He frowned and said, "No need. "Speaking of no nostalgia, he threw off my hand and strode out.

Chapter 24 I'm Totally Trapped

Shang Muxiao left without looking back with a fierce body all over his body. No one would suspect that he was going to smash the field.

When the door closed, I quickly took out my mobile phone and dialed Yang Haiyang's number. After waiting for a long time, no one answered. I wonder if the mute was set during dinner.

Not bothering to clean up, I took the car keys and chased Shang Muxiao out the door. When I got downstairs, I found that he was riding on the motorcycle and fastened his helmet before he had time to leave.

How did you come down? "He looked at me in surprise.

I'll take you there. "

Knowing that the probability is almost zero, I still have a naive idea that I might be able to persuade him on the road.

He glanced at my car without much interest, put down his goggles and said: Yours is too slow. "Don't wait for me to say anything else, as soon as I put the gas pedal, I drove the blue and white heavy machine and drove away.

I continued to call Yang Haiyang while driving after him. However, Shang Muxiao's speed was extremely fast, and he was able to move nimbly in the traffic, and he disappeared on the road in the blink of an eye.

I heard Yang Haiyang mention the place of marriage proposal before. It was the restaurant of a friend of his. This friend used to be Yang Haiyang's best man with me. I have the impression that he seems to have opened a high-end French restaurant in the city center. my business card.

I tried my best to recall the address on the business card, and after I could remember which road I was on, I used a faster speed than usual, changed lanes all the way, walked through the streets, and hurriedly hurried to catch up with Shang Muxiao.

I saw him parked at the door of the restaurant from a distance, stepped out of the car and pushed the door aggressively. Because the car in front was slow to get off the passenger, I honked the horn twice to urge the other party to start slowly.

I didn't care whether I would get a ticket, so I pulled over and parked the car on the side of the road.

As soon as I got out of the car, I saw Zhou Yanyi smoking by the restaurant door, a girl standing beside him, and the two seemed to be together.

When he saw me, he straightened his back subconsciously and put out the cigarette in his hand.

Professor North? "

I frowned at him and asked: What are you doing here? "

Uh..." Zhou Yanyi was taken aback, what to eat?"

Are you done eating? "

No, it's closed today, it's been reserved. "

Yang Haiyang is also a generous person, and he even covered the entire restaurant.

Then you are not leaving? "I started chasing people so that he wouldn't come in and make things more complicated.

The two looked at each other, Zhou Yanyi glanced inside the restaurant, looking a little hesitant, but in the end he took the people away.

As soon as he left, I immediately entered the restaurant. Without the guidance of the waiter, I followed the fierce quarrel and found where the three were.

Shang Muxiao was blocking Shang Yunrou in front of him, while Yang Haiyang was blocked by his friends, and the expressions of several people were not good. Glass was scattered all over the ground, and roses were trampled underfoot by everyone in a panic, and they fell into mud, no longer beautiful.

Are you fucking finished yet? "Yang Haiyang pointed at Shang Muxiao's nose and scolded, what does this have to do with you? What's the matter with you?"

He usually looks like a good gentleman, he is helpful and rarely angry, and it is Shang Muxiao's ability to be able to make him angry like this.

not finished. If you keep pestering my sister, this will never end. "

Shang Muxiao pushed away Shang Yunrou, stepped forward and grabbed Yang Haiyang's collar, the restaurant owner was caught in the middle and couldn't stop trying to persuade him.

From now on, we are a family, and we have something to say. "

This is the first time that the two people who are not dealing with each other have unified their positions, and they almost said in unison: Who is with his family! "

When I saw that the situation was not good, I quickly stepped forward and tried to separate them.

Haiyang, don't be impulsive! "

Several people were stunned and looked at me.

Yang Haiyang was the first to return to his senses, and said incredulously: Beijiao, why are you here? "

I looked at Shang Muxiao subconsciously, and found that he was also looking at me, his eyes were extremely unfamiliar, as if he never knew me, and seemed to recognize me from this moment.

We looked at each other for two seconds, he withdrew all the eyes that fell on me, and without a word, slammed a punch at Yang Haiyang.

The scene was chaotic.

Haiyang! "Shang Yunrou rushed over, squeezed between Yang Haiyang and Shang Muxiao, and blocked Yang Haiyang with her body.

Yang Haiyang was punched and became even more angry, but he was worried that Shang Yunrou did not attack immediately, but kept pulling Shang Yunrou behind him, not letting her stand in the middle, and at the same time carefully guarding against Shang Muxiao's next steps. hit.

Seeing Shang Muxiao's move, I was also a little anxious, grabbed his arm, and became stern involuntarily.

Shang Muxiao, have you had enough trouble? "

He turned his head and looked over with no expression, his eyes slowly moved down his face, and fell into my hand like a knife.

For a moment, I had the illusion that my flesh and blood would be scraped off by him.

With a cold face, he raised his hand violently, and I could no longer hold his arm.

He broke free from me and was still waiting to find Yang Haiyang's trouble. Shang Yunrou took a glass of wine from nowhere and slammed it on the ground vigorously.

The body splattered all over the floor, like thick blood.

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