Chapter 182 Wei Ye

In fact, Xue Mu couldn't hurt Wei Ye, but his posture was very shameful. Wei Ye danced with his hands and feet and screamed: "You stinky Mu Mu, you took advantage of me again! You can't touch a woman's butt!"

"Cheap? You also call me a woman? Where is the woman! I'm your father outside, and I can't beat you anymore?" One after another, the whipping was very rhythmic.

Naturally, Xue Mu would not arrogantly call himself Xue Mu when he went out.

Many big bosses did not take Xue Mu seriously when he was in the capital earlier, and only regarded him as a consultant who came up with some crooked ideas. Because it was Xue Qingqiu's younger brother who appeared out of nowhere, people paid a little attention to him, but in fact he did not. Don't take it seriously. But now, after such earth-shaking changes in Lingzhou, it would be blind for others to ignore him. No matter which force, he is now regarded as the number two figure in Xingyue Sect. In the eyes of some people like Xia Houdi, he is simply the number one person.

Of course, the opponents of Xingyue Sect are either the overlord of one party or the lord of a country. They have many things to consider and are very cautious. They will not easily consider killing something that triggers Xingyue Sect's crazy revenge, so Xue Mu is still safe in Lingzhou. But since you are away from home, "accidents" will increase, which is different from staying in Lingzhou. If he publicly announced that Xue Mu had left Lingzhou and attracted the attention of all parties, he would be looking for trouble.

So while he declared to thank guests behind closed doors in the city lord's mansion, he changed his name to Mu Xue, pretended to be a young master, and took his daughter on a trip. The eight personal guard girls were too conspicuous to follow, so Zhuo Qingqing and Luo Qianxue followed them disguised as wives and concubines, while the other six dispersed and went their separate ways to serve as outposts. For a twenty-seven-year-old young man, it is quite normal to have two wives and a daughter. This kind of traveling with a family will not attract anyone's attention. After all, not all sects are engaged in intelligence, and most people don't know that Xue Mu has gone out.

Of course, Xue Mu didn't know that Qin Wuye was always looking for opportunities from a distance behind her. With Wei Ye by her side, she didn't dare to act rashly.

It is also quite fun to enjoy the scenery of this world along the way, and to enjoy the mountains and rivers leisurely. Occasionally, if you encounter troubles such as robbery, you can show the six-door gold medal to show that you are a six-door official working incognito, and basically the trouble will go away automatically. It has been nearly ten days since I came out, and the journey has been very safe and leisurely. The only trouble is that this stinky daughter is too good at causing trouble.

She has the temperament of a child, and her mind is pure and flawless. She will not hide her thoughts in a roundabout way like an adult. When she sees someone who is unhappy, she will easily show it to others or even have a direct attack. Even if she hides it, it will be a child-like concealment, just like the scene just now. Who with eyesight can't see that there is something weird about this little girl?

I don’t know how much trouble this has caused. At this time, Xue Mu can completely confirm that it was definitely not Feng Lieyang who caused her to be implicated in the south. Even if it wasn’t the other way around, it was her who was involved in the conflict. That's right, we can't let Feng Lieyang take this pot...

The impression of that cute and cute loli was overturned within ten days and turned into a naughty child.

No wonder Xue Qingqiu said before that this guy was unreliable and was hesitant to let her go south together. Before coming out, he specifically gave Xue Mu the power to beat her at any time. No wonder I saw Xue Qingqiu beating her often without mercy. At that time, I thought she was my stepmother, but it turns out she is my best friend...

The sound of a spanking filled the room, and the escort girls seemed to be used to it. They took off their wet raincoats and left them to dry. Their mature and exquisite curves bloomed one after another, filling the room with fragrance. But when the scene is accompanied by the father beating his daughter, all the beauty is gone.

Wei Ye screamed: "Senior sister asked you to punish me, but I didn't ask you to spank me!"

Xue Mu was furious, and the two women around him looked at him strangely.

Xue Mu dared to spank her again. He threw her on the bed in anger. He looked around at the strange looks in Zhuo Qingqing's eyes and jumped in anger: "You think so too?"

Luo Qianxue said in a cool tone: "There is only one room, and it will be your wife..."

