The third day was busy early in the morning.

Because of the party in the afternoon.

The children went shopping together on the pretext of helping Seo Hyena. The reason why the children who have been keeping up is a fantasy,

"Oh, that looks delicious."

Ever since Mike showed interest in biscuits.

Nicholas's ears perked up when he heard the soft words. Seeing Nicholas' eyes unable to leave the fast food area, Xu Huina said with a smile.

She didn't expect what would happen in the future at all. wrote a bad check

"You can put whatever you want to eat in it!"

With Xu Huina's permission, Nicholas, who had never played before in his life, began to load cookies into the shopping cart.


Xu Huina regretted it a little

"that! Said it was a new cookie!"

I thought you went over there.

"Wow! look at this!"

I cheered up and saw that I was running to the other side.

Seo Hye-na was running around with her hair flying. She couldn't relax.

Because she kept cheering up, Seo Hye-na melted softly on the sofa when she got home.

Dohyun I was originally a quiet child, but I didn’t feel it during this period, but raising a child at this time is like a war.

"But Dohyun still looks good when he looks like a child……"

The idea did not last to the end

"Let me help you! Oh, ugh!"


In order to sort out the long distance, Chen was stared at by the material that suddenly fell to the ground.


With a brief exclamation, he quietly raised his gaze and squinted at the sofa where Xu Huina was hanging down.

His eyes were fixed on Xu Huina, who was already looking here, and her eyes were rolling.

"Haha... accidentally……"

He wrinkled his freckles, raised the corners of his mouth cutely, and smiled softly.

Xu Huina originally didn't want to say anything about her coquettish behavior. She got off the sofa and smoothed Zhen's hair.

"no problem, no problem. Just reinstall it. See, there's no such thing as bad food."

Xu Huina picked up the things that fell everywhere and put them on the table.

Qin was a little embarrassed. She tied her hair up with her fingers, untied it, and sighed.

"What trouble?"

Mike looked at the formation with very chilling eyes.

Also known as"A-The beginning and cause of the"mart incident" shook her head, Xu Huina laughed and smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, look, you have to catch this before taking it out"

"What's so good about pulse?……"

Jane's voice trailed off.

At some point, Mike was moving back and forth, tidying things up neatly. Xu Huina was amazed by her skillful appearance.

Facing people's surprised reactions, Mike showed a faint expression of relief and simply stood up with his arms folded.

Jack of all trades.

Jack of all trades!

As soon as Mike moved his hands, the materials were organized neatly.

Xu Huina stopped her and even wanted to clean up, so she went to Xin Ketai to wash the vegetables cleanly.

All actions are made without hesitation and determination

"Come on, did you do well?"

Jean corrected her words.

During the slumber party, Jane felt that Mike was completely comfortable.

At first, she thought he was a bit difficult to get close to, but the relationship was gentler than expected, and his personality was also very pleasant.

Not only that, The careless look we often see is more like a childish way of not wanting to care than really not caring. The symptoms are a bit like worshiping cool Nicholas

"Are all boys like this?"

Jane was a little surprised.

Seeing Daoxian who didn't see any bravado or childishness at all, he nodded. Those two people seemed to be particularly childish.

Unknowingly, Mike fell to the same position as Nicholas in Jane's heart.

So now look The appearance was quite unexpected.

The unexpected maturity made Jean raise his pulse to a higher level in the same position as Nicholas. Mike, who had no idea what Jean was thinking, moved hard.

"Can you still cook?"

As soon as Daoxian asked, Mike replied listlessly.

"Just simple."

It's not a big deal," Mike replied,"but to Do-hyun, it looks like a big deal.""

Dohyun seems to have a renewed pulse.

Although I know you have always wanted to be an older brother to me...

I'm sorry for Mike, but for Dohyun, he often feels like a younger brother than his brother.

It may also be because of his different personality. Straightforward and whispering.

But today I feel a bit like an older brother.

Mike wanted to work a little longer, but Seo Hye-na, who didn’t want the children to work, resolutely persuaded her to stay and sent her upstairs.

The children were driven downstairs (?) like this

"Hmm...what to do now?"

"Going to the attic?"

"ah! By the way, show Mike the painting!"

