Entertainment of Spring and Autumn

Chapter 557 This road is far away

Chapter 557: This road is far away

Xue Mu raised his head and glanced at her, and Xiao Qingwu shrank.

"But the master is very good. In the past, Xiao Xiao felt that life was boring. He even thought about giving it to the master, but the master didn't want it. Hey, now he feels that living is interesting... Just get married, Xiao Xiao said. She’s smart, beautiful, and cute, but you’re still afraid of those night fairies?”

Xue Mu glanced at her again, then turned to look at the fight. Two so-and-so were fighting.

"Master smiled obscenely and hung Xiao Xiao on the grape trellis... Xiao Xiao felt like he was going to die and screamed at the top of his lungs. It lasted for a long time, and his tears were almost dry..."

Xue Mu didn't know whether Xiao Xiao shed tears or not. He only knew that his tears were about to fall. What the hell is this!

"You don't write like this about other people! You look very understanding!"

"That's, that's the writing before I learned from Master... But I think they actually screamed very miserably..."

"Okay, okay, finally delete these meaningless things, and just end the whole text with the above sentence, leaving an open ending for readers to guess whether this Xiao Xiao can fight the goblin in the future. It's good... Xue Mu waved his hands with a headache: "Go ahead, go to Yunzhou City to find Qingqing, and ask her to help you get it serialized in a daily newspaper."

Xiao Qingwu was overjoyed: "I can really write a book!"

"Okay." Xue Mu said with a straight face: "Except for a few silly places, the overall level is very high, and I might be able to achieve good results."

Xiao Qingwu saluted happily: "Thank you, Master, for your teaching."

"I am an unqualified master and did not teach you well." Xue Mu said expressionlessly, "I will teach you slowly when I have the opportunity in the future. You listened to them screaming for a long time. It was not because of pain."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Don't be ridiculous." Xue Mu pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said: "I have nothing to do these days. I will try to write a summary of the story, and you can read the details together..."

Xiao Qingwu's eyes lit up: "Is it the tome that Master mentioned before?"

"Yes... I don't have any confidence in this book. It's too difficult... Even if I write it, I don't know how many people will appreciate it..."

"Then why did Master write it?"

"My title is enough, and I have the qualification to be willful. Even if no one reads it, it won't stop me from writing."

Xue Mu's literary reputation is more than enough... Nowadays, even if he publishes a primary school student's essay, many people are looking for it, and they self-analyze what truth is contained in it.

In fact, there are many people in the world who want to write articles in the name of "San Hao Xue Sheng". Unfortunately, there are no channels for publication. All newspaper editors are from Liumen and Xingyue Sect. It’s just like if you submitted an article to Mingpao and said that you are Jin Yong, isn’t it funny... Print the book yourself, printing workshops will not dare to help you with blind printing, Xingyue No one can bear it when Zong comes to visit.

As a result, there are still only a few copies of Miyoshi Xue Sheng's works, and many fans are eagerly waiting to see them.

Xiao Qingwu's literary debut was a meteoric rise. "Yunzhou Daily" advertised in a large space and wrote: Xiao Qingwu, the founder of Sanhao Xue Sheng and the medical fairy, is the literary debut of Xiao Qingwu, so stay tuned.

This is incredible. The founder of Sanhao Xue Sheng and the most famous medical fairy in the world, the combined explosive reaction of these two names is unparalleled, causing a sensation in the entire Yunzhou in an instant. As a result, the circulation of the newspaper increased more than ten times the next day, and it was still sold out. No matter what is written in it, even if it is just for the name, countless people are willing to take a peek.

Zhuo Qingqing is much more mature and cautious than Xiao Qingwu, and she is also qualified to check for Xue Mu's mistakes. With a stroke of a pen, he first changed the title of the book to "Courtyard Deep", and then changed all the names that easily evoked real-life associations to have no relevance. For example, the name "Xiao Xiao" was in Xiao Qingwu's heart. In tears, she changed it to "Ah Qing" and added, "This story is purely fictional."

