"The fourth uncle was drunk to the ground by this big brother!"

The little girl's voice echoed in the courtyard.

Everyone cast venomous looks at Gu Lin.

The situation was very embarrassing for a time.

Reba wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Just sit down and sit down if you come to enjoy the banquet. You You have to do unnecessary things.

Now, you have disturbed the important part of the wedding.

If the bride is angry because of this, it will cause the newlyweds to quarrel. What a sin!

Behind Lin, he patted his shoulder and said,"Gu Lin, something is wrong, run away now!"

"What are you running for? What a cowardly act!"Gu Lin chuckled.

"Now the host still thinks we are guests, so he is not angry. It would be hard to tell if we found out that we were just here to grab a seat. Reba rationally analyzed

"It's okay, you forgot, I am a singer after all, and I can barely cope with the work in the opera class. After saying that

, Gu Lin bent down and looked at the little girl who was shouting enthusiastically,"Kid, what kind of instrument does your fourth uncle play in the troupe?" The little girl frowned and thought for a while,"Hmm... I can't remember what it's called either." It's just a big, noisy trumpet, the kind that is often blown when someone is dying. Hearing this

, Gu Lin nodded slightly,"Oh~ Suona, right?""

"It seems to be called this.

Reba immediately asked:"Then can you play?" Suona. Gu

Lin smiled and said,"I may need to get better at other instruments, but I am very good at this suona.""

Music instruments are something that you know everything about.

As long as you have a solid knowledge of music theory, you can basically play all instruments. The rest is just a matter of proficiency.

Gu Lin was originally worried that if it were other instruments, he would not be able to master them for a while.. But

Suona is different.

He happened to have received a system award for master-level Suona playing skills.

"Really? Reba said happily.

In the past, she would have reasonably suspected Gu Lin of bragging.

But now, she actually felt that it was not strange for Gu Lin to know how to play the suona.

Gu Lin nodded, then got up and walked towards where the opera class was. ,"Make up for the work.""

Reba and 'Teacher Chen' who was in charge of filming followed immediately.

Now the leader of the theater troupe is almost dying.

According to local customs, the bride must play joy when she enters the house.

The louder the joy, the more lively it is. The people are getting more and more prosperous.

The music played in Xiyin refers to the eight musical instruments, erhu, yueqin, suona, throat, etc.

Now that the suona is missing, the music can still be played, but the effect is bound to be different. Big discount.

What else can be done?

Who let the young man from out of town drink it up?

The bride will be here soon, so I can only act bravely.

"Uncle, where is the fourth uncle’s suona?"

When the troupe leader was getting anxious, a young man suddenly asked.

At first glance, it turned out that this was the guy who did the bad things.

"What do you want to do?"

The troupe leader asked angrily.

He wanted to get angry at the young man, but due to the way he treated guests, he had to endure it.

"Well, my fourth uncle and I agreed that I would take his place this time."

Anyway, the fourth uncle was already drunk and unconscious.

Gu Lin had the final right to explain the lie.

The troupe leader looked at Gu Lin dubiously,"You can also play the suona?"


"Xiao Chen, bring the fourth suona and give it to this young man to try."

The troupe leader said with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living doctor.

After getting the suona, Gu Lin reached out to Reba,"Give me a mask, I don't want to kiss my fourth uncle indirectly."

Reba smiled softly and took out a mask from her pocket and gave it to him.

Gu Lin took a deep breath and blew the suona through the mask.

Tick-tick-tick-tick... the sharp but not harsh sound of the suona sounded in the courtyard. Echoed, instantly attracting everyone's attention

"Can this suona play so beautifully?"

"The fourth son's whistle sounded like a pig's braying. I thought all suonas were like that."

"This handsome guy is extraordinary."

The expression on the troupe leader's face changed from doubtful to full surprise, and he excitedly said to others:

"Birds of prey are paying homage to the phoenix! This guy is playing like a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix!"

Gu Lin did not continue to show off his skills, and stopped at the right time after playing a short section.

He smiled and said:"Uncle, you don't have to worry now, do you?"

"Don't worry, don't worry anymore, you take the place of the fourth child, and it actually adds a lot to the glory."

The troupe leader was very happy, but then he looked embarrassed,"It's just that what we are performing here is 'Qiongzhou Bayin', and I didn't know you could play it?"

"It's okay, just play the tune with the erhu in your hand, and I should be able to play it."

Gu Lin said confidently.

It's not surprising that he could do such a thing with his 'absolute sense of pitch'

"true and false?"The troupe leader was surprised and happy.


"Okay, then you remember, this first song is a wedding song,"One Ingot of Gold"》"

——【Brother Linzi actually knows how to play the suona, and he even played"A Hundred Birds Pay Attention to the Phoenix" together. It's so cool!】

——【Now I don't find it strange what he can do.】

——【Brother Linzi's main focus is to have many skills but not to overwhelm himself!】

——【The saying that craftsmen will never die of hunger in lean years is absolutely true.】

——【People who were holding"concerts" yesterday are holding weddings and weddings in the countryside today (holding up their foreheads and laughing), what a contrast!】

——【But can he really memorize so many songs in such a short period of time?】

——【Put away your doubts! who is he? Brother Linzi!】


When Gu Lin listened to the erhu tunes, his mind naturally transformed into the suona score.

In just ten minutes, he had memorized three new tunes.

When the troupe leader finished playing the fourth piece, someone shouted from outside the door:"People have arrived at the entrance of the village, why haven't the troupe come yet!"

The troupe leader hurriedly asked:"Have you remembered it?"

Before Gu Lin could wait In reply, he added:"Forget it, forget it. In such a short time, you can remember the tune but you are not good at playing it. It's better not to play the suona.""

"Everyone else hurry up and come to the door with me."

The musicians of the troupe hurriedly arranged their formation.

Soon, the wedding car arrived and the couple stepped out.

The groom was wearing a black suit, while the bride was wearing a bright red Chinese Xiuhe suit.

A classic combination of Chinese and Western styles.

Although their clothes don’t match, the smiles on their faces are indeed the same and they are equally happy.

"The bride comes in, music is played!"

The master of ceremonies shouted loudly

…… no response!

The people in the troupe looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all confused.

The class leader cursed in his heart:"Damn it, I forgot that this"One Ingot of Gold" starts with Suona. We haven't rehearsed other versions, how can we start now? We shouldn't have wasted time teaching that young man just now.""

"Play, play music!"

The emcee shouted again.

There was still no movement from the troupe.

Neighbors who came to the banquet began to chatter.

The leader gritted his teeth and his heart went crazy.

He just played the erhu once. It depends on whether everyone can follow. Good luck.


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