Hearing what Nicholas said, Daoxian asked, and Chen agreed.

"Such great painting ability?"

Well! Come on, come on.

Jane and Nicholas dragged their pulses to the attic with excited expressions.

Mike's ridiculous defense was ignored, and he said:"As long as I go by myself, why drag it on?"

Mike, who was dragged here like a sinner, smacked his lips at the view of the attic.

"Was this...done by Dolly?"

There was doubt in his words.

Sometimes, he would also draw some flowers or other things, but most of all the paintings showed the appearance of a man.

It was not as realistic as the photos, nor was it particularly delicate.

But it attracted people's attention..

Mike is not very interested in art works. Even if he goes to a very famous art museum, he will definitely yawn more often than sigh.

But Doxian’s paintings are not boring. Not boring, and they are fun to watch. Just for this reason It was enough to surprise Mike.

Seeing Mike's disbelief, Jane and Nicholas wiped their noses, very relieved.

Mike asked in a speechless tone

"Why are you proud?"

"Because Dolly is my friend!"

Dohyun looked at the two of them with a frown, and his face showed a very good pulse.

"But who is this person?"

"He said he was the brother that Dohyun liked!"

It was Nicholas who answered Mike's words on behalf of Dohyun.

Mike looked a little confused.

"Even if you like someone no matter how much you like them, would they usually draw like this?"

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a somewhat unique sight. In this regard, Mike wants to ask something,

"Dolly! I want to paint on canvas! Can I try it?"

Qin said loudly


"Um! Don’t we still have time? Let’s draw and play!"

"All right? Nikki... seems to like it, how about Mike?"

"Um? I?"

Mike asked reflexively, and Daoxian nodded.

"All right."

I have never drawn except for school art classes, but various drawing tools and paper sizes were hanging down, and my hands seemed to be itching.

Mike unknowingly forgot the question he wanted to ask.

Just like that, four children were at a party Before the time came, she lay down with her belly on the loft and drew and played.

Seo Hye-na, who came to call the children, saw that the children's hands were stained with paint and graphite, so she pushed them into the toilet.

The children waited until they were dry Only when your hands are clean can you go downstairs.


"Ah, it rang again! I'll open it!"

Jin ran to open the door.

As time passed, starting from Leon and Roxana who were the first to arrive, people began to gather together one by one.

"Jin! is it going well?"

Brianna hugged Jane excitedly. Qin smiled and wrapped her arms around Brianna's neck.

Brianna raised the formation and greeted Xu Huina

"We met for the second time! Hello!"

Okay, nice to meet you. Thank you for coming

"Hey, I appreciate the party! Everyone does it. Brianna smiled cheekily as she entered the house.

Brianna happily greeted every child in sight.

"What a nice house, Dolly!"

I heard Chen and Nicholas calling Daoxian, and unknowingly they were the ones from the photography team, calling Daoxian Daoxian.

People arrived one after another. Although they had only met after a few days, Daoxian had a joyful smile on his face.

"haven't seen you for a long time! Did the shoot go well? Ah, I wanted to go see it! I had to take care of my nephew that day, so I couldn't go."

Hearing Arbery's words, Mike said with a regretful expression.

"You'll be shocked if you see it, it's so awesome"

"What, are there so many? Arbery snorted regretfully.

"Wouldn’t it be okay to watch a movie from now on?"

"Even though that...but it's different from that. So how was that day? Tell me about it."

The children answered Arbery's question excitedly.

They felt embarrassed that everyone was gathering together to tell their stories in front of them, and they felt the stinging gaze from somewhere.

Turn around.

"Finally saw it!"

Haley's expression was filled with anger.

Haley came straight to Dohyun. Haley who greeted happily was with Brown

"Where's Willy?"

"he? I don’t know, it seems like he’s not coming."

Brown answered absently to Dohyun's question.

Later, all the people arrived.

Li Yan, who was chatting with Seo Huina on the side, gathered around the people.

First of all, thank you to Huina for throwing the party. It was a perfect party.

Everyone Let’s applaud Leon’s greetings.

Seo Huina smiled calmly and said: I hope everyone enjoys it.

"It was my first time making a movie as a director, and there were a lot of shortcomings, but because of everyone, it was able to end successfully. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart."

