Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1930: As if Avenue

Xiao Yun and Jiang Zixu were tied together.

This treatment makes many people very envious.

Of course, the gods of various ethnic groups already knew Xiao Yun's identity, but no one said more.

At this time, a lot of people from the big clan fell on the huge expanse of Renhuangding.

Some princes and quasi-gods came one after another to say hello to Xiao Yun.

The emperor and the emperor appear.

They looked extremely indifferent.

The lawless son is fluttering in white and fluttering, and looks jealous and enchanting. Even among these strong men, he is so noticeable.

At this moment, the lawless son is staring ahead.

In the void in front of the Emperor's Crown, there is a sacred platform suspended.

There are engraved lines on this table.

"As long as you touch this goddess, you can communicate with Emperor Heaven." Wu Tiangongzi smiled slightly.

"The Emperor's Heaven Realm, but there is a chance for it!" Said the emperor.

"Haha." Wu Tiangong smiled. In this smile, there seemed to be something unfathomable, as if he was dismissive of the so-called avenue of the emperor. Shentai, silently waiting here.

While waiting for all races, Jiang Yuanxu finally shot.

Only to see him take out a seal of God.

Immediately after the imprint of this divine seal, the mighty Daowei shook.

This is the seal of Emperor Huang, reserved for the characters of Gai Dynasty in the ancient days of Haotian Realm.

Even though this mighty man has dissipated in the long river of history, the seal of God left behind is still powerful.

Even His Holiness felt palpitated.

Because this is the imprint of the will of the plane.

With a move of Jiang Yuanxu's palm, the divine seal flashed into a pattern, floating in the sky above the front stage.

This pattern shocked and poured into the **** stage.

Suddenly, the Daowen on the **** stage wriggles, and it seems that the lines are activated.


As soon as the sky appeared, a vast pattern of the road also spurted out from that **** stage.

This majesty shook all directions and filled the whole world.

On top of the Emperor, the gods couldn't help holding their breath.

Then, everyone saw that above the sky, there was a sudden ripple, and there was a dim light pattern flickering.

A beam of light poured down and connected to the sacred platform.

Then, in the sky, a portal seemed to be opening.

There was endless Taoism in the hazy portal.

"Is the Emperor's Heaven Realm going to open?" After this majestic shock broke out, the gods on the Emperor's top all looked up, and those eyes were full of fiery light.

"This prestige is really like a complete avenue. If you can enter the emperor's heavenly realm, you will be able to have some insights, and even touch the realm of gods."

Many gods are dark in their hearts.

At this moment, they felt that their blood was boiling, and their eyes were full of the expected light.

On the sky, among the pillars of light, there are constant flashes of road patterns. These road patterns are intertwined and turned into a ladder of ladder, connecting the light gate from the god's platform.

"When the ladder is completed, you can enter the emperor's heaven." When the ladder was completed, on top of the emperor, Jiang Yuan's eyes stared at the light, and the deep voice sounded in all directions.

"The ladder is complete!" When the sound sounded, the gods were about to move.

However, to see those top talents have not yet left, they are watching.

"The emperor's heavenly realm has a plan to set rules. Since the end of ancient times, you cannot step into the realm of the **** king. If you step into the ladder, the will of the plane will be shot. At that time, even the **** king The body will be eliminated, so the **** kings must not make mistakes. "Jiang Yuanxu said again.

"Thank you for your information," the gods said.

"So, everyone, let's get started." Jiang Yuan hummed.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao, Son of Heaven, please!" At this moment, Jiang Xuantian moved his eyes toward Xiao Yun and the son of Heaven not far away.

"Oh, I'm so polite." Wutian laughed loudly, and then said, "Swallow the sky, let's leave."

Then, he walked straight towards the front of the Shentai.

"Yes!" After a glance at the emperor of Tun Tian, ​​not far from Xiao Yun, he sneered at the corner of his mouth and followed.

"The Son of Heaven has moved." At this moment, the eyes of the gods on the top of Renhuang were fiery. "With his talent, it should be easy to step into the realm of Renhuang!"

The door of the Emperor's Heavenly Kingdom opens, but it does not mean that everyone can step into it.

Only talented talents can enter.

As for ordinary gods or mortals, they will be crushed directly by Dawei, with minor injuries or scorn.

Such things have happened many times in the ancient times.

Wutiangong stepped into the stage and was completely shrouded in Tao pattern.

The power of the will of the plane fell down.

"The will of the plane!" Wu Tiangong smiled slightly, and then took a step and set foot on the ladder.


When his foot touched the ladder, the whole world trembled, the road pattern trembled, and the terrifying divine power slammed into him.

If you look at it from a distance, you can find that those road patterns are like Thunder Dragon raging towards the lawless son.

That power is enough to annihilate ordinary gods.

However, Wutiangong's face was indifferent. He allowed these lines to rag, but the step was a firm step on the ladder.

After that, everyone saw the lines invade him.

However, the Son of Heaven is like a okay person, striding straight forward.

One step, two steps ...

Only to see the lawless son, like a okay person, ascended the wide ladder.

Gradually, he seems to be integrated into the ladder, into the pattern, and everyone can no longer see his body.

Then, the boy swallowed the sky and walked away.

In the same way, he walks like a quiet court, and those avenue gods do not hurt him at all.

Obviously, these two people's perception of the avenue has surpassed many gods.

"Deserves the double pride of swallowing the soul of the sky!" Seeing this, the eyes of the gods of all ethnic groups pay tribute.

Rutian followed that week.

Only when he seemed slightly insensitive did he set foot on the first step.

But after a little while, Zhou seems to be climbing smoothly.

When the gods who swallowed the soul of the sky marched forward, Xiao Yun also set off.

When he fell on the stage, Xiao Yun felt that if he was in contact with the avenue, the prestige was too vast and too pure.

A will of the plane fell down, accompanied by the power of a rule.

"The Emperor's Heaven Realm has such a strong Daowei!" Feeling the kind of fluctuation, Xiao Yun couldn't help immersing his mind in the subtle feelings.

He felt as if he had entered the avenue.

That feels subtle.

"Here, I can certainly make progress." Xiao Yun's shoulders, the phantom insect's eyes exposed.

At this time, Changshengye, swallowed the heaven supreme, Ming Ziyu they also appeared one after another.

At this time, Supreme Master Tun Tian wanted to perceive the avenue and keep making progress, so he did not continue to hide in Xiao Yun's body.

The tower that swallowed the **** of heaven was also fused by him.

Because if you still dodge at this time, it is meaningless.

Furthermore, if you want to feel the avenue ~ ~, of course you have to go out.

"Avenue!" Xiao Yun muttered, and he took steps and stepped onto the ladder.


A ripple rippled.

However, there is no such thing as a mighty avenue.

People in the distance can clearly feel the Tao, the soft texture of that Tao, so Xiao Yun's body.

The feeling is like a boulevard like water, and it is completely different from the previous domineering tyrants like dragons.

Then, Xiao Yun stepped onto the ladder with almost no obstacle.

"This ... what's going on on the ladder?"

"Why is that pattern so soft? Is there a problem with the ladder?" Seeing this, the gods of all ethnic groups stayed in place.

With a strong sense of consciousness, they can clearly sense the breath change of that pattern.

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