“Then you do what I say step by step.”

In front of the beauty, Ye Fei gradually entered the role of a serious coach.

Of course, now he’s better at being shady in this situation.

But for the sake of his future job, Ye Fei decided to become a serious coach.

I saw him squatting next to Yang Mi. speak

“Now you lie flat on your yoga mat, with your hands and arms on the ground and don’t move.”

Obviously it was just a normal sentence, but at this time, when it was said from the main interface, it had a strange meaning.

Even Boss Yang couldn’t help but think too much at this time.

She glanced at Ye Fei.With a slightly red face, she did as she was told.

“Tuck your legs, now curl your legs up”

“Wrong, it should be like this.”

Seeing Yang Mi’s movements, Ye Fei couldn’t help but shake his head.

With a serious face, he stretched out his hand to help her make standard movements.

Originally, there would be no problem with this move.

But when Ye Fei’s hand touched Yang Mi When he stretched his legs, his heart couldn’t help but tremble.

Even through yoga pants, he could feel the amazing elasticity and warmth. When he suddenly encountered this situation, even if Ye Fei had amazing concentration, he couldn’t bear it. Just call me”Mom” in secret.

Why is this happening? He is obviously a serious coach, how could he become like this?

Are hormones really so strong?

Ye Fei really doesn’t understand.

In fact, let alone him, even Yang Mi can’t bear it anymore.

After all, we are all adults, so this kind of contact will inevitably feel strange.

“Now you follow my moves”

“Make a set first and try 20 pieces”

“Use the strength of your thighs and waist to keep your body suspended in the air”

“Be careful not to use too much force, otherwise you may easily injure your neck.”

Ye Fei instructed Yang Mi’s movements while reminding her of things to pay attention to.

In fact, this kind of training is very simple and ordinary people can do it at home.

But Ye Fei is different. Although it is the same movement, under his guidance , the effect of this action is completely different.

Therefore, within a moment, after completing a set of actions, Yang Mi clearly felt that her whole body began to be soaked with sweat.

The feeling was like running for ten or twenty Same as kilometers

“Okay, don’t do it anymore for now, let me soothe your muscles.”

“Otherwise, if you continue like this, your muscles will be strained.”

When Ye Fei was talking, you couldn’t help but give the system a thumbs up in your heart.

This personal training system is really awesome.

Just one set of actions can have such a huge effect.

Even Ye Fei himself couldn’t bear it. I couldn’t help but start to look forward to it.

How will Yang Mi change after this lesson?

While thinking about Ye Fei in my heart, he reached out and gently squeezed Yang Mi’s legs.

I have to say, Boss Yang’s legs The legs feel great to the touch.

They are elastic and soft.

They feel great.

Especially for a strong-blooded man like him, they have a fatal attraction.

Not to mention Ye Fei.

Even Yang Mi at this time There is also a strange feeling.

Although it is not as strong as Ye Fei’s feeling.

She still feels that when Ye Fei pinches her legs, there is always a numbing feeling spreading from her legs.

This feeling is like a tide.

It keeps impacting. It stimulated her nerves.

At the same time, the fatigue on her body dissipated little by little.

Fortunately, this feeling did not last long.

Almost 5 minutes later, the second set of movements began.

With Ye Fei’s previous fulcrum, this time Yang Mi was obviously much more standard when doing this set of movements.

There were only some subtle points that required Ye Fei’s guidance.

If Yang Mi was just allowed to adapt to this kind of movements before, then now she is allowed to change her mistakes little by little. Even though these mistakes were very subtle, they were still spotted by Ye Fei at a glance.

Because of these reasons, Yang Mi seemed more difficult than before when doing this set of movements.

After only doing 15, she was already out of breath. , her face was crimson.

You could still faintly see the flickering water in her eyes.

“Come on, there are 5 more moves. It’s going to be over soon.”Ye Fei kept encouraging him.

“But I feel so tired”

“It still hurts a little”


“Why does it hurt so much? Didn’t you hear people say it doesn’t hurt?”

During the last few movements, Yang Mi was already groaning and her whole body seemed to have lost all strength.

Especially when pulling her legs, she even felt as if she was no longer her own.

Ye Fei was also suffering a while squatting next to her.

Please say okay Fitness is all about fitness. What are you moaning about?

It makes me feel hot all over.

After the young lady at the front desk heard Yang Mi’s moaning sound, she couldn’t help but look over here.

Why is there such a sound? , could it be that Boss Yang was having sex with that man…

No way, that’s such an exaggeration?

Some scenes that were not suitable for children flashed through the mind of the young lady at the front desk.

She was stunned for a while.

If it is true, then the Internet will probably explode tomorrow.

Over here Boss Yang finally finished the second set of movements.

At this time, she was so tired that she was panting.

Even though she was lying on the yoga mat, Boss Yang still felt as if she had been fished out of hot water, and her whole body was covered in sweat.

Such a huge fitness effect was something she never expected.

“This man is so awesome”

“Be sure to keep him as a trainer in your own gym”

“I found a treasure this time.”

Boss Yang was lying on the yoga mat, panting and thinking.

After a while, she finally felt better.

“Do we want to continue? I feel so tired now”

“No need, the two sets of movements you are doing now are already very good. If you continue to do them, it will not be good for your muscles.”

Ye Fei shook his head.

Now he is the top coach in the world.

He can tell the opponent’s muscle condition even at a glance.

So Ye Fei knows very well that if Yang Mi keeps doing this, she might be paralyzed.

“Let me do another set of recovery for you. Otherwise, you will have muscle soreness after 24 hours.

Many people will experience muscle pain 24 hours after strenuous exercise.

That’s all caused by the large amount of lactic acid secreted by the muscles during exercise.

This condition can be eliminated with professional massage.

So after Ye Fei said this, he started to massage Yang Mi.

It’s just that this time Yang Mi obviously felt that Ye Fei’s hand was stronger than before, but fortunately it didn’t cause her any pain.



Every time Ye Fei exerted his strength, Yang Mi couldn’t help but moan.

After calling twice, Yang Mi quickly reacted and her face turned red.

“alright! alright!”

She was afraid that something would happen if this continued.

She quickly asked Ye Fei to stop, and she quickly stood up. She ran towards the locker room with deformed steps.

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