Leon said seriously.

Everyone looked at them facing each other for several months and felt relieved, regretful and relieved.

The march that was long and short was over.

"Everyone believed in the strange director and followed me. Thank you for your hard work."

Leon's words made everyone laugh.

There was no sentence content, only the core content. They may feel insincere, but at least they are not from here.

When they found that Leon's eyes were slightly red, they choked and closed them. He pursed his lips or suppressed a smile.

Leon looked around.

It wasn't just a smooth day when making a movie.

There were countless NG shots. There were moments when the shooting was delayed, and there were moments when problems occurred because of picking up the wrong props. There were moments where ordinary people passed by and I had to bow and apologize.

In addition, there were many difficult moments.

But looking back later, I was really tired at the time, and these things made people laugh.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Starting from Lyon's cabin

"Thank you for your hard work!"

"Really happy!"

Everyone said something.

In the end, Li Yan turned his attention to where the two leading actors were.

Thinking about it again, it was fate to meet Daoxian. Moreover, the unreasonable Mike did better than expected..Liam gave another choked dry cough, and Roxanne chuckled quietly.

The party was fun.

The adults each had a glass of wine in their hands, and the children had mocktails in their hands.

Li Yan was talking about the first time with Do Hyun. The day we met

"It surprised me that! No matter who it is, it will happen! I didn’t expect that the arrogant kid was an acting genius!"

Drunk Liam said with a blush.

"There was a kid carrying a bag that looked bigger than my body. A person appeared. I thought it was something.……"

It was time for Li Yan to continue talking with a smile.

"Wait, alone?"

Avery interrupted Leon.

"Dohyun...I heard that he is in the second grade of elementary school now, right?"

"Yes, that's right"

"That kid is running around alone……?"

Roseanne's answer made Arbery look surprised. Dohyun, who realized something was wrong, looked at the two people, and Roxanne said in a serious tone

"When I heard this story, of course I thought he was with his guardian... Leon, is the child really alone?"

"Anthracene? anthracene……"

"Oh my God! Then you should find a guardian or call the police!"

Roxana was startled and yelled.

Listening to their accusations and censures, Leon looked a little aggrieved.

In fact, Leon was not the kind of person without common sense. At first, Leon didn't know if he was the boss..

But in addition to the unique calm atmosphere in Daoxian at that time, there was also a foggy and hazy atmosphere.

It was not a high-pitched voice of a child, but a slightly lower and calm tone, which was also a factor that aggravated the misunderstanding.

Although Daoxian's appearance seemed Very young, but don’t Asians generally look younger than me? Li Yan also had the experience of being shocked when he heard that an Asian was 30 years old. He thought he was a minor.

So, Tao As long as Xian puts aside his prejudice against appearance, he is definitely a child who cannot be seen at that age!

Said with a little grievance, Roxana looked at Leon as if she were looking at a very ugly person

"What about when signing a contract? That's it then, right?"


Liam hit the nail on the head.

He naturally knew Dohyun's age when signing the contract.

But because it was already in the past, Liam, who had forgotten all about it, thought, it turned out that he was still very young. It passed simply like this.

When Liam flinched, Seo Hyena, who was startled by what Arbery said, showed a very confused expression.

"That kind of...ah, how could I forget!"

I don't know how surprised I am, my voice trembled subtly.

I know that the United States is very sensitive to the safety of children, but I have been busy with other issues during this time and can't even think of this.

Dohyun, who looked at Xu Huina's panic, said calmly

"I forgot too. I was the one who said I wanted to go out alone. It's a thing of the past, don't worry about it."

Hearing Dohyun's words, Seo Hyena's expression became more melancholy and she apologized with a guilty voice.

"……It’s comfort, why is it counterproductive?"

The panicked Do-hyun said it didn't matter several times, which made Seo Hye-na calm down. But she was also relieved inside.

"lucky."Fortunately, I only walked a secluded road and didn't meet many people."

If she walked alone on a street with a large floating population, my mother might be investigated at the police station.

It's a little creepy to think that way.

Dohyun shook his shoulders slightly and smiled faintly at his mother again.

……I don’t know why my mother’s face turned worse.

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