said: “Looking at these children, they seem to have no worries, everything is so simple.”

Xu Jiuguang also looked at the children and responded with a smile: “Yes, Kunkun, children The world is always full of infinite possibilities and hopes. But we must also remember that everyone was once such a child, full of dreams and determination. But in the process of growing up, we may encounter setbacks and difficulties, but This does not mean that we cannot continue to pursue our dreams.”

Kun Kun nodded to express understanding, and then asked: “Brother Guang, what do you think success looks like?”

Xu Jiuguang thought for a moment and replied: “Success, yes For everyone, it may mean different things. For me, success is not only realizing dreams, but also including inner satisfaction and contribution to society. When you can use your own efforts to influence and change the people and people around you Things, that is a kind of success.”

Kunkun nodded thoughtfully, “I understand that success is not only personal achievement, but also includes the impact and contribution to others. We must work hard to make our success more than just personal success. not only the glory of the country, but also the progress of society.”

Their conversation was full of profound thinking and resonance. As they continue to walk on the sunny streets, their determination becomes stronger. They know that no matter how many unknowns lie ahead, they will persevere, move forward courageously, and pursue their own path to success.

Along the way, they met all kinds of people and things. Some people gave them encouragement and support, and some things caused them to encounter challenges and difficulties. But whether it is joy or difficulty, they accept and cherish it, because these experiences are valuable assets on their way forward.

Finally, they came to a new city, which was a new starting point in their adventure. The city’s high-rise buildings, busy streets, and diverse cultures filled them with curiosity and longing.

Chapter 205 High-rise Building

Xu Jiuguang looked at the skyline of this new city and couldn’t help but sigh: “Look at these high-rise buildings, the speed of development here is really amazing. People here must have very high pursuits and expectations for success.” Kun Kun was also

cited Shocked by the prosperity of this city, “Yes, but I think that although people here live at a fast pace and the competition is fierce, the true meaning of success will not change due to the external environment.” Xu Jiuguang nodded in agreement

, “You’re right. Real success is not about comparison or recognition from the outside world, but about one’s own inner satisfaction and contribution to society. We should maintain our original aspirations and not be fooled by the outside world.” The two of them walked and chatted, gradually getting deeper into each other

. The central area of the city. There are a dazzling array of shops on both sides of the street, and all kinds of people come and go.

Just then, a little girl stumbled over, her face full of tears. “Auntie, uncle, can you help me? I can’t find my mother.” She cried.

Xu Jiuguang and Kunkun immediately stopped and squatted down to comfort the little girl, “Don’t be afraid, don’t cry, we will definitely help you find your mother. Do you still remember where your mother lost it?” The little girl tried

hard He wiped away his tears and said with sobs: “I…I don’t remember. I only remember that I saw a very nice toy, and then I ran over to look at it. When I turned around, my mother was gone.” Kun

Kun Feeling sympathetic, “Don’t be afraid, we will help you find your mother. Do you remember your mother’s mobile phone number? We can call her.” The little

girl shook her head, “I don’t remember.”

Xu Jiuguang thought about it I thought and said to Kunkun: “Let’s take her to the nearest police station. The uncles and aunts there will definitely help us find her mother.”

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Kunkun nodded in agreement, and they took the little girl to the nearest police station.

On the way, Xu Jiuguang said to the little girl: “Look, although you are encountering difficulties now, with us here, everything will be fine. This is what we just said, success is not only a personal matter, but also a personal matter. The help and contribution of others.”

The little girl raised her head, with tears in her eyes, “Thank you, aunt, thank you, uncle.”

Kun Kun smiled softly, “No need to thank us, this is what we should do. I hope you will do the same in the future It can help people in need.”

In the end, they successfully found the police station with the little girl. The police uncle helped contact the little girl’s mother. Soon after, the little girl and her mother hugged each other happily.

Xu Jiuguang and Kunkun left the police station in a particularly happy mood. Xu Jiuguang said: “Today’s experience has once again verified our previous thoughts. Success is indeed not just personal achievement, but also includes helping others and contributing to society.” Kunkun nodded seriously, “Yes

, I feel that although what we did today is very small, it is very important to the little girl and her mother. This feels so good.” The sun went down slowly, and the two of them were in this

strange and warm city. found his own path to success. They understand that success is not a destination, but a state of mind, a love for life and contribution to society. No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, they will carry this philosophy with them and move forward bravely to pursue their dreams and success.

Chapter 206 Night gradually falls

Xu Jiuguang and Kunkun continued to walk on the busy streets of this new city. As night fell, the neon lights of high-rise buildings gradually lit up, illuminating the entire city. Their conversations also became more in-depth, exploring different facets and perspectives of success.

Kunkun stared at a particularly tall skyscraper and thought about his dream, “Xu Jiuguang, what do you think success looks like?”

Xu Jiuguang stared into the distance, as if recalling his own experience, “Success is important to everyone. Everyone has different definitions. For me, success is a kind of inner peace and satisfaction. When you are doing something you love, no matter what the results are, you can feel happy.” Kunkun nodded to express understanding

. , “So, what about external achievements and recognition? In this city, many people seem to pursue fame, fortune and social status.”

Xu Jiuguang replied with a smile: “Of course fame, fortune and status have their value, but they are only part of success. If If you only pursue external things and ignore the inner happiness, you may end up feeling empty. Success should not just be for others to see, but also for your own growth and progress.” Kunkun considered this point of view,

” I understand that success should be a comprehensive concept, including inner satisfaction and external achievements. Moreover, different people’s paths to success will be different.” Xu Jiuguang added: “Yes,

everyone We have our own unique life trajectory. We may encounter setbacks and difficulties on the road to success, but it is these challenges that shape us and make us stronger. The key is to keep moving forward and not forget the original intention.” Kun Kun said

thoughtfully : “I think success is also related to social contribution. If we can make a positive contribution to society, then success will be more meaningful.”

Xu Jiuguang nodded in agreement, “Yes, social contribution is an important component of success. Part. Whether it is through charity activities, volunteer work, or through innovation and entrepreneurship, we can all contribute to society. This not only makes us proud, but also makes the world a better place.” They continued to stroll, passing a busy

family Operating small restaurant. Kunkun suddenly asked: “Xu Jiuguang, do you think there is any relations

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