Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 682: Kistler pregnancy treasure

Once deep into the mountains, there is no strong person to follow, there must be danger.

Besides, there are spirits here.

But everyone is also Zhīdào. Only by constant grinding can they grow up, otherwise the elders cannot reach the peak by the door.

Soon, a rating event will be held in the southern region.

At that time, the geniuses of the eleven party forces will gather and enter an ancient battle. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

There, it's even more dangerous.

So, if you ca n’t get through this small floating cloud mountain range safely, how can you go to the next event?

How to fight with those who are proud of heaven?

If you want to move forward, you must go through the trials of blood and tears.

"Okay, so you can leave." Seeing the expression of the crowd, Deacon Yang nodded slightly.

Afterwards, everyone flew out of the flying boat.

"You have to take good care of Xiner." As Xiao Yun stepped out of the flying boat, Deacon Yang reminded with a smile.

"Sure." Xiao Yun held his fist.

"Hum, let him take care of me again." Hearing, Xiao Shimei's mouth set off a dissatisfied arc, muttered in his heart, "I am not a child anymore, let me take care of him, I take care of him!" But those who want to be sisters!

At this point, Xiao Yun and everyone stepped out of the flying boat.

"There is a strong vitality here, but I don't know if there are thousands of spirits in that floating cloud mountain?" Xiao Yun looked into the distance in the distance.

"Little brother, don't be afraid, my sister will take care of you in the future." Seeing Xiao Yun looking into the distance, Ren Kexin walked to him, immediately patted the former shoulder, the pink fist was raised, and the corner of his mouth was sly. Smile, said like decently.

Xiao Yun felt very depressed when she patted her shoulders old-fashioned and shouted his little brother.

This little girl is really attached!

Is it guilty of a sister title?

Only when Xiao Shimei took the pink fist to hold her face, Xiao Yun also smiled slightly.

This girl has a smile of innocence, her eyes are pure, and the whole person is full of agitation, which makes people love.

There are few innocent people like her, right?

Thinking of myself, in order to set foot in the field, we have gone through all kinds of hardships.

Although it was full, there was no innocent smile on his face.

The relaxed, playful smile on Xiao Shimei's face was his long-lost memory.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yun even had a feeling of wanting to caress the young girl.

"Hey, little master, what are you doing?" Seeing Xiao Yun's hair frenzy, Ren Kexinyu's hand was raised, and his five fingers shook before his eyes.

"Nothing." Xiao Yun's eyes flickered and he smiled awkwardly.

"Hee hee, are you moved by hearing that Sister wants to take care of you?" Xiao Shimei said with a playful smile.

"You're welcome. This is what sister should do."

The little girl seemed quite proud.

Xiao Yun was speechless for a while, this girl is too narcissistic.

When did you move about this?

"Let's leave." At this point, Chen Yanfeng started to speak.

"It is said that the spirit was about to be born. It attracted many people's attention four days ago. We need to get there early."

Zou Wuji nodded.

"Um." Xiao Yun also looked indifferent.

Who doesn't want to take it for themselves?

Especially those and prospectives.

Maybe a spirit can build a basic fetus and achieve perfection.

For these spirits, many people will fight hard.

Twenty-eight people, with a look of astonishment, went forward.

Clouds dangled in the void, and Xiao Yun and others blinked in the mountains in the distance like the passing meteor.

A vast mountain range also appeared in the sight of everyone.

The mountains are quiet, and there are hundreds of ancient trees.

In some jungles, dormant monsters can be seen.

Inside, there are many subtle breath fluctuations permeating.

"The vitality here is so strong!" As they approached the mountains, everyone's heart moved.

The vitality here is not thinner than that of Wu Zong.

In some places, even with a strong vitality, it suddenly reached a terrifying level.


As they approached the area, roars were heard in the mountains.

The sound waves were trembling and captivating.

"This is a powerful monster!" Xiao Yun was slightly shocked.

The monster's sound wave was amazing, and it was close to Yuanying Realm.

"Don't rush into the area where the beasts are deep in the mountains," Chen Yanfeng reminded.

This mountain range is large and the area is vast and can be thousands of miles wide.

If placed in a normal place, this can definitely be compared to a country.

In this regard, Xiao Yun also felt.

"As long as we are outside, the monsters in the depths will not rush to commit crimes." Zou Wuji said.

Although he first came to Wuzong, Xiao Yun was also Zīdào. In some places, there are powerful monsters that can be transformed into human figures.

In order to practice, they will discuss with some sects and sign non-offensive agreements.

Otherwise, there will be no rules, and there will be more than one battle.

Of course, there are some monsters in it that will actively attack people.

For these monsters, those martial arts will not rush to kill them, but to sharpen the doormen.

"Just in the east, a spirit is born in a mine vein!" Wu Zong's disciples bypassed the area and came directly to the mountain where the spirit was born. Finally, their Sùdù slowed down and their eyes fell on A mountain wall ahead.