In this way, since this article does not involve people with strong identities such as Xue Qingqiu and Xia Houdi, and no one knows that the medical fairy once felt that she was "boring to live", it is really difficult for ordinary readers to distinguish the story from reality. Connected together, it can only be regarded as a story made up by the medical fairy herself and borrowed as a master-disciple gimmick.

This story is really interesting. It actually focuses on fighting within the family and women competing for supremacy. It is definitely the first of its kind in this trend of stories that mainly focus on Jianghu legends. The angle is novel and unparalleled.

Although compared to Miyoshi Xue Sheng's own works, the format of this article is very small and limited to the story around a man, which quite a few people in the world are not interested in. But the novel angle is a big killer. There are still many people who have long been tired of watching the fighting and killing. This delicate emotional entanglement still piqued the interest of countless people. The more comfortable and stable the life, the more they feel that this The article is interesting, and female readers resonated with it very much. They all said: It is worthy of being written by a fairy, because he understands women.

As for the very dirty descriptions in it, Miyoshi Xue Sheng took the blame.

"The Medical Fairy has a desolate temperament and is independent from the world. How could she be the girl who writes dirty jokes? Needless to say, her master forced her to write this."

"That's right, those jokes look a bit familiar. Aren't they just modified from Miyoshi Xue Sheng's earlier works?"

"The Medical Fairy is also pitiful. What kind of master has she got?"

"Well, don't mention it. The level of the story is so high, the description is delicate, and it's gripping. This must be attributed to Miyoshi Xue Sheng. In fact, those lingering moments should also be in the background of this story, otherwise it would be much more boring."

"That's true. Famous teacher and disciple, the famous storyteller has added a new member."

Almost everyone in Yunzhou has a copy of "Yunzhou Daily". People are talking about this new work in the streets and alleys, and it is spreading to the surrounding areas at an extremely fast speed. The medical fairy Xiao Qingwu has opened up the small-angle house story Half the Sky, which can be regarded as a good name in the world. Yunzhou is so red that it turns purple.

At this time, the "independent" medical fairy is deeply feeling her own insignificance.

In front of Xue Mu, there is a thick stack of manuscript paper. The outline of the story and the plot setting alone contain tens of thousands of words, and they are still being filled in. The setting of each character is extremely detailed. Each character has a sentence, and the beginning and end of the life story are listed in detail, including appearance, clothing, speech and temperament, which is extremely complicated.

And every detail and every plot, foreshadowing in the previous text and echoes in the later text, allusions, metaphors, all kinds of ambushes, and the layout is thousands of miles away. It is so delicate that Xiao Qingwu feels that this is not something that can be constructed by one person's brain.

Just such an outline is worth countless times more than her article.

What's more important is that the main body of this article is mostly about the family affairs of a wealthy family, the leisure time in the boudoir, the travel orders of the garden, and the thoughts of men and women. For Xiao Qingwu, who had just finished writing the essay about fighting at home, it was even more touching in words.

Moreover, Xue Mu is still slowly thinking and filling in the information, and it’s not over yet…

It was also the first time for Xue Mu to make such a detailed outline, and he also used this to slowly sort out his memory. "Dream of Red Mansions" is not an achievement that he can complete alone. All he can do is try his best to restore the memory as much as possible without missing a single detail.

In fact, he couldn't do this before, but now that he can recall it in such detail, it still delays the blessing of breaking through the soul-returning period. The solidification of soul power means clear thinking and clear memory. Things that you once thought you had forgotten and were hidden deep in your memory can be slowly recalled and sorted out.

"The paper is full of absurd words and a handful of bitter tears. It is said that the author is an idiot, who can understand its meaning?"

Xiao Qingwu looked at it and couldn't help but be fascinated.

Zhu Chenyao came back from practicing. He looked at the master and the disciples who were so devoted in writing one after another. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Qingwu is now famous in Yunzhou. Many disciples in the valley want to express their admiration. Why don't you go out for a walk? Wait for you. You can read it after Master has finished writing."

Xiao Qingwu turned to look at her blankly, with no focus in his eyes, and murmured: "Chen Yao, do you know... I feel like a person who practices martial arts has seen He Dao. And this Dao It's so far away, but it's hard to get it even in this lifetime."

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