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089 Enemies are coming! Either leave Bailian Cave! Or become my gun dead soul! [7/10 full order custom
Whoever knows how easy it is to use the broadsword belt overlord, if there is another rocky posture, it will be truly invincible!
Another Xun Feng Zhen Lei Saber… Tsk tsk.
The Overlord’s Soul Jade attribute is very strong. On a certain level, the Overlord’s Soul Jade is slightly more important than Xun Feng Zhen Lei Knife, especially in solo queue.
When encountering a player who uses a broad knife, the enemy immediately thinks of the Xun Feng Zhen Lei Saber instead of the Overlord, so after fighting the knife and releasing a charged attack unexpectedly, the opponent will be caught off guard.
Seeing the enemy using the broadsword to charge three stages of power, everyone immediately avoids it, but there are overlord enemies that cannot be avoided, especially when there is residual bloodwaiting.
When the blood volume drops to one-third, the enemy will most likely choose to fight with the knife. Once the power slash is performed after the fight, they can get more chances to escape.
Moreover, there is almost no possibility that the broad sword with the Overlord Soul Jade will be vibrated successfully.
As a result, the enemy has no idea whether you have an overlord or not.
Second, there is a back-swing after fighting the knife. The enemy wants to use the vibrating knife after seeing the blue light on your broad knife, and the reaction speed required is too high, which is harsh.
If it wasn’t for Jiang Han’s full proficiency in Vibration Sabre, even with his mental reaction speed, he would not be able to perform Vibration Saber finishing skills, even for top players.
Of course, some game talents are terrifying, and players with strong reaction speed are an example, not among them.
C vibration or empty vibration, or flash vibration, all need a certain response speed of 203 degrees and pre-judgment.
The Overlord Soul Jade is just to make up for the shortcomings of the broad blade swinging too high and the power slashing action too large. The Overlord can be at the Golden Soul Jade level, which is enough to show his importance!
Luck accounts for a large part of the power slash after the overlord fights. So far, this is also Jiang Han’s view, and it is also the perception of a large part of Eternal Calamity players.
It’s not an ordinary difficulty, even if you practice with friends, the success rate is extremely low, but this is when you are mentally prepared.
But now, in the actual combat, Han Jiang Guying chopped off the first stage of the overlord’s energy accumulation after fighting the sword, and countless people lost their jaws, and countless people were stunned.
It’s incredible that this scene happened.
The two commentators also commented on a lot of events, so they were the first to react. “OMG! What happened just now? Hanjiang Guying can beat the sword successfully?”
“With the overlord’s broad sword, there is no difference between releasing a charge slash after fighting the sword and releasing a normal attack. That is to say, with Hanjiang Guying’s reaction speed, if the normal attack can be vibrated by the sword, can he do it? “It’s amazing! How did he do it? We know that Nvliu 66 has the Overlord Soul Jade, but Hanjiang Guying can’t do it, did he press the wrong button?”
“It’s unlikely to press the wrong button (daah), it’s more luck, maybe Hanjiang Guying guessed that the female Liu66 has an overlord, so after fighting the knife, you can directly release the vibrating knife, even if you are cheated, there is no big problem.”
Nearly 10 million people in all the live broadcast rooms could no longer hear what the two commentators were saying, and there was a ‘sounding’ voice echoing in their minds all the time.
Their minds were full of scenes of Hanjiang Guying shaking the wolf master away with a broad sword. “Hey! It’s obvious that there is an overlord soul jade, so it can vibrate the knife?!” “Is it so outrageous? What kind of reaction speed is this?”
“I’m all stunned. It turns out that the power-packed slash after the overlord fights with his sword can really be revived in actual combat!!”
“Hey! Isn’t this the vibrating knife hanging?”
“There’s no way to explain it if you don’t hang up!”
The barrage of the official live broadcast room with more than 8 million online users collapsed again.
Although the fame of Nvliu 66 is not as high as that of Yin Zi, it also has millions of subscribers. The fans in the live broadcast room were still saying that they wanted to see the sword fight, and then Nvliu 66 can avenge the deceased husband and so on. Next For a second, they were all shocked.
“How is this Nima possible?! This can be shaken?!”
“This is definitely a hang-up!”
“This Nima is the reaction speed that humans can have??”
Fans of Jiang Han, Zhou Shuyi and Duan Xiaomei’s live broadcast room were also very confused and stunned.
“Isn’t this scene just a legend?”
“Can anyone tell me what happened?”
“I have one more doubt about Eternal Calamity.”
In Jiang Han’s live broadcast room, one million newly arrived viewers questioned one after another, but a word from an old fan made them completely shut their mouths.
“What kind of man is Hanjiang Guying? He is a man who can even shake a strong sword. Isn’t it easy to shake a hegemon’s sword?”
In a word, it completely blocked the mouths of those audiences.
“How come I almost forgot about this. (crying)”
“Even a fairy’s fairy weapon can be vibrated, not to mention an overlord with a broad sword. (squinting)”
“I guess it’s more luck. (Meditating)”
Female Liu 66 is not well, there is only one problem in her mind.
“This can be shaken? This can be shaken? This can be shaken?  …”
Repeat infinitely.
YJJ and Yin Zi were dumbfounded, the three of Team C were dumbfounded, and even PDD, Da Sima and Nan Boer, who had just arrived at Bailian Cave, were dumbfounded.
“Can this vibrate?”
Their doubts are exactly the same as those of the victims.
Vibration knife + mouse left and right buttons 100% Dragon King broken!
The female 66-year-old walnut in white armor died directly under the Dragon King Po.
The newly resurrected Yin Zi turned around and left, daring not to stop at all. “Bai Lian Cave is where you come when you want, and leave when you want?” Jiang Han turned on the free wheat, and the cold voice echoed in the big pit.
The sound of Fei Suo sounded and hooked Yin Zi. The equipment on Yin Zi, who had just returned from resurrection, was more than a hundred times worse than Jiang Han’s.
With a spear like a dragon, Yin Zi, who has no flying locks, was chased and beaten, and he didn’t even mean to fight back.
Yin Zi’s psychological defense has completely collapsed. In less than five seconds, Yin Zi once again became Jiang Han’s ghost.
Jiang Han’s words just now echoed in his ears, and Yinzi died.
After killing Yin Zi, Jiang Han also announced that YJJ, Nv Liu 66 and Yin Zi’s E team were eliminated.
At this time, the game time has just passed ten minutes, whole!
After Jiang Han killed Yin Zi, he manipulated Master Tianhai to go straight to the three of Team C, and there was a tendency for one of them to surround the other three. “Hanjiang Guying, don’t do it, let’s go, we’ll leave now. ”
Jiang Han’s voice was slightly cold, Master Tianhai’s flying lock shot, hooked one of them, and killed them with a long spear. Just now, the three of them were attacking them, how could Jiang Han let them go. “There are two teams here. If you fight with us, you will definitely take the opportunity to shoot.” “Yes, Hanjiang Guying will stop here, and we will leave Bailian Cave.” The three of Team C said to the outside of Bailian Cave. go. “Have the three of you left without my permission?”
At the same time, Jiang Han saw two teams appearing above Bailian Cave, full of them.
So, Jiang Han’s cold voice resounded through Bailian Cave once again.
“Either leave Bailian Cave! Or become my ghost!” At this moment, Hanjiang Guying is really domineering and unparalleled!
Little Sister Dian and Zhou Shuyi looked at Master Tianhai, and they both shone with the light of little fans.
7 more! Is there three more shifts that end today? If there are 4 full orders, write them directly until the early morning! ! !
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