Entertainment of Spring and Autumn

Chapter 614 Jingtian Sect

Chapter 614 Jingtian Sect

No matter how much Xue Mu hopes for the Six Paths of the Demon Sect, at least for now, they are all selfish and vicious demons. Just like Cang Ming leads people to cleanse the Xujing family, he has no psychological barriers at all and does not care about his former classmates. friendship. He was even more cruel to his enemies than usual, because Xue Mu promised him to be the Lord of Deception, so he naturally had to clean up the "remnants of his predecessor" so that he could secure his position, right?

At the same time, it is still a certificate of dedication to serve the leader of the alliance. Even if you are not ruthless, you will not be worthy of this important task.

It is difficult to suppress the Qi Tian Sect. The hiding methods of liars and thieves are often unbelievable. Most people would never expect that a seemingly honest farmer, a doctor who seems to be kind to others, and a Taoist abbot who looks like an immortal is actually a deceiver. Zong Yaoren. So in the past, the six gates were to catch demons, and the right path was to eliminate demons? It's really difficult.

But under Cang Ming's guidance, almost all the members of the Bullying Sect in Lingzhou were wiped out, leaving only those who originally belonged to Cang Ming alive...

In fact, the effect of this purge was not very good. Although it was very clean, the Bullying Sect did not have much power in Lingzhou. Previously, Cang Ming was stationed in Lingzhou on behalf of the Bullying Sect. Most of the members of the Bullying Sect operating in Lingzhou were originally members of Cangming's sect, and there were not many others. No matter how much they were cleaned, they could not damage Xu Jing's muscles and bones.

There are no high-level officials to clean up, and Xu Jing himself is so far gone that he no longer knows where he is.

"Of course we went to the capital." Xue Mu drafted the alliance details with Xue Qingqiu in the city lord's palace, while Cang Ming nodded and bowed to report the situation. Xue Mu didn't even stop writing, and responded casually: "Looking at the world, the most obvious enemies against me are Ji Wuyou and Leng Zhu. Cooperation between Xu Jing and Leng Zhu is a bit hindered, but cooperation with Ji Wuyou is very easy. Two things It's too late to meet each other, but the fire is burning. My husband and I take off our war robes. From now on, the king will not come to court early..."

"Hey, hey, hey." Xue Qingqiu couldn't listen anymore: "You were scolding Xiaorui before for getting more and more rotten."

"Ah haha, I'm talking about enemies, never mind it." Xue Mu handed over a draft to Cang Ming: "Our alliance wants to straighten its chest and stand on the top of the world, and we can't do some stupid things. It's not me either. Xue Mu insists on rebelling against the devil and doing good. I really don’t understand what’s so interesting about petty theft? Have you relied on this hole for thousands of years to achieve enlightenment?”

Cang Ming looked at the draft. It was specifically for the management of his new Bullying Sect. It didn't have many clauses. It just meant that thieves are also ethical. Some people couldn't steal and some things couldn't be done.

Cang Ming looked at it for a while, then sighed and said: "Our way is not petty theft. It is cheating, cheating, subverting others, enriching oneself at the expense of others. According to the leader of the alliance, Water Margin, robbing the rich and giving to the poor, although this is not our norm , it can be regarded as one of our pleasures. In short, we enjoy doing this kind of things to find the joy of existence. To be honest, we don't look down on things like petty theft. When the leader arranged for the old thieves to Cauldron, that is the greatest joy of my life. From now on, it is nothing more than a predestined decision to obey the leader of the alliance."

Xue Mu said helplessly: "You have the courage to steal the sky and change the day, but you have turned me into a hook stealer."

Cang Ming smiled bitterly and said: "Theft has become a habit, how can there be such a detailed distinction?"

Xue Mu nodded: "Actually, I know that the original intention of Ru Mie Qing Dao is to improve in battle and killing. It does not mean to encourage indiscriminate killing. It is just that over a long period of time, excessive killing will destroy human nature, and it will become indiscriminate killing. In essence, It deviates from the original intention of the Qing Dao technique. Xu Jing also told me that man can conquer heaven, but in the end he became a liar and thief of a sect. Many of our sects say that establishing the Tao is very high-level, but in practice they are a mess. That’s not the case at all, what’s missing is just a constraint.”

Cang Ming bowed his head and said: "I am willing to be bound by the alliance leader and take the alliance leader's new rules as the rules of the sect."

Cang Ming's deceitful master is unstable, the sect leader's token is still there with Xu Jing, and there are still huge main sects who don't recognize him and only recognize Xu Jing. The sect can only be regarded as a divided state now, not a true usurpation of power. If he wants to secure his position as the Lord of Deception, he must rely on Xue Mu to continue killing the opponent.