This is a vein, and you can see that there is a strong vitality gathering inside.

Near the mountain wall, there are many mountain stones.

Some of these stones are crystal clear, like gems, shining brightly.

There is even a strong vitality.

There is a team of youth patrols outside, all of them are half-step Yuanyuan practitioners.

All of them were wearing Wu Zong costumes.

They are the disciples that Wu Zong sent here to mine.

There are many disciples of Wu Zong, and the required spar and elixir are a huge number.

So Yuanjing veins, and some of them became necessary.

Some outsiders are responsible for the sundries.

These people are stationed here, in addition to getting generous remuneration, they will also enjoy many ordinary people's treatment.

If you have a certain credit, you can get some advanced exercises.

Going further, you can get some places that recommend geniuses to Wuzong.


These treatments seem ordinary, but for many people they are highly desirable.

At this moment, Tan Zhengyuan is leading a team of repairers to guard this vein.

At this moment he had a look of calmness, a little dignified.

Because some time ago, there was an obscure wave in the depths of the mountains, and the immense momentum shocked people.

Some disciples who were mining in the depths were stunned.

In the end, he was deeply inside and was shocked by a powerful air machine.

And the thing that repelled him turned out to be a huge stone.

The stone was blooming with endless light, and it seemed that the **** pattern bloomed. The practitioners below the Yuanying Realm could not approach at all.

On several occasions, he was shocked.

In the end he had to blame Zongmen for this matter.

But in the past two days, there were vast waves in the vein from time to time, and the sky was full of Cabernet Sauvignon, so that the mine mouth was full of blooms and visions. Although the news was blocked, the fluctuations were still affected Find.

In the past two days, a lot of people from nearby expeditions came here to explore.

Although these people have retreated, the news is undoubtedly leaked out.

After all, the Fuyun Mountains are sensitively located and are the junction of several territories.

Some places have become public places and are not subject to anyone's jurisdiction.

"If Zongmen doesn't send any more people here, wait for the other martial arts to come, but I'm afraid that the spirit will not be able to keep it."

Tan Zhengyuan was worried.

call out!

Suddenly, the sound of void breaking sounded.

"Someone is coming!" As soon as the sound started, Tan Zhengyuan's eyes narrowed, and he immediately tilted his head toward the distant void.

Next to him, there were also seven and a half youngsters in Yuanying's borders who were all ashamed.

"Is this the vein?" Xiao Yun and others slowed down in the void, and their bodies fell towards the canyon outside this vein.

"It is true that there is an obscure breath fluctuation in the depth of this vein." Before they landed on the ground, everyone felt the extraordinary breath here, and many people felt their spiritual consciousness toward the depth of the vein, because there was a wave in it. Mysterious waves came out.

Xiao Yun also released spiritual knowledge.

"That's the breath that is close to Yuan Ying Jie." Ling Shi passed through the mines blooming with Cabernet Sauvignon. Xiao Yun felt a fluctuation of the breath that was close to Yuan Ying Jie. Rhythm flow, this kind of Tao rhyme is not a quasi-yuan infant realm.

"What kind of spirit is this?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

With a little curiosity in his heart, he kept infiltrating his spiritual knowledge.

Not only Xiao Yun, but also the release of spiritual knowledge.

The kind of fluctuation inside is getting stronger and stronger, and people's minds will collapse.

The Cabernet Sauvignon blooms in front of it, and the momentum is immense. The obscure fluctuations will drown everything, and it is difficult for ordinary practitioners to penetrate.

Even though Xiao Yun's soul power was extremely strong, he still could not reach the source of the fluctuation.

Swallowing Sky Finch also pulled back with a bit of regret.

"How strong the fluctuation is, this is clearly the momentum of a strong man, how can it be a spirit?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

"This thing is weird," said the Skyfinch.

"Strange?" Xiao Yun asked.

"If you don't enter it, you won't know the mystery."

"So powerful fluctuations." At this time, Chen Yanfeng and others next to them all withdrew their spiritual knowledge.

"Is that a huge rock?" Only Ren Kexin looked the same, her blue eyes turned ~ ~. There was rune cohesion in it, and she could see everything in the depths of the veins with spiritual knowledge. Knowing that the source of the fluctuation is a strange stone.

"What, the fluctuation comes from a strange stone?" Guo Ziwen was surprised, staring at Ren Kexin with some disbelief.

"Well." Ren Kexin nodded, and said seriously, "There should be a spirit in this."

Because it was spiritual detection, the little girl could not see the existence of the stone clearly.

"Spirit is pregnant in the stone?" Wen Yan said, everyone could not help but take a deep breath.

"Really a spirit?" Xiao Yun frowned, and the light in his eyes flickered.

If so, the spirit would be extraordinary.

"Oh, is it really a spirit?" The swallowtail laughed, anxiously rushing into the veins.

At this moment it was about to move, drooling around the corners of its mouth.

If it is a spirit, the value will be unimaginable.

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