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114 Hanjiang Guying: “I never put them in my eyes! Make a quick decision!” [5/10 ask for full order! 】
This Shark Platform All-Star Entertainment Game went to the last five minutes.
In the entire Juku Prefecture, a total of 10 people survived, three full formations, and the lone wolf, Wang Jichao.
In a corner, PDD, Da Sima, and Nan Boer are here, waiting for the final battle.
“Ya’er, you really got up because of Hanjiang Guying, could it be true?”
PDD touched the back of his head, took a breath and said in surprise.
“It seems that it is difficult to have another explanation.” Nan Bo’er’s voice sounded, and after a pause, he continued: “Now the water friends in my live broadcast room are starting to bet their lives, saying that it is not because they hang themselves and take poison. of taking poison, lying on the rails…”
“Good guy, are your water friends all fighting like this? Just gamble with your life?”
Da Sima was shocked, and PDD said with a slight shock: “Nan Bo’er, if something happens to them, you have to go in too, so don’t hurry up and persuade them.” “I persuaded them, but they didn’t listen, because they They said they would definitely win.” Nan Bo’er’s helpless voice sounded.
PDD looked at Da Sima and smiled.
Of course they don’t believe in gambling, it’s just a joke.
However, it can be seen from this point that most people think that Hanjiang Guying is dead.
This is an entertainment event cooperating with Shark Platform, and it is a publicity event. On the same day, there are similar competitions in Maoya, CC, and Douyin.
If the shark platform is opened in the game, the impact will be quite bad, and the shark platform will be implicated, so everyone knows that the official will verify the eternal catastrophe, and maybe there will be results after the game.
Once it is confirmed that Hanjiang Guying is open, he will definitely be blocked by Shark Platform, and his career as an anchor will be ruined.
Those who questioned the opening of Hanjiang Guying also had doubts in their hearts.
Is it too blatant to open and hang in the game? Don’t you worry about exposure? If it’s exposed, it’s over! “yeah!”
Loli Yin A Tuan’s voice was full of joy, “He did it, he did it, what else do you want to say, little fox?! Humph!” Hearing Xiao Tuantuan’s triumphant voice, the fox didn’t sneer. road:
“If he can’t be rescued, he will still be alive, and if he can be rescued, he will definitely be open, and he will be blocked by the platform.” “Cut!”
Xiao Tuantuan smiled contemptuously and said, “Hanjiang Guying can’t hang up, he’s not that kind of person.” “It seems that you know him well, hehe.” The fox said with a pouting pouting.
“Nan Feng, let’s clear up the people. You can save all the bulls, ghosts and snakes.” “Okay, let’s clear the people first. There is a lone wolf over there, so clear him first.”
Nan Feng and the fox went straight to the place where Wang Jichao was hiding. “Gan, they really know I’m here.”
Wang Jichao’s complexion changed. He was a lone wolf, and he had no resistance at all in the face of Nan Feng and the fox. The difference in strength between him and the two was there. “Teacher whoring, what about Teacher Ma? Nan Feng and the fox are not too arrogant to start clearing people.” Nan Bo’er asked immediately upon seeing this. She was nervous, and there was a master Asura on the opposite side, who wasn’t nervous.
“Come on, you might still be able to kill people while the chaos is in progress. If you let the three of Nan Feng free up their hands, just the three of us soft persimmons…” Da Sima suggested.
PDD thought for a while and nodded:
“Then let Nan Feng and the fox not be too showy, at least force them out, so that our pressure can be much less.” After that, the three rushed out.
“Be careful, three people rushed over.”
Seeing the monk, Ning Hongye and Hu Tao rush over, Xiao Tuantuan reminded loudly. “Humph! Sure enough, An can’t stand it anymore.”
The fox didn’t snort coldly, regardless of whether he didn’t care about the three PDDs, but his attack on Wang Jichao’s sand man was sharper.
Nan Feng did not speak, theThe long sword kept flattening Sha Nan and made Sha Nan stiff, keeping Sha Nan in a state of stiffness.
Hundreds of cuts!
The light of Taidao in Fox’s Taisao’s hand hit Sha Nan, and the purple armor on Wang Jichao’s body disappeared instantly. “Nanfeng, Huhu, you two are so stupid, you still have to join forces to deal with me?” Wang Jichao turned on the voice nearby and complained.
“Wang Jichao, nothing you say today can save you.”
Nan Feng said with a smile, a rising dragon provoked Sha Nan, and then leveled A to take over the chop.
Bai Lian Zhan hit Sha Nan again, and Sha Nan’s blood volume was reduced to one-third in an instant. “Damn it!”
Wang Jichao cursed, and activated his big move the moment he stood up.
When Sha Nan started his ultimate move, he possessed a gold bully body. “A sandstorm is coming!”
A huge sandstorm tornado appeared, enclosing Nan Feng and the fox inside, and he himself went to the other side of the sandstorm, wanting to go out to spray medicine.
But just as Wang Jichao walked out, he saw PDD Saner approaching him. Wang Jichao: “…”
Under the treatment of the two walnuts, Jiang Han, Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei successfully entered the circle.
As soon as they entered the circle, they saw a battle not far away. “Replenish the condition first.” Jiang Han reminded.
“Don’t you take advantage of the chaos?” Zhou Shuyi appeared with a healing umbrella in Hutao’s hand, and her blood volume was full. Hearing the words, Jiang Han slowly shook his head and said, “It’s not necessary, let’s wait until they finish fighting.” “Huh?”
Dai Xiaomei also released her F skill to restore her and Master Tianhai’s HP, and asked in confusion, “Wait until they finish fighting?”
“Listen to me, it’s not necessary. Anyway, it doesn’t matter which team wins in the end. I don’t take them to heart at all.” Jiang Han’s flat voice sounded, making the two women startled, and the audience in the three live broadcast rooms also I was taken aback. “This sentence is crazy.”
“Once the function is turned on, it’s not a fight with someone.”
Nan Feng and the PDD team saw the appearance of the three of Jiang Han, but after seeing that the three of Jiang Han had no intention of dismantling the fire, nor did they intend to set fire to any of them, Nan Feng and the fox were secretly relieved. He took a deep breath, but the three of PDD were not happy.
How could they be Nan Feng and the fox’s less flirtatious opponents? When the three of them fought against each other, they immediately fell into a disadvantage. “The old horse is under pressure, and the three of Hanjiang Guying must be pulled in.” PDD said loudly. “King Kong Subduing Demons!”
A giant Buddha appeared on the battlefield, Nan Feng and the fox strategically retreated temporarily, and the three of PDD came straight to Jiang Han and the other when they saw this. “Then let’s fight, quick battle!”
Jiang Han manipulated Master Tianhai and bowed to the two teams!
Everyone who saw this scene knew that the final battle was coming!
The next moment, Master Tianhai only threw at the PDD three with a spear in his hand.
On the opposite side of a big Buddha, he chose to attack head-on!
5 more! Ask for a full order! .

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