
Chapter 360: Excessive Bleeding Chapter 360: Excessive Bleeding

Chapter 360 Excessive Blood Loss

“If you don’t take off your clothes, how can I clean the bugs on your upper body?” Su Mu said helplessly.


Wu Jing suddenly realized and hurriedly started to take off his shirt.

Yang Mi and the others were very avoidant at the moment and turned to look elsewhere.

The four-character brother and Lu Han were very anxious at the moment.

“Su Mu, what should we two do? I…I feel so dizzy now! Am I losing too much blood?” the four-character brother said in an exaggerated way.

“Come on, I mean these bugs can suck people’s blood dry, but it also takes time!” ”

You’ve only been here for ten minutes at most, and you’re still far from being sucked dry!”

“Besides, even if I want Rescue, don’t we have to come one by one!”

“If you two are really in a hurry, help each other!”

Although Su Mu said this, the two of them were still a little worried.

Regardless of whether it was ten minutes or twenty minutes, these bugs sucking blood from their bodies for just one second made them feel extremely uneasy.

So the two people looked at each other and reached an agreement instantly.

Isn’t it just helping each other? It’s not difficult to see Su Mu’s operation.

So the two of them followed Wu Jing’s example and took off their clothes for him.

This time, when they saw each other, they were all shocked.

I saw that their upper bodies were densely covered with almost twenty such insects.

They are greedily sucking their blood.

If someone with trypophobia saw this scene, they would probably be scared to death.

So the two of them couldn’t wait for a moment.

He quickly took out the knife and followed Su Mu’s example, removing the bugs from the opponent’s body one by one.

Su Mu, on the other hand, was also concentrating on helping Wu Jing deal with the bugs on his body.

“Oh my god, I have trypophobia. It’s so scary!”

“I scared the baby to death. Where did these bugs come from?”

“Yes, yes, how could they crawl on Brother Jing and the others ?” Why is it that only Damimi and the others are okay?”

“I can understand that Su Mu is okay. After all, his blood can naturally shield these bugs, but what happened to Damimi and the others? ”

“As soon as I saw it, you didn’t look at it seriously. I just saw Brother Jing and the others unbuttoning one of the collar buttons in order to rest more comfortably, so it gave these bugs a chance to take advantage of it!”

“It turns out ! So, it seems that you can’t relax for a moment in this place!”

“Su Mu is really much more humorous than before. It was so fun when he teased his four-character brother and Lu Han just now!” ”

Yeah, originally at that time I was quite nervous, but when Su Mu said this, I immediately relaxed a lot!” ”

Oh my god, if there were such bugs on my body, I might be scared to death. It’s too scary. Yeah!”

“It’s so scary, so scary. I feel itchy all over my body now, as if there are bugs!”

“But don’t you think that the scene in front of you looks a bit like that…”

“It’s upstairs, I understand. What do you mean!”

At this moment, Wu Jing, his four-character brother and Lu Han were all topless.

This picture is undoubtedly a benefit to the majority of female compatriots.

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But because the four-character brother and Lu Han were face to face now, helping each other clean the bugs off their bodies.

So no matter how you look at this scene, it feels a bit ambiguous.

The four-character brother and Lu Han may have also felt this different feeling.


But there is no way, for them now, survival is the most important thing.

It’s a serious matter to clean the bugs off their bodies first.

Su Mu acted very quickly and cleaned up everything on Wu Jing’s body in less than ten minutes.

Many of the bugs on his body had sucked a lot of blood, and were more than twice the size of the bug on his palm just now.

When the last bug was cleared away, Wu Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he didn’t know if it was his hallucination, but he always felt that his head was dizzy.

“I…I didn’t lose too much blood, why am I so dizzy!” Wu Jing couldn’t help but say.

On the side, Su Mu said it very casually while wiping his black gold ancient sword.

“It’s very possible. According to my visual inspection, these bugs just sucked at least 500 milliliters of your blood!”

“It’s enough to make you feel dizzy!”

As soon as he heard this, Wu Jing felt even more dizzy, and at the same time, he still felt dizzy in his heart. Somewhat anxious.

They still have to go on their way after that. How can they do it no matter how weak they are?

He doesn’t want to hold the team back.

“Brother Jing, don’t worry. We have all brought brown sugar.

I will make you a cup later to replenish your blood!” “Yes, yes, yes, I also brought jujube, which is a specialty of my hometown, which can also be used to replenish your blood!” Reba also said Then he said.

“Hey, the things you brought are a bit too full!” Wu Jing said in surprise.

“Girls, there are always inconvenient times, these things are necessary!” Yang Mi said with some embarrassment.

Wu Jing understood what was going on instantly and felt a little embarrassed, so he stopped making any sound.

Instead, he leaned aside to rest.

At this time, the four-character brother and Lu Han had almost cleaned up the bugs on each other’s bodies.

At this moment, the rain outside has almost stopped.

After the rain, the entire rain forest returned to its previous sweltering heat.

The moisture brought by the rain could not dissipate around here, so bursts of fog formed in the air.

Waves of white mist were floating throughout the rainforest, making it look like a fairyland.

But Wu Jing and the others who had just experienced the disaster didn’t think so.

For them, this place is almost like hell!

After all the bugs on the four-character brother and Lu Han were cleaned up, Su Mu stood up with a stern look on his face.

He said to them.

“Everyone, get up!”

None of them understood what Su Mu meant, but they all knew that he must have a deep meaning when he said and did this.

So they didn’t ask any questions and stood up from the tree trunk obediently.

“Su Mu, are we leaving?” Wu Jing asked.

“Before departure, I have one more important thing to do!” Su Mu replied.

So, he waved his hand and asked these people to stand behind him.

Then I saw him kicking the tree trunk hard at the intersection with another vine.

With this kick, the entire tree trunk shook a few times.

Casually, I saw a scene that made Wu Jing and the others feel numb.

I saw countless insects of the kind emerging from the vines!

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