"Hehe, I have a great idea in my mind right now, and I'll need your help later. Ye Feiyu said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, what do you want to do?" Da Mi Mi asked with a curious face after hearing this.

"The feathers of these white geese and turtledoves are very soft and beautiful, and I am going to sew an ancient feather coat, and I will have to trouble you to put it on when the time comes. Ye Feiyu replied with a smile on his face.

"Ancient method of feather coat, do you still know how ancient method of sewing, how many skills do you still have?" Da Mi Mi was also confused after hearing this.

"Hehe, the feather coat I sewn will definitely be beautiful, and if you wear it, it will definitely be a feast for everyone's eyes. Ye Feiyu said with a smile.

"Haha, let's wait until you finish sewing, with my figure, everything looks good. Da Mi Mi said with a proud face.

"That's right, a big beauty of your level, coupled with my carefully sewn clothes, is guaranteed to amaze the audience!" Ye Feiyu also nodded with a smile after hearing this.

In this way, Ye Feiyu began the operation in his hands, processed these big white geese and turtledoves, and cleaned all the feathers that were pulled out.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feiyu spread all these feathers on the stone pile to dry, and then handed over the remaining goose meat and spotted pork to Da Mi Mi to wash by the river.

As for Ye Feiyu's words, he used some small stone chips to start cutting the rattans, and all the rattans that had just been torn off the tree were finely torn apart.

After spending more than half an hour, Ye Feiyu only processed a dozen rattans, which was still far from enough if he wanted to sew clothes.

In this way, Da Mi Mi was responsible for cleaning up today's food by the river, while Ye Feiyu continued to draw the remaining rattans, and the two of them were completing their work step by step.

On the other side, Xiao Yueyue and Da Mi Mi finally succeeded in setting up the tent, although it didn't look good, but at least they didn't have to sleep in the open air tonight.

Looking at the tent they had worked so hard to build, Xiao Yueyue and Da Mi Mi finally had a smile on their faces, it took them more than two hours to complete this work, and they couldn't even straighten their waists.

"Whew! It can be regarded as a sleeping place!" Xiao Yueyue reached out and wiped the dense beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Great, it's a big step! I don't have to get wet tonight. Da Mi Mi also laughed happily at this time.

And just when the two of them looked up at Ye Feiyu's side, they suddenly found that there were several white goose meat and some unknown bird meat piled up next to Da Mi Mi.

"Ye Feiyu, this guy went out hunting again? I really envy this guy. Xiao Yueyue said with envy on his face.

"Why don't we make a few traps to hunt? Da Mi Mi sighed helplessly, and then spoke.

"It's not impossible, let's find some branches to build a simple trap, put some bait in the trap, we will definitely be able to catch other prey!" Xiao Yueyue hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then let's go separately to find something and strive to have other meat for dinner today!" Da Mi Mi was also full of energy at this time.

After saying that, Xiao Yueyue and Da Mi Mi immediately divided into two ways, one was responsible for finding the wood needed to make the trap, and the other was responsible for finding some wild fruits.

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