Whether it's because of the irreversible situation or for himself, the current Cang Ming is the kind of person who can really be called and drank happily. Speaking of which, Yingyi is relatively weak...

In the past, Xue Mu slandered the Demon Sect and all the low-level people, but at this time, he really needed people like Cang Ming to achieve his six-path control.

As soon as Cang Ming left, Qin Wuye drifted in.

"Sir, leader, do you want to help me establish new rules for Hehuan Sect?"

Xue Mu smiled: "It's up to you to decide the rules of the Hehuan Sect. It seems that you still encountered a bottleneck in your technique deduction?"

"There were some bottlenecks at first. After having sex with you yesterday, I gained more. I'm afraid it will be faster." Qin Wuye glanced at Xue Qingqiu, then smiled at Xue Mu and said: "If you want to help me, just continue with me tonight." Double cultivation.”

Xue Qingqiu said expressionlessly: "You'd better go to the tripod to understand the deduction. That's the right way."

Qin Wuye was startled: "You want me to participate in the tripod casually?"

Xue Qingqiu said calmly: "Do you still feel that you are an outsider?"

Qin Wuye wanted to say something but didn't say it. Wei Ye plopped in from the side door: "Dad, the capital's Xingluo Formation sent a message. Xu Jing led everyone to the capital to establish the so-called Jingtian Sect. Ji Wuyou wants to establish it as the state religion. Xu Jing is going to be a national master, dad..."

Xue Mu: "..."

Xue Qingqiu: "..."

Qin Wuye laughed dumbly: "Xu Jing is not at a loss this time. I thought he just wanted to cause harm to others without benefiting himself, or he didn't want to be inferior to others... After doing this for a long time, he suddenly reached the sky. "

Xue Mu was also speechless. He led the Xingyue Sect and hesitantly moved forward step by step from the Demon Sect where everyone was shouting and beating him. How long did it take to establish the Mountain Sect in an honest and upright manner? How much effort did it take? This Xu Jing is just making trouble for himself, but he actually wants to become the state religion...

From this point of view, Xu Jing and Ji Wuyou must have been colluding for a long time, otherwise it would be impossible to suddenly reach a high position. Maybe the previous changes such as Qixuan Valley had Xu Jing's shadow in it... He told the group There is a fourth purpose behind the Sai troubles, which is to hand over a petition to Ji Wuyou to express his complete separation from the alliance?

But can others bear it? The imperial court must be in trouble... This state religion must not be established.

"Bang!" Xia Houdi kicked the table away in front of Ji Wuyou and all the officials above the court hall.

"The devil from the Demon Sect is a deceitful and shameless person. Even if he is accepted, he must be scrutinized first. How can he become a state religion?" Look! Isn’t this court a place of filth and evil?"

Xu Jing scoffed with a playful smile: "The eldest princess is wrong. The Xingyue Sect is also a demon sect, and Xue Mu is also a demon. How come Chang Xinhou did such a good job, and no one in the world said anything? Do you really want to hide it? That is Lingzhou County, a land of filth and evil. Now the Six Paths are here, and the demonic flames are raging into the sky. Why don't you see the eldest princess to kill one of them?"

Xia Houdi said angrily: "Xue Mu's actions are as bright as the moon, but Xingyue Sect's actions are completely different. If he restrains the Six Paths, it will be a great achievement! Why do you compare with Xue Mu?"

"I have changed the name of the Jingtian Sect to the Jingtian Sect. Doesn't it mean that I am severing from the past? How does the eldest princess know how our Jingtian Sect will behave in the future?"

Xiahou Di was very angry: "What merit do you have that you dare to become a state religion?"

"This is a sect, not an official position. If the teachings are in line with the king's wishes, then that's it. Why do you need merit?" Xu Jing said leisurely: "The eldest princess is so angry, I'm afraid it's not out of public motives, but because Xue Mu is in the eyes of the lover... …”

Ji Wuyou sat high on the dragon chair and listened quietly to the two people's debate. When he reached this sentence, his eyes moved slightly.

"Choke!" Xia Houdi over there finally drew his sword and slashed away in anger.

Xu Jing calmly resolved it with a smile.

Xuuzhe quickly inserted himself between the two of them and whispered to Xia Houdi: "This person has already realized his weakness. Don't force him."

Xia Houdi narrowed his eyes. Xuanzhe couldn't help but turn his head and continue to look at Xu Jing, with deep confusion in his eyes.

The empty cave is empty and silent. If he hadn't deliberately revealed a hint of emptiness just now, he wouldn't have been able to tell it from his current appearance.

Has the past Xu Jing been hiding? In fact, he was originally Dongxu? If so, how advanced is his practice?

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