In the new day, they stand on the set of the film, facing challenges. Da Mi Mi adjusted his emotions and prepared to enter the role, while Ye Feiyu nervously flipped through the script. Their eyes met, smiling and exchanging an encouraging look.

Da Mi Mi took a deep breath and threw himself into the role: "Feiyu, we have been pursuing a higher level of acting, and today is no exception. This scene requires us to express our inner emotions more deeply.

Ye Feiyu nodded in agreement: "That's right, this is a scene full of emotional conflicts, and we have to show the inner contradictions of the characters." We can start with the ups and downs of emotions and gradually deepen to the inner struggles of the characters. The

two began to exchange their understanding of the character's emotions and discuss how to better present the character's emotional core. Their words are full of empathy and insight, as if each other's minds have long since merged.

Da Mi Mi's eyes gradually calmed down, and she felt the emotions of the character deeply, ready to integrate herself into it. Ye Feiyu silently observed her performance on the sidelines, ready to support her at any time.

A moment later, Da Mi Mi began her performance, her eyes revealing the character's inner struggles and contradictions, and every movement was full of emotional tension. Ye Feiyu watched quietly, feeling the emotions she conveyed.

At the climax of the scene, Ye Feiyu took a step and walked to Da Mi Mi's side. He patted her on the shoulder gently, his eyes full of trust: "Mi Mi, you did a great job." I'm sure you can bring out the emotions of your characters perfectly.

Da Mi Mi smiled slightly, feeling Ye Feiyu's encouragement: "Thank you, Feiyu." With you by my side, I have more courage. "

Their cooperation became more and more tacit, and the scene went smoothly. Every conversation, every action, conveys emotions in silence. It's as if they really become characters and fit perfectly into the story.

After filming, they sat down in the rest area of the set, sipped tea and chatted casually. Da Mi Mi said to Ye Feiyu with a smile: "Every cooperation is a process of our emotional exchange and growth. Our tacit understanding is not only a performance, but also a spiritual fit.

Ye Feiyu nodded and agreed: "Yes, we are not only partners, but also friends." Through the communication of characters, we got to know each other better, and gradually entered each other's inner world.

Da Mi Mi squinted his eyes and looked into the distance: "Perhaps, this is the real acting skills we have been pursuing, which can touch the hearts of the audience with our hearts."

Ye Feiyu stared at her quietly and said with a smile: "Yes, no matter how time changes, we always believe that emotion is the most real and touching performance." In

that quiet moment, their eyes met, as if all words had become superfluous. Each other's existence and understanding have turned into the most beautiful tacit understanding, and they continue to bring more touches to the audience for the common dream.

Mi Mi looked at Ye Feiyu affectionately, and said with a smile: "Every cooperation is a collision of hearts. We are not only interpreting the characters, but also interpreting the various emotions and experiences of life.

Ye Feiyu gently patted Da Mi Mi's hand, feeling her emotions: "Yes, each character is a unique world, and our task is to bring that world to life." In every character creation, I can feel your dedication and dedication. "

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