"Isn't that for outsiders to hear? I always feel like you have a deep misunderstanding of me!"

"There is no misunderstanding. Everyone thinks that General Manager Xue has slept all over the Xingyue Sect. Where is the misunderstanding?"

"Isn't this just a misunderstanding! Don't you know whether I slept or not?"

"Hmph..." Of course, in reality, he was just teasing this prude.

On the bed, Wei Ye was wailing and pretending to cry: "Dad is beating someone, I can't live a good life..."

Seeing a noisy scene, Xue Mu pinched his head with a headache: "I feel that life is really unbearable... Can there be some normal people who can communicate!"

Finally, Zhuo Qingqing was more reliable. She looked at the wine brought by the waiter on the table, poured a glass and tested it, and said with a smile: "It's not poisonous, it's just mixed with water."

Then he handed a cup to Xue Mu and said with a smile: "She is still a little girl. It is understandable that she can't keep it off her face after being told something."

Wei Ye smiled brightly: "Yes, Sister Qingqing still loves people. That stinky Mu Mu clearly agrees with what that person said..."

Xue Mu said helplessly: "Even if you want to teach him a lesson, won't you use other methods? Forget it, it's hard for you to expect your brain circuits to come up with any clever plans."

"What kind of ingenuity does a rural town need?" Zhuo Qingqing crossed her arms and said, "If the young master hadn't insisted on experiencing the rivers and lakes, we would have flown you over these few miles of rivers. As for squeezing a room here?"

"You don't know that." Xue Mu laughed, stood up and opened the window.

The wooden window creaked, and the night wind blew in, bringing with it large raindrops, hitting the windowsill and splashing happily. The voices of the drinkers downstairs were melodious, the lanterns were shaking, the mist was swaying, and the boats on the river in the distance were swaying in the wind and rain. The heavy rain fell on the river, and there was a symphony of pattering.

"This is Jianghu!" Xue Mu let out a long breath: "How beautiful."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, really unable to see what was so beautiful about this.

Xue Mu took the wine, raised his head and drank it down in one gulp, wiped the corners of his mouth, and hummed a ballad leisurely: "A lonely boat is moored in a certain moonlit house, and the wind blows the lantern. Every table tells rumors about the world, and the drinkers always take it seriously." I have no roots in the ups and downs of the troubled times, but I am happy all my life because I have wine and sword with me..."

Zhuo Qingqing, Luo Qianxue all stood up straight from their idle reclining state in surprise, and even Weiye sat up straight from the bedside, staring at Xue Mu's back in front of the window with her big eyes blinking.

Zhuo Qingqing sighed: "The Jianghu in your heart is really different."

"What?" Xue Mu turned around and smiled: "Isn't that the case?"

Zhuo Qingqing smiled slightly: "Sometimes it is, but... most of the time it is not."

Xue Mu laughed and said: "Never mind it, it's such a beautiful scenery right now, so there's no harm in delaying it all night. Come, let's have a drink! Call for some more good dishes!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel a bit like the rain hitting the duckweeds, and they all drank with a smile. Wei Ye didn't drink, and tilted her neck to look at Xue Mu: "After Mu Mu came out, it was different from what he was at home. Mu Mu who was drinking and singing, and Mu Mu who was strategizing... No wonder he always wanted to go south, he must have been so depressed before. "

Xue Mu glared: "You are the most different one after you come out! You have to pay for my well-behaved Weiye!"

Weiye smiled and said, "So let's run away together."

Xue Mu was startled, and he also tilted his head to look at her. Their movements and expressions were very synchronized. Xue Mu knew what Wei Ye wanted to escape. It was not that she was irresponsible and ignored her sect, but that this anti-humanity technique prevented her from being a normal person.

After a while, Xue Mu sighed a little: "I don't want to escape, I just came out to have fun. You can't escape either, your senior sister has it harder than anyone else."

Weiye pursed her lips: "I know."

Xue Mu asked again: "Would you like a drink?"

Weiye shook his head slightly: "I can't drink."

"Why? Aren't you a woman who calls herself twenty-four?"

"Because if I get drunk...this beautiful world in your heart will instantly turn into hell."

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