful, and her combat power has been reached, which makes her feel extremely strenuous.

On the other hand, the young man on the other side of the soul sect was motionless.

But she was still stubborn and did not mean to retreat.

"Battle!" Ren Kexin's eyes were slightly condensed. At this time, her dress was dancing in the wind, and her long blue hair fluttered. To mature a lot.

When the battle word spit out, the bone ring was urged by Ren Kexin.

"Rebellion!" When the ring of bones appeared, Ren Kexin's left eye moved, the veins of God condensed, and the ancient atmosphere filled.


A blue eye glided across the void.

Immediately, the heavens and the earth seemed to change color, and there was an air of anti-chaos.

This fluctuation made Cheng Youming's pupils suddenly shrink.

"The blood veins and eye pupils of this girl are so powerful!" Cheng Youming was surprised.

The woman looked weak and beautiful like an elf.

But at this time, the diffused breath was as inviolable as the gods.


Eyes flickered out, assisted by the bone ring, the power suddenly increased.

That power is completely comparable to Yuan Yingjing.

The monk of Soul Sect had a look of utter indifference, and did not dare to be underestimated.

At the moment, the light lines on his brows flickered, and a weapon appeared.

This is one piece for a pair of rings.


The ring fell, blooming endless lines, completely covering Ren Kexin.

The vast soul began to invade her mind.

The practitioners of Soul Sect take extremes and deal exclusively with human souls.

The soul is the weakest place in human beings. Once frightened, it will affect the combat effectiveness.

Under the influence of that soul power, Ren Kexin's mind was slightly shaken.

However, it did not affect her combat effectiveness.

In front of Ren Kexin, the bone light bloomed with ancient waves and began to resist the power of the soul element.

The divine power is still like the reversible chaos in the void, and even that soul power has been reversed and changed its direction.

As a result, she suffered much less.

"What a special pupil!" The soul practitioners were shocked.

I originally thought that Xiao Yun was a rival. I didn't want this blue-haired girl to have such a terrifying pupil.

The soul disciple who shot the shot was even more surprised.

He sacrificed a soul soldier for the soul blade and chopped down at the light.


A loud noise came out, and Soul Blade was shaken by the fly.

In addition, the light of the eye is also scattered.

This time Ren Kexin's footsteps did not move.

Her blue hair fluttered like a **** of war standing in the lotus.

Obviously, she really has the strength of the First World War.

This is the advantage of the bloodline coming.

"Wu Zong is extraordinary!" Many soul souls looked dignified, never thinking that Wu Zong was out of such figures this time.

"Don't remove it!" A few strong souls of Soul Zong blinked.

It is not difficult to imagine that if the two men were to rise, Wu Zong's strength would soar.

There was chill in Cheng Youming's eyes.

Only Zhunyuan has this strength. If this girl is allowed to enter Yuanying, how terrible should it be?

"Shoot!" Soul Zong, the two men who stepped into that step stared at each other, turned out to be shot together.

As for Cheng Youming, he swept aside.


The vast soul element fell down, and the goal was Ren Kexin.

"You are simply deceiving people too much!" Seeing two people who took that step against Ren Kexin, a quasi-yuan infant, the Wu Zong people were angry, and there was a fire in Guo Ziwen's eyes, and Zhao Zheng also Full of anger.

This soul sect is really shameless!


They shot and sacrificed their own spirit.

There is a sky behind Zhao Zheng, an ancient atmosphere permeates, and it seems to block and suppress everything.

The light lines flickered in silence, and the power of desolation spread out to shock the people around, feeling that their vitality was weakening.

"Retreat for me!" Seeing these people shot, Cheng Youming carried his hands, and his eyes moved.


I saw that the void was trembling, and a light pattern appeared in Cheng Youming's eyes, and it seemed that an abyss had evolved.

The abyss is like eyes, with the power to devour the soul.

This is the eye of the soul of the soul, the town of pupils of the soul.


At a glance, the void seemed to be broken, and the attacks of Zhao Zheng and others collapsed.

The power of Cheng Youming has surpassed the ordinary Yuanyingyuan practitioners.

This is a brilliant genius.


"All soul elements have been replenished." At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed in the secret place, and he felt an infinite power. The soul power made him feel very satisfied. After the robbery, the weak soul finally Get supplies.

It can be said that Xiao Yun was lucky.

Such as Shi Ying is a Liezi.

At the time, it was arrested during the robbery, resulting in the inability to merge the robbery patterns and the robbery failed to complete.

Moreover, when the essence of heaven and earth was not replenished, the essence was exhausted again.

