Two women fight

When Reba heard this, her body shook violently.

According to the assignment tonight, she was in the same room as the fairy sister.

She also sneaked out after watching the fairy sister close her eyes and fall asleep.

She didn’t expect that the fairy sister was not asleep at all. She was just deceiving herself. She thought she had gone to the toilet.

While she was going to the toilet, she sneaked out. Knocking on Ana Shen’s door.

Reba was very curious about the fairy sister’s purpose.

After receiving Ana Shen’s permission, the fairy sister walked in

and carefully closed the door.

Ana Shen maintained this posture, not daring to move.

Afraid that Reba would be exposed under the covers, she suppressed the nervousness in her heart and looked at the fairy sister,

“It’s so late, what do you want from me?”

The fairy sister didn’t hide anything and said it openly. Know your purpose.

“I’m here today on behalf of Yanjing Red Star House Entertainment Media to invite you to join.”

The fairy sister had just finished speaking. Before Ana Shen could react,

she felt a sudden sharp pain in her thigh.

She couldn’t bear it. Zhu frowned.

So the sky was dark, and Ana Shen’s expression only lasted for a moment, so the fairy sister didn’t notice it.

Ana Shen couldn’t help but secretly scold Reba for being so bold.

If she had the courage, she would have raised her hand three inches…

But Ana Shen only dared to think about it after all. He also knew Reba’s I mean, I don’t want him to agree to the fairy sister’s request.

However, Shen Yan ignored Reba.

As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to live in, and rare things can live in them. Now he is a hot commodity.

Immediately after asking about the other party’s conditions,

Ana Shen naturally knew that the controlling shareholder of Yanjing Red Star House Entertainment Media was the godfather of the fairy sister.

In addition, she can make a lot of money for the company every year,

so what she says can represent the company’s meaning to a large extent.

“What conditions are you going to offer me?”

As soon as Shen Yan spoke, the flesh on her thighs was inhumanly tortured. Shen Yan bit her lips in pain,

hoping that she would be discovered by the fairy sister. , and gently kicked Reba with her heel.

Reba felt pain, and then temporarily let Shen Yan go.

However, the fairy sister had obviously done her homework and told Shen Yan all the benefits

. Yan was also shocked after hearing this,

and even Reba’s mouth in bed opened like an oh shape.

There is no other reason. In fact, Yanjing Red Star House Entertainment Media has given too much.

Not to mention other things, just a house in Wanliu Academy costs a whopping 160,000 yuan per square meter.

As long as Shen Yan is sure to come, You can transfer and move in immediately.

After Reba heard the news, she suddenly looked sad.

She knew that her boss Yang Mi would never pay such a high price to sign Shen Yan’s contract,

because at this time, her company simply did not have so much cash. He

was able to buy a house worth about 50 million yuan and give Ana Shen top-notch treatment.

Ana Shen was stunned for a while, and then he came to his senses.

It had to be said that he was really moved by the condition proposed by the fairy sister for a moment,

but Ana Shen did not agree easily.

After what he had experienced before, After the company terminated the contract, Ana Shen became extremely cautious about these matters.

“Can you give me some time? I need to think about it carefully?”

The fairy sister nodded when she saw this.

She also knew that she would definitely not be able to win over Ana Shen with just a few words

and she was not stalking her. Hit, but said.

“When you arrive in Rongcheng tomorrow, you will see Yang Mi. She will also invite you to her good trip. You can compare it then.” Only then did

Ana Shen suddenly remember that the fairy sister and Yang Mi, It seemed that there was an unpleasant quarrel before, and

the two of them were already at odds with each other, refusing to give in to each other.

After Ana Shen nodded, the fairy sister opened the door and walked out.

The moment she closed the door, the fairy sister’s eyes couldn’t help but glance at Ana Shen’s bent legs.

After hearing the sound of the door closing,

a few seconds passed before Reba got out of the quilt, breathing heavily.

His whole little face was red from holding back, and his whole body was dripping with sweat.

It was midsummer at this time, and I had been covered in the quilt for so long, so it was good that I didn’t faint.

However, what she was wearing at this time was also extremely thin, just a pure white silk pajamas.

After being penetrated by sweat, it had become extremely close-fitting,

and her proud figure was once again fully exposed. Her breathing kept coming.

Ana Shen couldn’t help but swallow her saliva.

After a while, Reba finally took a breath, put her hands on her hips, and

said fiercely,

“You are not allowed to go to her company.”

“Why, you didn’t say it just now, Jia What kind of treatment can you give me?”

Reba’s tone suddenly weakened when she heard this, but she still insisted on her own idea,

“Who knows how their company will exploit you behind the scenes, you can’t just look at the immediate benefits.”

Reba said more and more. With confidence, he actually convinced himself, and looked at Ana Shen excitedly.

Seeing this, Ana Shen said helplessly,

“Then you have to tell me all the conditions for a good trip, so I have a good choice.”

Seeing Ana Shen holding on to this, Reba had no choice but to release her killer weapon,

“I, Okay, except for the house in Wanliu Academy, other conditions are the same as those of Sister Shenxian’s company just now. Then I’ll give it to you.”

After saying that, before Ana Shen could react,

she put on her slippers . He returned to his room angrily,

leaving Ana Shen alone in confusion, unable to recover for a long time.

After a long time, Ana Shen looked at the door that had been closed for a while and sighed,

“You said you were giving yourself to me, but you didn’t say you would let me inspect the goods or pay some interest first. It was a nice idea.” ”

Besides, who will suffer the loss? Not sure yet, I think I, Shen Yan, am also as handsome as Song Yu, more handsome than Pan An (self-proclaimed, and has nothing to do with Brother Tongzi, Brother Tongzi wants face), and a cute young man with a pear blossom weighing more than a begonia.”

Although tonight,

one of the two beauties who came to his room even expressed his feelings to himself,

but damn, Ana Shen didn’t take any advantage at all. It was really a disgrace to all the men.

Even after hearing this, Have to shake your head.

Ana Shen was very irritable at this time, but she was helpless.

With all her help, she had no choice but to manually put her restless brother into position, turned around and fell asleep, cursing.

At the same time, in order to prevent exposure, Reba deliberately went around the toilet and

then returned to the room.

In the room at this time, the fairy sister was sleeping with her back to the door.

Reba breathed a sigh of relief, and then tiptoed to bed.

“You’re back from Ana Shen?”

(Brothers, I’m here again asking for gifts. Free power generation with love. Huahua likes the little love letter. These little brothers are not rejecting anyone who comes. Put your hands together. Finally, I hope readers will pay attention to prevention. I have a cold. I had a fever of 39.7 degrees the day before yesterday. It was really extremely painful. I haven’t recovered in the past two days.)

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