You can also act?

This is probably the voice of everyone after hearing Su Bai say that he was acting.

A person looked at Su Bai with suspicion.

But on a little thought.

One by one, they showed a smile of 'got it'.

Su Bai is just an agent, has he ever studied acting? Besides, he also said that it was just a cameo, so they didn't need to make a fuss.

A cameo role in a small role may be just a few lines.

It's a performance that can be performed by everyone!

Nothing surprising.

"Okay! I didn't expect Su Bai to become an actor now! It's really good, there are more and more achievements. "

Teacher Huang praised him, but this compliment, no matter how you think about it, has some ridicule.

Hear the words.

Teacher He nodded, very serious: "If you can't find a job in the future, being an actor is also a way out, you are still quite far-sighted! I understand you, Su Bai." "

The words of the two spoke the hearts of the audience.

After all, Su Bai's image of being a good person and a happy person has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, if it weren't for Su Bai being so serious, they would still think that Su Bai was here to live.


The actors of the embroidered spring knife crew looked at each other, not knowing whether to say peace or not, and the back was even wetter.

The bigwigs talked, teasing each other, and they really didn't dare to interject!

Even Su Bai, who has a good relationship with them.

In private, when Su Bai has a cold face, they will not touch Su Bai's brows! This is a top agent, don't dare to interject, really don't dare to interject.

'Why don't you talk to Mr. Huang?'

Zhang Zhen opened his mouth, but quickly closed it again, choosing that it was none of his business.

Others don't know Su Bai's acting skills.

He knows.

It's a bit too much to describe as a genius! But, with a little training, you can definitely become an excellent actor.

I still remember that the Spring Festival had just passed eight months ago.

Su Bai

took Reba to the crew and was asked by the director to play a cameo role, which can be regarded as an exchange of favors, and the director also wants to get into a relationship with Su Bai, and rely on Su Bai to find investors in the future.


None of them, including the director, took Su Bai's cameo appearance as Ding Xiu seriously.

On the first day of filming Ding Xiu's scene, Su Bai cut several in a row, and everyone couldn't close their mouths when they laughed, and the director also thought that Su Bai really couldn't act, and he made Su Bai owe a big favor.


The next day, Su

Bai's performance was completely different, and he improved by leaps and bounds overnight, although he was still a little reluctant to play Ding Xiu, but you must know that Su Bai always said the wrong lines the day before!

On the third day, Su Bai consulted the old-timers in the crew, Mr. Jin, who played Wei Zhongxian.

The whole person is like a new life.

The role of Ding Xiu was interpreted by him very well! The kind of gangsterism that sees money and is a gangster in the market is really impressive!

is like this, and then for the action scene, he accompanied Reba to learn national martial arts with a martial arts instructor.

to the end.

The director doubted life, and felt that he was not letting Su Bai owe favors, but asking Su Bai to return the favors that he had won for Reba's role!

recalled all kinds of Su Bai's performance in the crew.

Zhang Zhen shuddered.

Li Xuedong and Wang Qianyuan also had the same feeling as Zhang Zhen, and the three of them glanced at Su Bai, Huang Lei, and Teacher He, not knowing what to say.


Huang Lei and Teacher He are still joking about Su Bai's acting skills.

Knowing that the two of them had no malicious intentions, they were just teasing each other, Su Bai didn't refute it, and for the sake of the live broadcast effect, he made his own jokes with the three of them.

The entire live broadcast room was overjoyed.

Between old friends who don't have a shelf, it is pleasant to watch by teasing each other and revealing the old bottom.



The staff took a USB drive and hurriedly found the director, panting.

"Director, this is a temporary trailer from the crew of the embroidered spring knife, they want us to implant it on the show!".


Hear from the staff.

The director couldn't help but be stunned, and with some embarrassment, he took the USB disk in his hand, frowning.

It's not that you can't put it!


Now in the live broadcast, they have to discuss when it is most appropriate, and when Su Bai, Teacher He, and Huang Lei are teasing each other, they suddenly let the three of them divert the topic and say, 'Please enjoy the trailer of the embroidered spring knife below'.

He is the director of the life he yearns for, not the director of the

embroidered spring knife, and everything must be considered first about the ratings of the life he yearns for.

"I'll take a look first, you contact the director of the embroidered spring knife crew, I will definitely put it on today!".

The director spoke, waving his hand to disperse the staff.


program on the Xiuchun Knife crew is of a promotional nature, and it is necessary to advertise! There is a preset agreement on the duration of the advertisement and the amount of playback.

They and Liu Sisi came over to run the announcement, which is two different things.

The embroidered spring knife is paid! It's not much, it's only a few million! But for the longing life that has always been shy and keen to invite big-name stars, these millions are really useful!

And Liu Sisi purely came to help the program team increase her popularity, and the program team had to lose money to her.

I have to listen to the words of the gold owner!

The director muttered and took the USB drive into the simple tent.

Inside the tent, there are rows of machines, some are connected to various cameras, some are relayed live broadcasts, and so on.

In this mechanical cluster.

The director pulled out a laptop and was ready to look at the trailer before putting it in a time slot!

Plug the USB drive into your computer.

Open the USB drive.

There is only a small three-minute video in the USB drive.

Mouse buttons are a tap on this little video.

The Ming Dynasty of the year, appeared in front of him, the layout was very good, with a sentence of narration, a character with love and hatred, appeared in the trailer, this trailer is full of attraction.

"Who is my father-in-law going to kill?!".

"Beizhen Fusi Xiaoqi Officer: Jin Yichuan!".

"Who?!Doesn't my father-in-law know that he is my junior brother?".

"Someone like you cares about that?"

"My father-in-law misunderstood, this person is my dear relatives and friends, brothers and sisters!

Accompanied by the last dialogue.

The director's eyes gradually widened, looking at the greasy, gangster, sinister and cunning figure on the computer screen, and froze in place.


Is this person Su Bai?


Mushroom House.

Huang Lei, Teacher He, and Su Bai ended the ridicule of the relationship between acting skills and temporarily stopped the topic.

"To be honest, Su Bai, if you really want to learn acting in the future, you can find me! I can teach you how to act. "

Liu Sisi couldn't bear it, patted his friend's shoulder, straightened his chest and was confident: "Although my acting skills are not very good, I have also been an actor for nearly ten years! "


Su Bai was stunned,

glanced at Liu Sisi, who was praised by everyone as a vase, was stunned, couldn't help smiling, and nodded: "Yes." "

The kindness of a friend.

He can still hear it!

Although, she is confident, even arrogant, but ...... It doesn't matter, he didn't plan to learn acting with her.

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