"Now my soul is comparable to the Yuan Yingjing practitioner, and it is considered to have reached the fourth level of extermination of gods. Should it be able to urge the tower to swallow the sky?" It was the release of soul power to touch the Tower of Heaven.

Since owning this tower, Xiao Yun has felt the extraordinaryness of this tower.

Unfortunately, his soul power is not enough, just to urge the virtual tower to defend the enemy.

Every time you advance, you are still a little behind.

This makes Xiao Yunxin regrettable!

But this time the soul has been transformed, and its strength has improved by leaps and bounds. He believes that he can urge this tower.

With the movement of Xiao Yun's mind, the vast spiritual knowledge went to the fourth floor of the Tuntian Tower.


The rune flashed on the tower and was directly motivated by Xiao Yun's soul power.

At the moment, the runes there are agitated, like a cyclone, and the obscure and expansive fluctuations follow.

Xiao Yun's mind flashed into it.

"Not a secret method?" Xiao Yun felt.

He used to get a mystery every time he urged a **** pattern, but this time it is different.

This made him rather look forward.


The next moment, the light flashed, and Xiao Yun found himself in a space.

At the same time, the runes in front of him were permeated, sinking into his mind.

The rune merged with his mind.

After this rune and fusion, Xiao Yun suddenly felt that he had a close relationship with this towering tower.

That kind of relationship is a feeling of complete control.

"Are you really in control of this tower?"

This feeling pleased Xiao Yun.

His mind seemed to blend with the towering tower, and the towering tower also seemed to merge with Xiao Yun.

Then he felt his mind away, and there was a space in front of him.

This space is huge, with a huge cyclone in it, like an abyss, it can devour everything.

Beside the cyclone, there are only simple mountain vegetation and flowing water.

"One is not a big space, but there is a devouring cyclone to communicate with Jiuyou." Xiao Yun glanced away.

From that cyclone, he felt a horrible breath.

It was a wave that swallowed everything up.

It is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the power would be if this cyclone was urged out?

"At this point, I should be able to urge this towering tower?"

In this regard, Xiao Yun is full of expectations.

This is what he cares about most.

At first Xiao Yun just urged the virtual tower.

It was tantamount to a false tower evolved from runes, not a real pagoda at all.

But the power of that pagoda is still amazing, and it has solved many dangers for Xiao Yun.

What horror would it be if this pagoda could be urged completely today?

"Swallow the tower, give it to me!" Xiao Yun was so moved that he communicated with the pagoda and tried to get him out of Dantian.


The movement of the mind is just an idea, even if the towering tower tower has runes flashing.

Xiao Yun's will, like the nerves of this pagoda, can control everything.

Then, the pagoda's light flashed, but it did not emerge from Dantian.


The Tuntian Tower appears, blooming with a weave.

Outside the tower, a cyclone evolved naturally.

This is not the cyclone urged by Xiao Yun, evolved for the power of the giant tower itself.

In the secret realm, there are endless soul elements swallowed up by this cyclone and submerged in the swallowing tower.

Relying on the connection with the tower, Xiao Yun can clearly feel that those soul elements are submerged in the tower.

"Soul element, give me condensate!" Xiao Yun was moved, trying these soul elements.

Sure enough, under the control of Xiao Yun, those soul elements rushed towards his heart and were absorbed by him.

"Bùcuò, now I can really control the swallowing tower!" Xiao Yun was slightly excited when he was replenished.

"Come on!"

Subsequently, Xiao Yun's mind was moved again, fully urging the swallowing tower.

He wanted to test the ability to swallow the tower.

With the movement of the mind, the light pattern of the swallowing tower flickered and turned into a giant tower.

The tower is not tall, it is only nine feet.

However, a huge cyclone emerged at the bottom of the tower ~ ~ This is a devouring giant abyss, the breath is consistent with what Xiao Yun saw in the space inside the tower.

Even Xiao Yun sensed the space and did find that the cyclone was moving.

After urging to swallow the tower, Xiao Yun also had a little understanding of the tower.

Now he can urge the tower.

It is just that there are still unknown areas waiting for him to explore.

In other words, Xiao Yun has not been able to fully control the tower.

For example, the fifth floor, and the towers above, are still out of his reach.

"It's enough to control this tower." Xiao Yun was so impressed that he swallowed the tower to take in Dantian.

He is already very satisfied with this.

"It's time to go out." After Xiao Tian Tower submerged into Dantian, Xiao Yun's eyes flickered and he looked towards the Quartet.

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