Zhuo Wei finally understood.

Why can Yang Mi cause such terrifying waves on the Internet?

Before, he only thought that everything was a hot spot effect and a curiosity for the audience.

But now, he found that he was wrong.

How wrong!

The reason why there is overwhelming information about Yang Mi on the Internet.

There are so many things about this woman that are so explosive that they shock everyone’s eyes!

Oh, no!

Not just her, but also her assistant who is ruthless and doesn’t talk much!

Judging from their proficiency in cooperating to encircle and suppress him just now.

This is not the first time that they have partnered with a shady person.

Good guy… the woman is responsible for the madness, and the man is responsible for the killing.

You two… are truly a match made in heaven!

He was complaining crazily in his heart, and his whole state was a little confused.

Could it be that I really put myself into it by participating in a show? no!

You must not sit still and wait for death!

If you don’t resist, how can you still hang out in the circle in the future?

Thinking of this, Zhuo Wei did not hesitate anymore. After forcibly cheering up, he spoke in a deep voice.

“You…you are slandering me. I have never done those things at all! You are slandering!”

“Moreover, how could it be that exaggerated? The word”little fairy” can be said by others but I can’t?”

“Teacher Zhuo Wei, it seems… you still don’t want to give up.”

Yang Mi smiled and curled her lips, her expression full of ridicule and disgust.

“Call me slanderous? The whole process was live broadcast just now, and the audience can also be used as witnesses! Who slandered you?”

This sentence was said by Zhuo Wei before.

Now, it has been reflected back to himself with great precision.

“Anyone can say the word”little fairy”. But you are the first to say it on the Yangshi stage as a public figure!”

“It spreads the most widely and causes the greatest impact. Shouldn’t you… dare not admit it?”

Yang Mi said as she turned around to look at the host of the legal channel with a solemn expression not far away.

Then, she did something that Zhuo Wei had done before.

“Mr. Liu, you are a professional in legal matters. I would like to consult you.”

“According to Zhuo Wei’s own explanation and combined with his usual behavior,”

“Do you think… can the three charges I convicted him be established?”

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Wei’s expression froze.

The moment that frightened him the most was here!

Although Yang Mi’s description sounded scary before, she was just a layman who had to read books to check the law. But now, The situation is different.

If the legal channel host gives a positive answer, then he is really not far away from Liangliang!

A strong sense of oppression surrounds the legal channel host.

The man smiled awkwardly at first, then nodded slightly after pondering for a few seconds, and spoke in a hoarse voice.

“Um…this, judging from…from Zhuo Wei’s statement and the facts of his behavior”

“You…there’s really no big problem with your sentencing like that.”


The other party’s words were like a thunder.

It struck Zhuo Wei directly until he collapsed.

He panicked instantly.

His expression collapsed quickly, and he began to tremble.

But Yang Mi still didn’t give up.

She looked at the camera with a smile, speak loudly

“Although I had just received the affirmation, in order to ensure nothing went wrong, I contacted a famous lawyer in the industry – Teacher Luo Xiang in advance!”

“Make sure to implement these three crimes in place!”

“Strive for a few more years in prison if you can!”

Outlaw gangster, Luo Xiang???

The moment he heard the name, Zhuo Wei was so scared that he almost fell to the ground!

Good guy, Yang Mi really wants to kill me!

Luo Xiang is Who?

That is the terrifying being who can send the other party’s defense lawyer and the audience in the auditorium together!

With his help

, it would be a miracle! Zhuo Wei , who was filled with deathly energy and whose heart was completely broken, suddenly took a few steps towards Yang Mi and spoke in a frightened and pleading voice.

“That…Miss Yang Mi, listen to my explanation”

“I came to participate in the show just to return Chen Lei’s favor. The public opinion plot and the content of the subsequent speech were all discussed between the two of us. I promise, it is definitely not my personal will!”

“I didn’t intentionally commit a crime, it was just a mistake at most. Can…Can I……”

“ah! Does Sister Lei also have a share?”

Yang Mi pretended to be surprised and turned to look at Chen Lei, who was confused.

“Sister Lei, then you are an accessory.”

“Hee hee~”

Chen Lei has the desire to kill people, and she can’t wait to kill Zhuo Wei!

But Zhuo Wei is still stumbling to exonerate himself.

“I know! I know the reason why you are targeting me like this is because I posted an article attacking you before.”

“Those, those were not my original intentions, but what Song Zude paid me to do. I want to use my platform to put pressure on you.”

“I get paid to do things, it’s just a business. But I swear, I never had the slightest intention of threatening to attack you.”

“Huh! Does the clan’s virtue also play a role?”

Yang Mi continued to smile and looked at the stunned Song Zude.

“You can hire a lawyer. I suggest you not be too far away from Mr. Luo Xiang.”

“Otherwise…you will lose miserably!”

The studio was in complete chaos.

Zhuo Wei was still arguing endlessly.

Yang Mi was not in the mood to listen anymore.

She made a stop gesture in front of him, turned around and walked towards Lu Ze.

The sound of her high heels was tapping. , she said lightly

“Zhuo Wei just confessed two more things. He colluded with the host of Yangshi to maliciously slander public figures, and received rewards to fabricate lies and distort facts.”

“How do you feel…it seems like I can’t stop it after seven or eight years?……”

After the words fell, she also came to Lu Ze’s side.

The young man with a helpless expression sighed quietly.

“Are you too extreme?”

“After all, this person is a few years older than you, so why are you so rude and starting to call him by his first name?”

“Wow, you are so polite!”

Yang Mi laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

“Have you ever seen someone go to a funeral home and shake hands with the dead?”

“As a legal citizen, it’s normal for me to call the suspect by his first name, right?”

“Should we still call him teacher?”

“Teachers who show up in prison to give warnings about education, right?”

“Speak nicely.” Lu Ze rolled his eyes at him.

“It’s so stimulating. What if you can’t take a breath and burp?”

“Hahaha, what does it have to do with me!”

Yang Mi smiled brightly.

Then, she spoke word by word.

“I’m mentally ill”

“Killing someone… is not illegal!”

“Scared him to death or pissed him off, it doesn’t matter.……”

“Tough luck!”

“Okay, come on, kid me!”

“In fact… we do not advocate this situation!”

Yang Mi suddenly turned serious.

After quickly adjusting her expression, she looked solemnly at the camera.

“Although the secret filming incident on the subway was Zhuo Wei’s fictitious public opinion”

“But it’s possible”

“Since the program has set up this link, and as a public figure, I am also a woman”

“It is indeed necessary to tell everyone how to deal with this kind of public opinion.”

She said, walking towards the center of the stage.

After clearing her throat, she spoke lightly

“Regarding this kind of public opinion handling, I have two things to say:”


The light voice is like a spring breeze.

Everyone was listening quietly.

I don’t know how Yang Mi will deal with it.

Only Lu Ze knew… the ruthless backstabbing of the fairies… had begun!

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