Entertainment of Spring and Autumn

Chapter 584 Explicit and Hidden Rules

Chapter 584: Explicit and Hidden Rules

After all, Xue Mu couldn't float for long. At night, the two of them fell back to the hill, leaning under a big tree and watching the night quietly.

Below are the lights of the new city, and above are the stars and the moon. The two of them are embracing each other in the mountains and forests, crickets are singing, and there is no one around. The petite and soft body is on the side, and there is a fragrance. Xue Mu finally got excited, and Yue Xiaochan was also a little emotional.

The two people who had good face revealed that little bit of face together in a silent night.

Xue Mu unconsciously began to explore her moonlight silk clothes. In fact, they were very used to it, and they did this almost every night when they hugged each other on the way to Jianzhou. However, at that time, Yue Xiaochan was not so much in love as it was a girl's natural curiosity about love affairs, trying it out in front of the person she liked. I just wanted to get a taste of it, so I was never willing to let him go any further.

And now?

Now that any shackles have been loosened in name, there is nothing more legitimate than between them.

Yue Xiaochan had asked before when her emotions broke out, "Do you want me?" The time and place were wrong at that time, but now both of them really wanted me.

The heat in his palms carried a strange longing in his heart, as if something was calling and was about to break out of the ground.

Yue Xiaochan felt her emotions surge, but suddenly she became a little nervous.

I don’t know where the nervousness comes from. Maybe I suddenly feel that I am not old enough, maybe I think of my master and mother... In short, it is very awkward. I obviously liked him doing this before, and I also enjoyed it very much, but this time... All that was left was confusion.

During the day, I threw him, kicked him and scolded him. He looked full of energy, but now there is no energy at all. Please hold his big hand with your delicate hands to prevent him from moving. The only words left out of his mouth are pleading: "Uncle Xue Mu... ...It’s okay if you don’t want it?”

This time Xue Mu couldn't figure out what she was thinking. Why did the little girl shrink back when she was so determined?

He thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "Is it too fast?"

Yue Xiaochan seemed to be drowning and grabbed a straw, and immediately said: "Yes, yes... it's too fast..."

Xue Mu sighed, but did not force it. He whispered: "Then you have a good rest, and I will watch the moon with you."

Xue Mu's considerate concession made Yue Xiaochan feel a little fluttered in her heart.

In fact, Xue Mu does not belong to this kind of particularly gentle and considerate warm man. For example, towards Zhu Chenyao and Mo Xuexin, there was a strong sense of coercion and semi-compulsion. Even towards Xue Qingqiu and Mu Jianli, they tried their best to eliminate objective obstacles, quickly go straight to the topic, and cook the raw rice before talking about it. But he could always give in to Yue Xiaochan in every possible way, whether he was beaten or rejected, or stopped when he said no, he still spoke softly and could not bear to frown at her.

It was his original intention but also his guilt. No matter how confidently he believed that he didn't pursue anything, he just liked all kinds of women and tried his best to get them...but he always felt a little indebted in front of Yue Xiaochan.

"Uncle..." Yue Xiaochan snuggled into his arms and murmured in a low voice: "You are actually...a bit silly."

Xue Mu smiled: "Huh? This may be the first time someone calls me stupid."

"That's really stupid. Except for a few sects that have strict requirements on men and women, let alone our demon sect, even in the court, ask Xiahou Di, who is famous for his integrity, how can he be inclusive with your power and power? Does she object?"

Xue Mu knew that Xia Houdi had no objection. He had not seen many women object to Xia Houdi. Liu Wanxi was also her mother in name, so she also had no objection. The only thing Xia Houdi struggled with was that because of her status, she wanted to be the main wife... It can only be said that she had seen a lot. How could she not know the virtues of the emperor's harem and the virtues of the powerful in private?

This is the rule of this world.

"It's a natural thing at all, but you always feel that you owe me. It seems that in front of me, you always have a very strange, not belonging to this world, hidden in your heart." Yue Xiaochan caressed him with watery eyes. Cheek, whispered: "Or should be said, it can be seen from this that you really like Chan'er, Chan'er is very happy."

Xue Muqi said: "Do you mean to encourage me to continue?"

"No..." Yue Xiaochan murmured with charming eyes: "On the way to Jianzhou, didn't you always want to trick me into playing the flute for you?"

This Xiao is not that Xiao.

"Are your legs weak?"

"No no."

"If not, just leave. Why are you still hanging under the tree?"

Early in the morning, two voices, large and small, were flirting and flirting as they flew back from outside the city and headed straight for Lingzhou City.

The reason why Xue Mu felt like staying in bed was because he knew that after seeing good things yesterday, he should see bad things today. Everyone in the world is lazy. The pretty and cute girl is hugging and biting, and the prosperous new city is watching, and for a while, I am really too lazy to worry about it.

And he actually knew what the so-called bad things were. He knew it as early as yesterday when he heard Yue Xiaochan's meeting.

The six realms of the Demon Sect are full of good and bad. No, it should be mostly bad and very few good. In the early stages of cooperation, everyone is aiming for the good goal of common development, and the hot momentum can cover up a lot of friction. But over time, when things calm down, a lot of "different ways" will begin to be exposed.

What was discussed at the meeting was something that could be discussed openly, and there were obviously some secret things that couldn't be discussed openly. Yue Xiaochan couldn't make a decision on her own, so she needed Xue Mu to see it with her own eyes before speaking.

Sure enough, he followed Yue Xiaochan all the way to the Hehuan Sect's station in Lingzhou.

It was no longer a brothel. There were two signs hanging outside the door of the luxurious mansion. One directly said "Hehuan Sect" and the other said "Performing Arts Troupe Recruiting New Office".

"Does the Hehuan Sect still need to recruit external people to perform?" Xue Muqi asked: "The Hehuan Sect has too many members, right?"

Yue Xiaochan curled her lips, pulled Xue Mu and flew in from the side, lurking behind a small hall.

Xue Mu also held her in his arms and looked through the crack in the door, feeling quite amused. The two times I spied on other people's sect affairs were both with Yue Xiaochan, which was quite fun.

But soon he stopped laughing.

This early in the morning, the hall should have been very bright, but the small hall was surrounded by black curtains, making it dark inside. There were two or three men sitting on the main seat, turning over the number plates and saying: "Next one to enter." try."

Following the words, a girl in rough clothes entered the palace. She looked like an ordinary person, but her appearance was quite attractive.

The man in charge said leisurely: "This sect is going to design a Water Margin drama, and we are recruiting supporting actors from all over the country. You should know that as long as our drama enters the Grand Theater, everyone who shows their face on the stage will immediately become famous and make money. It's rolling, and the people are looking for it. Once Leader Xue takes a liking to it, the future is limitless. Do you want to act?"

The girl looked longingly: "I think so."

"Our dramatic art must strive to be close to reality. The so-called reality means giving something, and it is inevitable to be bumped into. Are you mentally prepared?"

"I..." The girl hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Yes."

"Then let's try a show." The man walked over and stood very close to the girl. He chuckled and said, "Now I am Ximen Qing and you are Pan Jinlian..."

The girl's face turned slightly pale. She wanted to refuse but did not say anything. Instead, she lowered her head.

The man's hand slowly stretched out.

Xue Mu was furious when he saw it outside the door: "It's your grandma's fault, I haven't even started playing tricks with hidden rules yet, these bastards are actually eating this kind of soup in my name!"

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