Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 621: Shocked the audience


A crisp sound came out, shaking the void, and the spear of God destroying the metamorphosis lotus, the sound wave was crisp and straight into the clouds.

A vast wave of volatility swept away, alarming the Quartet.

It is a pity that the Spear of Destroyer failed to crack the metamorphosis lotus this time.

This thing is obviously extraordinary, not Xiao Yun can easily crack at this time.

"This is Huashenglian. It is said that it was reserved for an ancient repair. I didn't expect it to be obtained by Li Changsheng!" At this time, an exclaiming voice was heard in the field. Some people recognized the object because the older generation The elders mentioned that there was such a soldier in the battlefield of Xuanyuan. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Many people once wanted to get it, but unfortunately returned.

Obviously, this treasure fell into the hands of Li Changsheng.

"This Huashenglian combined with Huashengjue will multiply its power!" Many people took a deep breath.

This Li Changsheng was already the pride of heaven. How many people can compete with such treasures?

At the same time, everyone was surprised. Xiao Yun was also suppressed by Li Changsheng just now. Why was it reversed at this time?

Can force Li Chang to use such treasures vividly, it is clear that Xiao Yun also used extraordinary means just now!

It was just Xiao Yun's urging just now that the spear of extermination flashed by. Many people couldn't see the soul soldier at all.

Xiao Yun's spear was resisted, and Xiao Yun was surprised.

"Huashenglian?" Xiao Yun was surprised, and he felt an obscure breath from the lotus stage.

"This is a kind of Qilian, from ancient times, contains a special force that can resolve many runes and attacks in the world."

When Xiao Yun was surprised, her voice came to her heart.

But the skyfinch did not.

Because of this kind of battle, once the external force is used, it is easy to be found by the strong on the high platform.

"Is it from the ancient spirit?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed for a moment, and at that moment, the spear of God had been taken back to know the sea.

Metamorphosis Seven Waves!

Li Changsheng was sitting inside the lotus platform, and there was a shimmer of light in his eyes, and his finger moved suddenly.


With the movement of his finger, the Huashengliantai flickered with ripples sweeping forward.

These ripples are entirely composed of ancient lines, and they exude a terrifying atmosphere.

Where the ripples passed, all heaven and earth vitality seemed to be turned into nothingness.

Even more, Xiao Yun felt a sense of persecution spreading, making him frightened.

That kind of breath is actually ingesting the vitality in his body.

If vitality dissipates, how can man survive?

"Is this what?" Xiao Yun's heart moved slightly, and finally he understood the significance of this metamorphosis.

The practitioners under the stage were also shocked.

It is not difficult to imagine that if the sevenfold waves of metamorphosis are submerged, the chance of life in one's body will not really be transformed?


Qizhong wave, one after another, swept away towards Xiao Yun.

The ripples in the void seem to be calm, but the horror of the runes in the ripples makes people like Zīdào, who will be drowned by the Seven Waves of Metamorphosis, and will make people hate it Attacking Xiao Yun also frowned slightly.

From the beginning to the end, this Li Changsheng shot was so bland, but every shot contained a killing trick.

This is really one of the hardest characters!


Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, "I'll see how you turn me into life!"

When he was at a loss, he knew that the blue light of the sea was shining, and there was a light curtain covering it.

This is an evolved light curtain with vitality and obscure runes flowing.

Those runes can absorb the essence of heaven and earth.

When the light curtain shrouded itself, the killing air from metamorphosis was immediately resisted.

There is no longer the feeling of being ingested.

Facing the life Wuhun, that metamorphosis seems a little worse.

Of course, Xiao Yun did not fully spur the life Wuhun.

Because there are many powerful men in the world here, once the life Wuhun is exposed, the consequences are unexpected.

In fact, Xiao Yun's Lien Chan Wu Hun has not been fully revealed, otherwise he will be known to the world.

He vaguely remembered that Mo Yushi, who was from heaven, once said in Fengyue Kingdom that he would not be able to show his martial spirit, or it would cause a calamity, so Xiao Yun kept some reservations, and the fear was to expose Identify yourself.

"What kind of light pattern is that, it seems to resist that kind of metamorphic power?" When the blue light bloomed, many eyes were surprised.

Although it just bloomed, the slight fluctuations in the void were clearly captured by everyone.

When the light of the life Wuhun bloomed, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed again.

"Budo Yuba!"

Waiting for a drink to pass out, Xiao Yun knew the sea, the martial arts sparkle, a vast force of martial arts field began to sweep out, the whole void when it shuddered, and then was a powerful Shrouded by the power of the field.

Under this martial arts field, the seven waves urged by Li Changsheng were as if they were blocked by a cliff and emptied in the void.


Ripples splashed, like a raging wave, and Li Changsheng, who sat among the Huashenglian, frowned slightly, feeling a little bit wrong.

Just momentarily, the force of a martial arts field was sweeping forward, enveloping that metamorphosis lotus.

Under the power of this field, the waves in the void, the airflow, and the runes all began to become extremely dull.

Not only that, even Sùdù, whose runes circulated on the Huashenglian, became slower.


Even when Huashenglian shuddered, she seemed to be oppressed by the mountains, and she almost fell into the void.

"What's going on?" Li Changsheng frowned, and quickly stabilized Huasheng Lian, feeling awkward in his heart.

This metamorphosis lotus is a heavy treasure, and it is enough to cooperate with his metamorphism.

But at this time, both the metamorphosis and metamorphosis seemed to be ineffective.

The strength of the martial arts field was constantly inspired by Xiao Yun.

This time, he did not directly urge Na Wuyin, but just communicated the power of Nabu Dojo.

But that kind of field power is still extremely amazing.

Because Xiao Yun awakened the spirit of Zhan Wu, at this time it became easier to motivate the power in the Wu Yin.

To Zhīdào, when he was not awakening the strength of the battle martial spirit when he was at Tianwutai, urging this martial art can make the strength of the ancient Tianlan and others down a small level. Now he has awakened the battle martial spirit, the source of the martial spirit and The origin communication in Wuyin.

In this way, the power inside can already be pulled out by Wan Hode.

It is also that Xiao Yun's strength is not enough, otherwise the war power of Na Yin will be soared.


The martial arts field urged, and the entire Taiwan seemed to have completely become Xiao Yun's personal battlefield.

He stepped out, leaving his fingers empty.


A finger flickered toward the sevenfold wave of metamorphosis.

Before this, the metamorphic Seventh Wave was fierce, but under the martial arts field, it seemed to freeze in the void.

That finger shot, and a wave of ripples appeared in front of him.

An immense force swept through and lifted that Huashengliantai.

Li Changsheng in Huashenglian shrank his eyes and pupils. For the first time, a dignity appeared on the face that could not see the mood fluctuation.


When Hua Shenglian was shaken by flying, Xiao Yun walked away and approached step by step.

On him a strong force of martial arts field fell down.

That power is getting stronger and more scary.

It seems that the entire void is about to be transformed into a domain field.

This is Xiao Yun's continual perception. It is necessary to integrate this kind of power so as to control it completely.

When this power was gradually merged by Xiao Yun, the surrounding world changed, and the power of the terrifying fields swept the Quartet.

"This is the martial arts field!" The deacon of the seven martial arts on the high stage flashed his eyes and immediately discovered the clue.

"How can Xiao Yun have a martial arts field?" Said the deacon, with a gloomy look.

"Yuchang, this is not something ordinary people have!" The people next to him were also surprised.

Even if they entered, they still haven't touched the power of the field.

Many people haven't even seen it, just heard the description in ancient books.

"Are they the cards given by his elders?" Said another deacon of Xuan Tianzong.

"It shouldn't be." Zou Yu frowned and shook his head. "Does his elders have such ability?"

The martial arts field, Mo said that the South Famine, is rare even in the sky, is it possible for Xiao Yun's elders?

At this moment those spectators next to it were also affected by this force.

"What means is this, why do I feel that the power in my body is beginning to be restrained?" Exclaimed some geniuses who asked the high platform below Dingtai.

That Wanxing Mountain and others are now on this high platform.

"This is the martial arts field. Brother Xiao originally used this power to chop Gu Tianlan!" Said one of the geniuses.

"Budao Yuchang?" After hearing the words, many people were curious.

The young people in the top ten were also surprised.

This martial arts field only appeared, and the power of that terrible field shrouded the Quartet and reached them.

At this time, Monty and others were all dignified.

Because Sùdù, who felt the flow of Dan Yuan in their body, also began to slow down.

No Dan yuan.

This is undoubtedly a terrible thing for a practitioner.

"My power seems to have fallen to a realm!" Qi Di, said Mu Yulong, and said with a bit of fear.

They were very close to the challenge station and were the most affected.

"I also seem to be down!" Said Montaigne in the top ten.

"This ..." Suddenly, the crowd looked at each other, and when they challenged forward, they showed their fears.

They have withstood such terrible field power in this fashion and not on the challenge platform.

What if you were among them?

Thinking of this, Meng Tianqi ~ ~ Mu Yulong and others are all with a look of surprise.

At the same time, they finally realized how ridiculous Xiao Yun's behavior was at first.

If Xiao Yun had used this kind of power at the beginning, they would not know how many times they had died.

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts are suddenly chilling.

That Yi Hanyuan and others are secretly glad that they did not, or they are simply deceiving themselves.

"Budao Yuchang." At this moment, Chen Haolong's eyes narrowed, staring at the competition table in front, his mood seemed very complicated.

In the battle with Xiao Yun, he lost a little unwillingly.

But at this point, he seems to be a fluke.

Obviously, Xiao Yun had no plans to use this card at all.

This is the gap!

People don't bother to fight with you!

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